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Aluno(a): Rogério Albergaria de Azevedo Junior

Professora responsável: Brenda Pereira de Souza Data:15/09/2023

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From A to Z: Wearable technology explained

by A. Godfrey, V. Hetherington, H. Shum, P. Bonato, N.H. Lovell, S. Stuart


Wearable technology (WT) has become a viable means to provide low-cost clinically
sensitive data for more informed patient assessment. The benefit of WT seems obvious: small,
worn discreetly in any environment, personalised data and possible integration into
communication networks, facilitating remote monitoring. Yet, WT remains poorly understood
and technology innovation often exceeds pragmatic clinical demand and use. Here, we
provide an overview of the common challenges facing WT if it is to transition from novel
gadget to an efficient, valid and reliable clinical tool for modern medicine. For simplicity, an
A–Z guide is presented, focusing on key terms, aiming to provide a grounded and broad
understanding of current WT developments in healthcare.

1. Introduction

Wearable technology (WT, or wearable computing) encapsulates a plethora of devices worn

directly on or loosely attached to a person. Commonly, the latter comprises smartphones,
which have become integral to the popularity and functionality of WT. Although there is a
debate defining smartphones as WT, their existence has seen the demise and rebirth of WT as
useful aids to assist daily living. This is primarily due to the rise of third party applications
(i.e. apps) which have nurtured innovation but at the expense of well-organised app
development, leaving the end-user overwhelmed with choices. Indeed, the mobile computing
power of smartphones is so influential that they will likely play a key role in ongoing WT
innovations such as performing quick, robust and easy bioassays anywhere and at any time.

In short, WT can be subdivided into two categories: (i) primary, those operating
independently and functioning as central connectors for other devices and/or information (e.g.
wrist worn fitness tracker, smartphone) and; (ii) secondary, capturing specific actions or
executing a measurement (e.g. heart rate monitor worn around the chest) offloading to a
primary wearable device for analysis. Additionally, those categories may include smart
textiles where the physical properties of the material can measure or react to stimuli from the
user or environment. Smart textiles currently lay beyond the scope of normal daily use as the
concept of wearing electronic or uncommon tailoring materials interwoven within clothes or
directly on the skin remains the vernacular of technological idealists.

Nevertheless, fuelled by miniaturisation of electronic-based components, WT has experienced

an evolution since first appearing as means to take traditional desktop computing on the go.
With the ability to gather and store data as well as perform complex permutations in any real-
world environment it hasn’t taken WT long to enter the healthcare domain, recognised as
useful tools to aid patient assessment, treatment and management. Yet, the true utility of
current WT (and associated communication infrastructures) remains lacking with
development of novel WT usually exceeding pragmatic (clinical) use. Regulatory bodies and
vendors hamper clinical adoption, struggling to differentiate between apps classified as
medical devices requiring formal regulatory approval, versus wellness apps for general use by
the consumer market. Qualification of device efficacy and safety, adoption of various
standards for accurate analysis and device and communications interoperability are all
interwoven, presenting further barriers to clinical adoption of WT. There is also a dearth of
knowledge pertaining to the fundamentals of WT, e.g. outcomes generated and relevance to
specific pathologies; suitable WT selection; appropriate data management and analysis. The
aim of this review is to highlight key aspects of WT for those less familiar with their robust
application in healthcare. Currently, there is a myriad of technologies and terminologies
overwhelming those less familiar with this field. Here, we provide a concise overview for
those aiming to familiarise themselves with WT.

Fonte: Godfrey, A; Hetherington, V; Shum, H; Bonato, P; Lovell, N.H; Stuart, S. From A to

Z: Wearable technology explained 2018, 4, 25.

Responda as questões a seguir de acordo com as informações fornecidas pelo texto I.

1. Qual é o gênero textual do texto ? (0,5)

a) Artigo Científico (Resposta)

b) Argumentativo

c) Resenha

d) Reportagem

2. Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto I. (0,5)

a) A tecnologia vestível (WT) sempre foi um meio viável de fornecer dados clinicamente
sensíveis de alto custo para uma avaliação mais detalhada do paciente.
b) A existência de smartphones viu o desaparecimento e o renascimento do WT como ajudas
úteis para auxiliar a vida diária. (Resposta)

c) A computação móvel dos smartphones é tão ineficiente que eles provavelmente

desempenharão um papel irrelevante nas inovações contínuas do WT.

d) Os têxteis inteligentes estão inseridos no uso diário normal, uma vez que o conceito de usar
materiais eletrônicos é veementemente apoiado pelos idealistas tecnológicos.

