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July 7, 2020


Officer-in-Charge, BFP Regional Office 5

Dear Sir;

I, Bryan Louii N. Beltran, 27 years of age, single, bonafied Filipino citizen

presently residing at Brgy.5, Camalig,Albay. I finished my studies at Bicol
University College of Engineering with a degree course of Bachelor of
Science in Civil Engineering.

As of now, I am currently employed and working as Project Engineer in

Liberty Commercial Center (LCC) under the department of Planning, Design,
and Construction Division. Last June 2018, I successfully passed the Fire
Officer Examination facilitated by Civil Service Commision. As one of the
eligible individuals, I am now one step ahead to be qualified in entering the
fire service bureau.
Being quite exposed in construction sites and learning that there are certain
pointers to be complied in order for the building to be certified that it will cause
no harm to the occupants. By joining the Bureau of Fire Protection, there’s an
opportunity for me to know more and develop my knowledge in fire safety.

In my belief and in my current condition with the qualifications I have with me,
I am applying for Fire Officer One (FO1) position in BFP R5 and willing to be
assign anywhere in Region 5 without my own choosing for any designation?
Station in the region. I will not violate the No Contact Policy of the BFP, and if
upon verification I am proven to have violated the said policy it would cause
the outright rejection of my application. I will not engage in any unscrupulous
transactions, particularly bribery and other corrupt practices,in order for me to
be accepted. I am physically fit and not have been hospitalized or diagnosed
with a contagious disease, or subjected to a medical operation, that will
negatively affect my physical condition in the course of training.

Sincerely Yours,

Bryan Louii N. Beltran


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