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I. Blended Learning

In the past teacher and students are always studying with traditional methods. But with the
development of learning, they have found a new method which is blended learning, a way of
studying a subject that brings several benefits to both students and teachers. Firstly, Blended
learning provides flexibility for students to learn at their pace and at a time and place that suit
them. Students can access course material and lectures online and study at their convenience,
which is especially helpful for students with busy schedules. Secondly, Blended learning can
increase digital resources such as video simulation and interactive quizzes can be more
engaging than traditional lectures, helping students to better understand and retain the
material. Overall, blended learning can provide a rich and engaging educational experience for
students and enable teachers to more effectively support student learning and success

I I. Wildlife Organization

Save the Elephants (STE) is a non-profit organization. It was formed in 1993 by lain
Douglas-Hamilton, a British zoologist. And today, STE is one of the world's largest
organizations to save elephants worldwide. It aims to make sure elephants do not die out and
protect the habitats in which elephants are found. Much of the work of STE focuses on stopping
the illegal hunting of elephants especially in Africa and Asia. They’re working together with
scientists and experts to conduct research into the behaviors of elephants, and this organization
is raising people's awareness through films, television and new media sources. So far, it has
conducted 335 projects in 40 countries and helped to protect thousands of elephants worldwide.

I I I. Things you should or shouldn’t do to reduce the negative impact of travelling on the

There are several things that we should do to reduce the negative impact of travelling on the
environment. Firstly, we should reduce our carbon footprint during the trip. We should only fly
when the trip is long and choose eco-friendly modes of transport such as cycling or public
transport. Secondly, be mindful of waste by avoiding single-use plastics and bringing a reusable
water bottle and grocery bag. Finally, be respectful of local ecosystems and cultures by staying
on designated trails, avoiding harmful chemicals, and supporting local businesses . In short, by
keeping it clean and safe, we can reduce the negative impact of travelling on the environment
and contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet.

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