3. Responda: (0,5)

I. No trecho “Indeed, the mobile computing power of smartphones is so influential […]”, o

marcador discursivo em destaque sinaliza:

a) Sequência Cronológica (Resposta) b) Condição c) Ênfase

II. No trecho “Currently, there is a myriad of technologies and terminologies overwhelming

those less familiar with this field.”, o marcador discursivo em destaque sinaliza:

a) Tempo (Resposta) b) Contraste c) Exemplificação

4. Qual o objetivo dos autores com a produção do texto? (0,5)

a) Expor somente os benefícios do uso da Tecnologia Vestível e como esse benefícios ajudam
no tratamento diário dos pacientes que estão tendo cuidados paliativos em casa.

b) Apresentar as tecnologias têxteis que foram desenvolvidas com o objetivo de otimizar a

cura de pacientes em estado vegetativo.

c) Destacar os principais aspectos do WT para aqueles menos familiarizados com a sua

aplicação na área da saúde. (Resposta)

d) Defender que a WT é focada em análises extensas de termos médicos e que segue

fundamentos antigos na área da saúde.
5. Marque a alternativa incorreta de acordo com o texto: (0,5)

a) A tecnologia WT tornou-se um meio viável de fornecer dados de baixo custo para uma
avaliação mais específica do paciente.

b) O poder de computação móvel dos smartphones é tão influente que eles provavelmente
irão desempenhar um papel fundamental nas inovações contínuas do WT.

c) Monitor de frequência cardíaca usado ao redor do peito é um exemplo de WT secundário.

d) Os autores defendem que a WT é focada em análises extensas de termos médicos e que

segue fundamentos antigos na área da saúde. (Resposta)

6.“This is primarily due to the rise of third party applications which have nurtured
innovation [...]” A oração destacada é classificada como: (0,5)

a) Oração principal b) Oração Subordinada (Resposta)

7. Assinale a alternativa que contém as informações corretas: (0,5)

I) Os WT são divididos em duas categorias: Primários que operam de maneira dependente, e

os Secundários que capturam ações isoladas ou executando uma medição.

II) As barreiras adicionais que existem à adoção clínica do WT são identificadas como: a
qualificação da eficácia e segurança do dispositivo, a adoção de vários padrões para análises
precisas e interoperabilidade de dispositivos e comunicações.

III) A existência de smartphones viu o desaparecimento e o renascimento do WT como

ajudas úteis para auxiliar a vida diária.

IV) Com a miniaturização dos componentes eletrônicos, o WT passou a ter a capacidade de

coletar e armazenar dados assim como realizar permutações complexas em qualquer lugar.

a) Apenas a I está correta

b) II e IV estão corretas

c) II, III e IV estão corretas (Resposta)

d) Todas estão corretas

8. Escreva 3 possíveis palavras-chave para o texto I: (0,5)

Dados (Data); Tecnologia utilizável (Wearable technology); Análise (Analysis).

9. Analise a sentença “e.g. outcomes generated and relevance to specific pathologies;

suitable WT selection; appropriate data management and analysis.” marque a alternativa
que contém um falso cognato de acordo com o contexto.

a) relevance

b) specific

c) selection

d) data (Resposta)

10. Cite 2 benefícios do uso da Tecnologia Vestível mencionados no Texto I. (0,5)

Pequeno e dados personalizados.


Battle of the AIs: rival tech teams clash over who painted ‘Raphael’ in UK gallery

Two studies use artificial intelligence to analyse ‘old master’ painting and return
opposite verdicts

by Dalya Alberge
Authenticating works of art is far from an exact science, but a madonna and child painting has
sparked a furious row, being dubbed “the battle of the AIs”, after two separate scientific
studies arrived at contradictory conclusions. Both studies used state-of-the art AI technology.
Months after one study proclaimed that the so-called de Brécy Tondo, currently on display at
Bradford council’s Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, is “undoubtedly” by Raphael, another has
found that it cannot be by the Renaissance master.

