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Module: Technical English

Level: M01
Teacher: Halaimia Imene
Course: Scientific and technical English

01/ Definition of technical and scientific English:

It is related to the use of specific terms of the word of a profession. By analyzing the
vocabulary you use study or work you will find some expressions specific to this area. For
example, if you work in computer science, you will speak in programming language; if it is
budget, cash and earnings, it is finance.
02/Characteristics of technical English:
1. Brief and direct, since only necessary information should be shared.
2. Objective and impersonal, because they speak of scientific topic.
3. Logical and clear speech.
4. Specific terminology.
03/ why should I study technical English and improve vocabulary?
It is necessary to learn technical English both orally and in writing, in the sector to which
you belong. Especially it means having a big number of phrases and expressions that will
allow you to function in your learning environment, so as to communicate with colleagues
and professionals or to read and acquire new information in the field.
04/ How to learn technical English?
 Reading technical texts
 Consult specialized dictionaries
 Take technical English and technical vocabulary classes
Where can I find Scientific and technical Writings: Scientific articles, Dissertations,
Textbook, A course of lectures….

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