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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII,Central Visayas
Matab-ang,Toledo City


Instruction: Read each items carefully and write the letter of the correct answer. Use your activity notebook.

I. real and make - believe

1. Which of the following sentences that best explains the difference between real and make - believe in images ?
A. Things that are real are things that could happen in real life and that actually exist.
B. Things that are real are things that could happen in real life and did not exist.
C. Things that are make -believe are things that are in your imagination.
D. Both A and C

2. Select the answer that describe the image.

A. Make-believe
B. Real
C. Unreal
D. imaginary


A. Reality
B. Fantasy
C. Natural
D. Genuine


A. Reality
B. Fantasy
C. Natural
D. Genuine


5. What is a visual element ?

A. The building blocks of art and design
B. The process of making
C. Something that is printed
D. Thinking of art ideas
6. In design, directions refer to which one of the following?
A. A mark made by a rush, pen or pencil
B. The attribute of a line
C. An enclosed area that can be geometric or organic
D. The area occupied by a shape.
7. What answer best describes the visual element LINE ?
A. Line is something artists use to draw
B. Lines can mean different things
C. Line is the foundation by drawings and can be used in many different ways.
D. Line is used by artists and cartoonists and designers
8. What color symbolizes nature, freshness, life fertility, finances and jealousy?
A. White B. Red C. Blue D.Green

9. What type of connection is this : I read a book about how grocery stores get their food. It reminded me of the
grocery trucks that drive by on the highway every day.
A. text to self
B. text to text
C. text to world
D. text to self and the world
10.What type of connection is this : I read a book about what life was like before electricity. It reminded me of the
time I went camping in a cabin that had no electricity.
A. text to self
B. text to text
C. text to world
D. text to self and the world
11. What type of connection is this : I read a book about how eggs are produced. It reminded me of my visit last
summer to my grandparents’ farm.
A.text to self
B. text to text
C. text to world
D. text to self and the world

12. What type of connection is this : I read an article about how bananas are grown in the tropics. It reminded me
of how oranges are usually grown in Florida.
A. text to self
B. text to text
C. text to world
D. text to self and the world


13.What type of text is the following passage?

The boy was astonished by what he saw inside. Never could he have imagined that, there in the middle of the desert,
there existed tent like this one. The ground was covered with the most beautiful carpets he had ever walked upon, and
from the top of the structure hung lamps of hand- wrought gold, each with a lighted candle.
A. descriptive text
B. instructive text
C. informative text
D. persuasive text

14. Why is this car insurance company giving away a brand new car ?

Pay less for your car insurance and win a brand new car ! Why pay more each year for your car insurance when you could
actually cut costs with Skillswise Direct car insurance. Call us now on 0990 296 296 for a free no- obligations quote over
the phone
A. To help customers to replace cars more than 6 years old.
B. To persuade you to take out car insurance with his company
C. To help customers afford a new car once they have reduced their car insurance.
D. To persuade customers to have environmentally - friendly cars.

15. What is the purpose of the following passage of text?


Treatment aims

1. Control bleeding
2. Minimize shock for casualty
3. Prevent infection - for casualty and between yourself and the casualty
4. Arrange for casualty to go to the hospital if necessary

A. To inform the reader that bleeding needs to be controlled.

B. To describe the scene of an accident.
C. To persuade the reader to attend a First Aid course.
D. To instruct the reader on what to do if they come across and accident .
16. Which of the following is an argumentative text?
A. It aims to convince an opinion through arguments
B. Pretend to tell a story through scenes
C. Describe a subject or an object
D. It tries to ban something to the reader

17. Themes can be extracted from the ________________ of a narrative.

A. point of view B. plot C. theme D. setting
18. “I will get good grades next quarter.”This sentence may express the theme _______________ .
A. determination B. success C. failure D. experience
19. “You have to eat delicious food for you to be healthy. You need to do some exercise to be physically fit.”The
point of view used in this passage is ____________.
A. first person B. second person C. third person D. fourth person
20. This refers to the way a writer or author allows the readers to “hear”, “see”, and “feel”what takes place in
pieces of writing.
A. point of view B. plot C. theme D. setting

21. I want to be an ______ because I love to draw and I enjoy cartoons.
A. Animal B. Inanimate C. Animator D. Animate
22. My favorite topic of _______ is electrical circuits.
A. Physical B. Physician C. Physics D. Physicist

23. There are some who believe that you can _________ as an animal in your next life.
A. Inanimate B. Carnivorous C. Reincarnate D. Physical
24. The _____ prescribed antibiotics for my sick brother.
A. Physical B. Physician C. Physics D. Physicist


25. How can you make your reasons strong to support your viewpoint ?
A. Fail prove your point.
B. Support your viewpoint with facts.
C. Give reasons not related to the issue.
D. Support your viewpoint with other opinions.

26. Why is it important to respect the opinion of the opinion of other people that is different from yours?
A. It makes you superior over the others.
B. It creates hostility between individuals.
C. It makes you disrespectful of other’s opinions.
D. It gives you an opportunity to learn new opinions, insights, and perspectives.

27. Which sentence expresses a viewpoint?

A. Eating a balanced diet makes a person healthy.
B. Regular exercise benefits the body.
C. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a corona virus.
D. Bicycles are better than cars because they are good for the environment.

28. Given the topic about one’s attitude towards education in the new normal, which of the following opening
statements is appropriate and engaging?
A. Does child labor happen in a country with high poverty rate?
B. Can our government solve the garbage problem in our country alone?
C. How is it like to learn in a setup that is totally different from the usual way?
D. “Somewhere, someone is sleeping with an empty stomach while you were busy in counting your calories.”- Sukreeti


29. A writer who uses persuasion attempts to :

A. teach you how to make or to do something
B. influence you to do or believe something
C. inform you about historic or current events
D. tell a story

30. An emotional appeal is an argument that it is:

A. information expressed as numbers
B. based around direct quotation
C. Targets the reader’s thinking ability
D. a logical fallacy, whereby a debater attempts to win an argument by trying to get an emotional reaction from the opponent and
audience.The debater targets your feelings.

31. Which appeal is the following sentence?

Don’t get on that plane. Planes cause temporary blindness and your kids will hate you.
A. Ethos
B. Logos
C. Pathos
D. None of the above
32. How does testimonial affect the popularity of the product?
A. Decrease its popularity
B. Doesn’t change its popularity
C. Increases its popularity
D. None of the above


33. Why is social media important in students’ learning ?

A. It is easier and convenient to access information.
B. You can easily tell people the thoughts you have about the current issues.
C. It is very easy and convenient to spread rumors about your enemies.
D. You can find more friends to talk to.

34. It is a computer- based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the
virtual networks and communities.
A. Social Media
B. Print Media
C. Weather Broadcast
D. Broadcast Media

35. This is the most commonly used online resource in conducting meeting online.
A. Google Meet B. Newspaper C. Radio D. Youtube

36. Biographies, history, and self-help are examples of this category.

A. Print B. Online C. Broadcast D. Digital

Prepared By: Lannie A. Bayking-Villamor

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