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” Face to Face Vs Online Learning”

Jazz chant

Jazz chant video

Serafico, Andrei
Romero, Jervee
De Jesus, Jhoacis
Lacson, Chie
Macalino, Ryzen
Matias, Zhanel

Jazz Chant Composition and jazz chant video

Carreon, Carmela
Aguilar John
Gomez Kurt
David, Gelianne – editor/assistant leader
Jonson, Lance
Huet Kristeff
Lamintao, Wildred- leader

There’s a link already

There’s a link already
There’s a link already
There’s a link already

Go, turn, turn on turn on your gadgets

Go, Turn, turn on turn on your gadgets
Go, Turn, turn on turn on your gadgets
Turn, turn on turn on your gadgets.

Hello Class Good morning kindly open your cameras

Oh no, Turn, turn on turn on your cameras

Turn, turn on turn on your cameras
Turn, turn on turn on your cameras
Turn, turn on your cameras.

Before we start I have a good news, Teacher have a good news

Yes, I have
teacher have a good news
Yes, I have
teacher have a good news
yes, I have
what is it, what is it
teacher, teacher, teacher what is it
what is the news you want to tell?
teacher, teacher, teacher what is it?

Are you ready for a change? we are ready for a change

Are you ready for a change? We are ready for a change
Are you ready for a change? we are ready for a change

We’re going back face to face,

We’re going back face to face?
Yes, we’re going back face to face
We’re going back face to face?
yes, we’re going back face to face

Continue Virtual Learning Teacher

Continue Virtual Learning for tomorrow, for today
Education equals future, Education equals future
Continue Virtual Learning for tomorrow, for today
Education equals future Education equals future
Technology is the tool, Technology is cool
Technology is the tool, Technology is cool

let’s return back to face to face

let return back to face to face
let’s return back to face to face
why we should?
why we should?
why we should?
why we should return back to face to face
students are stressed on online class
why we should return back to face to face
students are stressed on online class
do you agree?
I don’t agree
do you agree?
I don’t agree
do you agree
I don’t agree

Online class is better,

So we can be safe forever.
Online class is better,
So we can be safe forever.
Online class is better.

But Why? Why?

So we can't keep the virus.
But Why? Why?
So we can't keep the virus.

We don't want the virus,

I don't want the virus.
We don't want the virus,
I don't want the virus.
Do you want the virus?

I don’t want the virus but the time has come, the time has come
This burden has stopped; this burden has stopped.
The time has come, this burden has stopped

No student left behind, all students will rise

No student left behind, all students will rise
No student left behind, all students will rise
online class is better, online class is better
we will rise by using computer
online class is better, online class is better
we will rise by using computer
we will learn so much
we will learn so much
so stop face to face and learn better.
we will learn so much
we will learn so much
so stop face to face and learn better.

Some of us are not privilege,

Are you privilege?
Are you privilege?

Some of us are not privilege

Are you privilege?
Are you privilege?

We need guidance by our teacher, we need help to become better.

We need guidance by our teacher, we need help to become better.

The virus will end; the virus will end.

Face to face is the key to learn better

is the key to learn better.
Face to face is the key to learn better
is the key to learn better.
Wait, what its already time
It’s already time, it’s already time
Wait, what its already time
It’s already time, it’s already time

Teacher, teacher, teacher its already time.

I know, I know, I know.

So stop arguing what is the best,

what is the best? What is the best?

Teacher face to face is the best,

face to face is the best,
face to face is the best.

No teacher online class is the best,

online class is the best,
online class is the best.

We don’t know, we don’t Know but we know

education is the key.

Education is the key,

education is the key,
education is the key,
education is the key to success.

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