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Duplooy- Cilliers and Olivier’s communication model

Communication is a complex process whereby information or ideas are being exchanged.

Communication can be verbal or non- verbal communication. Duplooy and Olivier’s
communication model is different from other models of communication like Lasswell's
model of communication and Shannon Weaver's model of communication as it breaks
down the communication process and all the elements of communication that consists of
the senders, receiver,a message,noise,context,channels and feedback.

Context: The context of communication refers to the environment of situations in which

communication is taking place. It also refers to the factors that work together to determine
the meaning of a message [] .Communication context includes
interpersonal, group,public,interpersonal and mass communication. “The context of
communication interaction involves the setting, scene and expectations of the individuals
involved'’(McLean,2002). Context plays a huge role in determining how a message is
perceived and understood.

Sender: The sender is the person or entity who initiates the communication process. The
sender initiates the communication process by encoding the message and selecting the
channel(s) to deliver the message. Effective and clear communication requires the sender
to choose an appropriate medium and environment for message delivery.

Medium: The medium is a channel through which the message is transmitted. It cane be
verbal,such as face to face, or non-verbal, such as written communication or body
language. The sender chooses the medium based on the nature of the message and the
context of communication. The channels of communication include visual, audal, olfactor,
oral and tactile.

Receiver: The receiver is a person or a group of people who receive the message encoded
by the sender through a channel to the receiver(s). The receiver interprets the message and
decodes it to understand its meaning. The receiver interprets the message based on their
understanding, perceptions and experiences. Effective communication requires the
receiver to be attentive, receptive, and be able to interpret the message accurately.

Noise: Noises are factors or disturbances that influence a message not to be transmitted
and received clearly or anything that interferes with the interpretation of a message. Noises
can be physical(external), semantic(understanding of words), psychological( internal) or
physiological in nature.

Feedback: Feedback is the response or reaction of the receiver to the message. The
receiver provides feedback to the sender, either verbally or non-verbally and can also take
form of questions, comments or gestures indicating their understanding and reaction to
the message. This allows the sender to assess the effectiveness of the communication and
make any necessary adjustments.

The Duplooy- Cilliers and Olivier’s communication model provides clarity simplicity for
understanding the various elements involved in effective communication. By considering
the context, sender, receiver, medium, noise, message and feedback, communicators can
enhance their ability to convey messages accurately and efficiently leading to improved
communication outcomes.


Jo Amy Rollo & Christopher Muscato . 2023. Context in Communication. https://
Date of access: 21 Nov 2023

Campus Ontario. 2018. Communication for business professionals. Date of access: 20 Aug 2022

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