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Tutorial 2

1. Differentiate between battery and assault.

2. Dave is a famous prankster at school. One day, Dave decided to pull a prank on Ava.
After school, he put on a ski mask and hid behind a bush where Ava normally walks
home. When he sensed Ava getting closer, he jumped and grabbed her. It turned out
that Dave had accidentally grabbed Mrs. Gran, an old school nurse. As a result, Mrs.
Gran suffered from a hip dislocation. Ava, who was right behind Mrs. Gran quickly
pulled out a toy gun and shouted, “I’ll shoot your head off”. Dave immediately
fainted. Discuss the possible actions that Mrs. Gran and Dave may take under trespass
to person.

3. In false imprisonment, discuss the situation where the restraint is ‘complete’. Support
your answers with relevant authorities.

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