In January, research teams from the universities of Nottingham and Bradford announced the
findings of facial recognition technology, which compared the faces in the Tondo with those
in Raphael’s Sistine Madonna altarpiece, commissioned in 1512.

Having used “millions of faces to train an algorithm to recognise and compare facial
features”, they stated: “The similarity between the madonnas was found to be 97%, while
comparison of the child in both paintings produced an 86% similarity.”

They added: “This means that the two paintings are highly likely to have been created by the
same artist.” But algorithms involved in a new study by Dr Carina Popovici, a scientist with
Art Recognition, a Swiss company based near Zurich, have now returned an 85% probability
for the painting not to be painted by Raphael.

The Tondo was bought in 1981 by the Cheshire businessman George Lester Winward, who
built up a collection of art spanning the 16th to 19th centuries. In 1995, two years before he
died, he set up the de Brécy Trust Collection, named after his French ancestors, to preserve
his collection and make it available to scholars for study.

The painting has been subjected to extensive examinations and historical research over more
than 40 years. In July, Prof Hassan Ugail, director of the Centre of Visual Computing at the
University of Bradford – who developed the AI facial recognition system – said: “My AI
models look far deeper into a picture than the human eye, comparing detail such as the
brushstrokes and pigments.“Together with my previous work using facial recognition and
combined with previous research by my fellow academics, we have concluded the Tondo and
the Sistine Madonna are undoubtedly by the same artist.”
Prof Christopher Brooke of the University of Nottingham and an historian of ecclesiastical
art, said then: “This study demonstrates the capabilities of machine learning to give a
probability of the same artist between different ‘Old Master’ paintings. In this case study,
direct facial comparison comes out at a match of 97% – a very high statistical probability that
the artworks are by identical creators.”

Analysis of the pigments was also said to have placed it firmly in the Renaissance period.
Popovici, however, was taken aback to discover that her study’s results “clearly contradicted”
their analysis so dramatically.

Art Recognition has an ongoing collaboration with Tilburg University in the Netherlands and
its research was recently published by Springer, the academic publishers. It has analysed more
than 500 works, including a painting by Rubens in the National Gallery – A View of Het
Steen in the Early Morning – which came out with a probability of 98.76% in favour of the
artist. A spokeswoman for Bradford council, in whose building the painting is hanging, joked:
“It’s the battle of the AIs, I guess.”

Sir Timothy Clifford, a leading scholar of the Italian Renaissance and former director general
of the National Galleries of Scotland, was intrigued to hear of science’s conflicting findings:
“I do feel rather strongly that mechanical means of recognising paintings by major artists are
incredibly dangerous.”

“I’ve never contemplated the idea of using these AI things. I think they’re terribly unlikely to
be remotely accurate. But how fascinating.”

On being shown a small photograph of the Tondo, he suggested that it was an extremely
faithful copy of one of the most famous pictures in the world: “There must be hundreds and
hundreds of very good copies of it. My immediate reaction would be that it was possibly
French, early 19th century, a good copy – about the time probably that the picture I’m sure
would have travelled with Napoleon’s booty perhaps to the Louvre.
“Many of the pigments that were being used in 1810 were the same pigments that were being
used in 1510. Unless one or two of those are being used, which shouldn’t have been used, it’ll
come up very much the same way.”

Michael Daley, director of ArtWatch UK, the museums and galleries watchdog, said: “It’s
very good that Carina Popovici has found against it. Its only claim, as I understand it, is that
there’s a perfect correspondence with the design of the Sistine Madonna.

“But, if Raphael himself had made another version, he’d almost undoubtedly have introduced
modifications or deviations of his own to the painting. It is almost certainly 19th century.”

On being told of the contradictory study, Ugail said that, without seeing its details, it was
difficult to comment: “We’ve got a very strong case to prove that [the Tondo] is a Raphael.”


Responda as questões a seguir de acordo com as informações fornecidas pelo texto II.

11. Qual é o gênero textual do texto ? (0,5)

a) Resenha

b) Dissertativo

c) Artigo Científico

d) Reportagem (Resposta)

12. Localize as informações a seguir sobre o texto: (0,5)

I) Qual foi a porcentagem de semelhança entre as madonas e as crianças das pinturas

segundo a IA?
A semelhança entre as madonas foi de 97%, já a comparação da criança em ambas as pinturas
produziu uma semelhança de 86%.

