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If there's one thing that would actually represent who am I or what interest me the most, it
is the sunflower. It's not because I caught people's attention nor I am a adorable person, but the
sunflower’s yellow color actually symbolizes vitality and happiness. Vitality because when it
comes to doing the things I love, I put so much energy on it. And whenever I accomplish
something, it brings me happiness. Sunflower also symbolizes friendship. It is actually one of the
best things a person could ever keep. And I treasure friendship so much. Aside from that,
sunflower is my most favorite because its vibrant color seems to radiates some parts of me.
In our subject which is Art Appreciation, I presumed it would be a great and entertaining
matter since we'll be talking about Art. I expect to learn more things, especially on how Art
actually relates to everything in this world. I want to learn too about some artist and their
masterpiece, and the meaning or the symbols of them. And I think this subject wouldn't be that
difficult to me since I love Art just how I love nature, because nature itself is an art also - an art
made my God.

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