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- refers to a careful examination and evaluation of a text. Furthermore, it is a text analysis

which takes place in order to determine the effectiveness of the text .
-confident and clear refusal to accept the conclusion of writers without evaluation.

- CRITICAL ANALYSIS involves challenging information and posing question and helps in
understanding the interaction of particular elements.Also these elements contribute to a work
power effectiveness.
- is a presentation of ones own arguments and evidences.


1. Critical analysis
The reading must take place multiple times in case the text is
complicated and you must identify the thesis statement of the author. And one must
underline, highlight, and make important notes as one goes through the reading.

2. Summarise the text

You must summarize the text after conducting the critical analysis and
write the brief useful summary then describe the main focus of the text. The main argument of
the argument must be highlighted.

3. Thinking about the response

As an individual you must think deeply and contemplate
about the text. During this text analysis in a critical manner, the text affects a person
emotionally. The emotion effect of a text is called the pathos. PATHOS is an important part of
the rhetoric moreover the person must write down the initial responses about the text.

4. Consideration of the authors background

It is the background of the author that may inform the
argument of the author. Therefore, you must gather information about the authors background
. this knowledge certainly helps in successfully carrying out a critical analysis.

5. Examining the authors use of evidence

This is the most important part of critical analysis of a text.
Whether the author has incredible evidence, is also an efficient way of doing critical analysis.
So, you must look at the sources of the author. These source were used by the author to
check their credibility.


1. Introduction
We will state the tittle of the work then mention the date publication and the
authors name,or highlight the main ideas of your report/topic.

2. Summary
You will summarize the major ideas of the text report takes place then you must
include the various aspects like who, where, why, what, when, and how.

3. Analysis
You can use examples to critically mention what one agrees or disagrees with
the text. (e.g). also, an evaluation of the authors objective needs to be mentioned.

4. Conclusion
You will summarize the key ideas with a stronger and new statements and also
you can also include your suggestion.

The critical analysis is to engage with a text instead of simply reading it over and accepting
everything it says without questioning.

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