II) Por quanto tempo a pintura O Tondo tem sido submetida a pesquisas e exames?

Mais de 40 anos.

13. Analisando a frase “The painting has been subjected to extensive examinations [...]” é
correta afirmar que ela está: (0,5)

a) Na voz passiva do presente perfeito

b) Na voz passiva do presente contínuo.

c) Na voz ativa do passado perfeito.

d) Na voz ativa do presente perfeito. (Resposta)

14. Marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) sobre as informações a seguir: (0,5)

I) 5 estudos que utilizam IA’s foram utilizados para definir quem pintou “Raphael” exposto
em museu italiano ( F )

II) Uma tecnologia de reconhecimento da tinta usada nas pinturas foi utilizada para comparar
a pintura Tondo com a Madonna Sistina de Rafael. ( F )

III) O Tonto foi comprado pelo empresário George Winward que criou a de Brécy Trust
Collection para preservar sua coleção e disponibilizá-la para estudos futuros ( V )

IV) Segundo Sir Clifford meios mecânicos de reconhecer pinturas de grandes artistas são
altamente eficazes, facilitando a autenticidade do pintor. ( F )

V) O sistema de reconhecimento facial do professor Ugail compara pinceladas e pigmentos,

uma análise muito mais minuciosa do que a feita pelo olho humano. ( V )
15. A sentença “if Raphael himself had made another version, he’d [he would] almost
undoubtedly have introduced modifications or deviations of his own to the painting.” pode
ser classificado como:

a) Zero Conditional

b) First Conditional

c) Second Conditional

d) Third Conditional (Resposta)

16. Responda: (0,5)

I. Na sentença “In July, Prof Hassan Ugail, director of the Centre of Visual Computing at the
University of Bradford – who developed the AI facial recognition system – said [...]”, a
palavra sublinhada refere-se a quem?

a) University of Bradford b) Prof Hassan Ugail (Resposta) c)

recognition system

II. Na sentença “Popovici, however, was taken aback to discover that her study’s results
“clearly contradicted” their analysis so dramatically.”, a palavra sublinhada refere-se a

a) analysis b) research teams c) Popovici (Resposta)

17. Analise as sentenças a seguir e identifique os tempos verbais em destaque: (0,5)

I. Art Recognition has an ongoing collaboration with Tilburg University [...].

II. A spokeswoman for Bradford council, in whose building the painting is hanging [...].
III. It has analysed more than 500 works [...].

a) Passado simples - presente simples - presente simples

b) Presente simples- presente contínuo - presente perfeito (Resposta)

c) Presente simples- presente simples- presente perfeito

d) Presente perfeito - presente contínuo - presente perfeito

18. Assinale a alternativa que contém as informações corretas: (0,5)

I) Equipes de pesquisa das universidades Nottingham e Bradford anunciaram as descobertas

da tecnologia de reconhecimento facial.

II) Somente o estudo da Dra Carina Popovici utilizou tecnologia de IA de última geração.

III) de Brécy Tondo está atualmente em exibição na Cartwright Hall Art Gallery.

a) Apenas a I está correta

b) Todas estão corretas

c) II e III

d) I e III (Resposta)

19. Responda: (0,5)

I. Na sentença “The painting has been subjected to extensive examinations [...].”, a palavra
em destaque é um:

a) Verbo b) Substantivo (Resposta) c) Adjetivo

II. Na sentença “[...] he suggested that it was an extremely faithful copy[...]”, a palavra em
destaque é um:

a) Verbo (no passado simples) (Resp.) b) Verbo (no particípio passado) c) Adjetivo

20. Analise as sentenças a seguir e determine se estão na voz ativa ou na voz passiva.

I) “Many of the pigments that were being used in 1810 [...]”

a) Voz Ativa (Resposta) b) Voz Passiva

II) “Both studies used state-of-the art AI technology.”

a) Voz Ativa (Resposta) b) Voz Passiva

III) “This study demonstrates the capabilities of machine learning [...]”

a) Voz Ativa (Resposta) b) Voz Passiva

IV) “The Tondo was bought in 1981 by the Cheshire businessman George Lester Winward”

a) Voz Ativa b) Voz Passiva (Resposta)

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