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TASK 2 – English is easy and fun. Writing Task.

Javier Andrés Rubiano Martínez

900002A_1395 – INGLES A2


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

Jose Acevedo y Gomez

Ingeniería de Sistemas

Bogotá D.C.


In this work you will find everything related to unit 1 - task 2 which deals with the
past continuous and past progressive, within this are the different points described
in the activity guide and evaluation rubric, including the screenshots of modules 1 -
2 - 3 of E-LEARNING
The specific modules for this task are:
Module 1, Module 2, Module 3
After you study the suggested modules, select and complete three (3) exercises
(One per module).
Share the screenshots directly on the forum Make sure not to choose an exercise

Student’s name: Javier Andres Rubiano Martinez

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

previously selected by another course mate.

Having in mind the explanation above, there are 2 pictures
below and each student is going to write a sentence in past simple
and a sentence in past progressive, for each picture.


Snow / House / Table / Juice / Sled / Bag / Ball / Chicken

Run / Slide / Walk / Fall down / Sit / Pick / Eat / Drink / Laugh / Talk / Pull / Serve / Stand

Simple past Past progressive

sentence sentence Student’s name
The lady served Christmas The lady was serving a delicious Javier Rubiano
dinner to the three children. Christmas dinner to the three
One of the children helped the One of the children was helping Javier Rubiano
lady and placed her on the the lady while the other two
sleigh, and she smiled at his carried her things.
The lady did not get up on her The lady was not getting up on Javier Rubiano
own after slipping. her own after slipping.
The children raced down the hill The lady smiled as she watched Javier Rubiano
on their sleds. the children play in the snow.
Was the third child carrying the Weren't the other two children Javier Rubiano
lady's bag on the sled while the using the second sled to
other two pulled it with a rope? transport the lady's belongings?


Forest / race / Finish line / Tree / Rope

:Run / Stand / Clap / Watch / Kidnap / Tie / Cross / Use / Think

Simple past Past progressive

sentence sentence Student’s name
The bear watched as the turtle The bear was watching while the
reached the finish line. turtle ran towards the goal
The animals did not applaud The animals did not applaud
when the turtle crossed the when the turtle was crossing the
finish line first finish line first
The rabbit was tied to a tree, The rabbit was being tied to a
surrounded by the four ninja tree, surrounded by the four
turtles. ninja turtles. Negative
Was the rabbit tied to a tree, Was The Rabbit being tied to a
surrounded by the four ninja tree, surrounded by the four
turtles? ninja turtles?

Step 4: With the sentences above, write the story of each picture, use the simple
past and the past progressive and the connectors.

Story Picture A (todos hacen una historia):

A while ago, on a cold winter day, three children were enjoying the snow on sleds
at the top of a hill. While they were at the top, a lady was watching from afar,
smiling as she saw how the children were having fun.

However, at one point, the lady slipped on the ice, and one of the children
immediately noticed. She yelled to the other two children to watch what was
happening. The lady was falling, and the boy who saw her helped her while the
other two ran towards her.

While one of the children was helping the lady to stand up, the other two children
were using the second sled to carry the lady's things. The woman thanked them
with a big smile for their kindness. Meanwhile, the other children continued loading
the sleigh with their belongings.

After helping the lady, the two children pulled the rope, taking her to her house on
the sleigh. The third child was in charge of carrying the lady's bag on the sleigh to
her house. It was a moving act of solidarity.

Story Picture B (todos hacen una historia):

While the bear scratched his head, wondering where the rabbit was in the race, the
other animals cheered when the turtle crossed the finish line first. The turtle raised
his arms in celebration and the bear's confusion deepened.
Meanwhile, the four ninja turtles were tying the rabbit to a tree. The rabbit had
been overconfident and had underestimated the speed and teamwork of the ninja
turtles. As the bear continued to ponder the whereabouts of the rabbit, he suddenly
noticed the commotion near the trees.

As the bear approached, he saw the rabbit tied up and the ninja turtles standing
guard. The rabbit looked embarrassed and defeated, while the ninja turtles looked
proud of their victory. The bear couldn't help but shake his head at the turn of
events, and the other animals continued to cheer for the triumphant turtle.

Step 5: Reflection and personal growth

Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal donde
usted como estudiante debe realizar una autoevaluación en español:
Cada estudiante va a escribir un texto donde exprese:
✓ ¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?
La actividad fue dinámica y me sentí cómodo con ella disfrute
realizando de esta actividad
✓ ¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?
Siento que debo mejorar mi organización y gestión del tiempo. A
veces, me cuesta equilibrar mis responsabilidades académicas con
otras actividades, y creo que trabajar en mi planificación me
ayudará a ser más efectivo en mi proceso académico.

✓ ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?

Aprender ingles siempre ha sido una muy buena opción, pues

aplicar lo visto gramaticalmente me sirve para poder decir
correctamente ciertas palabras en ciertos tiempos

✓ ¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?

Aprender un segundo idioma es fundamental en el mundo

globalizado en el que vivimos. Dominar un segundo idioma no solo
amplía las oportunidades laborales, sino que también facilita la
comunicación y la comprensión de diferentes culturas

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