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WATERFALL MODEL - is the most traditional

and straightforward approach to building an

The Waterfall Model was first introduced by Dr. Winston W. Royce in a paper titled
"Managing the
Development of Large Software Systems" in 1970.

AGILE MODEL - is one of the most popular and widely-used approaches to building

V-SHAPED MODEL - considers testing during each phase of application development.

unit testing - stage the team develops and executes unit test plans to identify
errors at the code or unit level.
integration testing - stage involves executing integration test plans developed
during the architectural design.
system testing - stage involves executing system test plans developed during the
system design step, which are composed by the client’s business team.
acceptance testing - step is related to the business requirement analysis part of
the V-model and involves testing the software product in the user environment to
identify compatibility issues with the different systems available within the user

Next Generation Health and Usage Monitor (NG HUMS)

for commercial and military helicopter applications with the purpose of conducting
advanced prognostics for engine and rotor maintenance

Iterative Model - is an approach that divides the development process into smaller,
repeatable cycles called “iterations”.
NASA - used the iterative model for the software development of Project Mercury –
the first crewed spaceflight of the United States.
Microsoft - used the iterative development model in software development, which
brought this IT method to mainstream practices.
Mozilla Firefox, and other browsers.

Types of Testers
Test internal structures of an application. (Known) also called Transparent
testers, Glass box, clear box, and structural testing
to identify how the system responds to expected and unexpected user actions, its
response time, usability issues and reliability issues. Also called Functional.
The purpose of grey box testing is to search and identify the defects due to
improper code structure or improper use of applications.

SPIRAL MODEL - is an iterative software development approach and risk-driven

Windows 3.1: Microsoft used the Spiral Model for Windows 3.1, starting with
requirements gathering and risk analysis, followed by engineering and evaluation
Windows 95: They continued with Windows 95, gathering customer feedback for
improvements and using prototyping and iterative development.
Subsequent Versions: Microsoft applied the Spiral Model to Windows 98, Windows
2000, and Windows 2003, maintaining flexibility and early risk mitigation.

DEVOPS MODEL - relatively new in the industry. It emphasizes that delivering

software is a joint effort between Development (Dev) and IT Operations (Ops) teams,
and its ultimate goal is to improve the speed and quality of the final product.

What Is CMS?
The following features explain in detail: what is content management system:
Digital: A CMS is a digital application that you can use online (sometimes offline)
on computers, mobile phones, and tablets.
Content creation: It allows you to design, create, format, and publish content. You
can add media, text, files, videos, quotes, and any type of content.
Content storage: It stores content in a database, all in one place, consistently.
The hosting type and supported database depend on the CMS you opt for.
Multiple user access: It provides access to several users. The users require
permissions for admin, author, and editor roles.
Publishing: It allows you to organize and present the content on the front end of a
live website. Some CMS also allow private or offline publication.

How Does a CMS Work?

Creating a website sounds intimidating to a person with no coding experience. But
when you use a CMS, you need not worry about the code.

Dashboard of a CMS
To create a post, you will just have to type your text in the simple interface of
your content management system's text editor.

Important Parts of CMS

A CMS comprises two core components that together function to help you maintain a
Content management application (CMA): A graphical user interface allows you to
plan, create, edit, and remove content from a site. CMA does not require any HTML
Content delivery application (CDA): The component that provides back-end services.
It supports the management and delivery of the website content you create in the

How to Build a Website Using CMS?

Build your website with a CMS by following the general sequence of steps given
o Purchase web hosting
College of Computing and Information Sciences
o Select a domain name
o Install a content management system software of your choice on your hosting.
o Configure the CMS settings to control your site's look, marketing, and overall
o Write content using the CMS interface.

WordPress holds a record of powering 43.3% of websites on the internet.
It is also an open-source web content management system built using an MVC
It ranks second in the list of the most popular content management system after
It is popular for e-commerce websites due to the following striking features
It is one of the simplest content management systems.

DevOps - is a software development methodology thatimproves the collaboration

between developers andoperations teams using various automation tools.
ultimate goal of Devops is to decreasethe duration of the systems developmentwhile
providing the feautures, fixes andupdates frequently with business objectives

Facebook’s mobile app - which is updated every two weekseffectively tells users you
can have what you want and you canhave it.

Determining the commercial needs and gathering the opinions ofend-user by
professionals in this level of the DevOps lifecycle.
At this level, the code for the same is developed and in order tosimplify the
design, the team of developers uses tools andextensions that take care of security
After the coding part, programmers use various tools for thesubmission of the code
to the common code source.

Various sorts of tests are done such as user acceptability testing,safety testing,
speed testing, and many more.
At this level, everything is ready to be deployed in the operationalenvironment.
In this level, Infrastructure-as-Code assists in creating theoperational
infrastructure and subsequently publishes the buildusing various DevOps lifecycle

the available version is ready for users to use. Here, thedepartment looks after
the server configuration and deployment.
The observation is done at this level that depends on the datawhich is gathered
from consumer behavior, the efficiency ofapplications, and from various other

SPEED - DevOps enablesorganizations to release newproducts and updates fasterand
more frequently.
SWIFT DELIVERY - By speeding up releases.
RELIABILITY - Continuous integration andcontinuous deployment aretwo DevOps
techniques thatcan help you deployapplication updates andinfrastructure changes.
COLLABORATION - The development andoperations teams work closelytogether, share
SECURITY - Using automated, integratedsecurity testing solutions, youmay switch to
a DevOps.

High Initial Investment - Implementing DevOps can bea complex and costly process.
Skills Shortage - Finding qualified DevOpsprofessionals can be achallenge.
Lack of Standardization - DevOps is still a relatively newfield.
Increased Complexity - DevOps can increase thecomplexity of software delivery.
Dependency on Technology - DevOps relies heavily ontechnology.

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