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Module: Technical English

Teacher: Halaimia Imene

Course: Paraphrasing Scientific Texts
Paraphrasing a scientific text involves restating the information in your own words while
maintaining the original meaning and preserving the scientific accuracy. Here are some steps
to help you paraphrase a scientific text effectively:
1. Understand the Text:
Read and understand the original text thoroughly to grasp its main concepts and ideas.
2. Take Notes:
Writ down key points, important terms, and the structure of the original text.
3. Identify Key Concepts:
Highlight or make note of the main ideas, theories, and methodologies presented in the text.
4. Use Synonyms:
Replace specific terms and phrases with synonyms. Be sure the synonyms maintain the
scientific accuracy of the original text.
5. Restructure Sentences:
Change the structure of sentences while retaining the logical flow and meaning. Break down
complex sentences into simpler ones.
6. Change Word Forms:
Alter the form of words by converting nouns to verbs, verbs to nouns, and so on.
7. Maintain Scientific Precision:
Ensure that your paraphrased version accurately reflects the scientific content, maintaining
precision and correctness.
8. Cite the Source:
Even though you are putting the information in your own words, it's essential to acknowledge
the source with proper citations.
9. Check for Plagiarism:
Use plagiarism detection tools to ensure that your paraphrased text is sufficiently different
from the original.

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