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Good evening everyone and welcome to our podcast.

I' am your DJ Jonathan

Liboon and you are listening to nurses on air on 201.5, the voice of N Radio.
Today we have a lot of guests. They are the student nurses from the riverside
college. Introducing our lovely and sexy nurses Miss Java, miss Gentica, miss
Garcia, miss Indoso, and miss Gallano.

I know that pandemic really sucks, and I also know that online class is tough. I
know all of you guys will agree with me, right? The online class made the
learning process difficult for both teachers and students, especially in the
medical courses. But we cannot do anything about it, and there's nothing we
can do. I know students are struggling with this type of learning method, and
even though it's hard, life must go on.

So today, we're gonna talk about the personal experiences of nursing students
during an online class and the effects of online class to medical courses.

I have this question in my mind, and i would like to hear the opinion of miss
java, Is there a point throughout the online class when you're stressed and feel
like you're losing hope? How did you handle that particular situation?

How did online setup affected your dream of becoming a nurse? Was your
overall expectation the same as before?
 Online setup is really hard, especially when it comes to return
demonstrations and other procedures that require actual interaction to
the patients, but with all that being said it doesn't affect my dream of
becoming a nurse, I still want to become one, and I am willing to do
everything to be one. And, of course not, my overall expectation is not the
same as before, talking about the struggles in an online setup, a face-to-
face setup is much practical and easier for nursing students. But like I've
said, even though it's hard, life must go on, and we will reach our dreams
of becoming future nurses.
Before we end,
Let me ask the last question to miss Gallano. Do you think online set up is
effective in medical courses? What is your opinion about it?

I agree with that miss gallano. Thank you so much for your answer guys.

Time flies so fast, hahaha I think that's all for this podcast. Struggles, hardships,
and challenges are just part of our life. We just need to stand tall and be strong,
and we will reach our dreams. Thank you for listening to the nurses on air on
201.5, the voice of N radio. Have a nice day everyone.

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