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Role of Technology in Health Care

In my professionals nursing practice, I understand informatics as the use of technology to

avail information, knowledge and data to help provide high-quality care to the patients.

Informatics can be an essential aspect in delivering quality health care as it aids quick, informed

decisions and preventive strategies for conditions, as stated by McGonigle and Mastrian (2021).

Using some technologies such as electronic health records ensures easier retrieval of information

that can be analyzed and determine the disease patterns. On top of this, different measures can be

established, which will help in developing effective preventive strategies. Decisions are also

efficient because the practitioners have all the information collected and can be easily analyzed.

Therefore, I believe that informatics is an essential aspect that aid the efficiency and accuracy of

nursing practice.

In nursing practice, I interface with informatics on several occasions, from patient

assessment to treatment to recovery. In my practice, I am aware that I need to document every

step of the patient progress, which often involve informatics. In most cases, the documentation is

done through electronic health records. The EHRs are a form of nursing informatics technologies

that aid in the documentation of patient information (Kinnunen et al., 2019). In this case,

throughout the care progress, I have to document new information while retrieving other

information to help provide care. For example, I would record the patient details in practice,

including demographics, diagnosis, allergies, treatment plans, and other relevant information.

Therefore, I am in constant interface with informatics in my practice.


Kinnunen, U. M., Heponiemi, T., Rajalahti, E., Ahonen, O., Korhonen, T., & Hyppönen, H.

(2019). factors related to health informatics competencies for nurses—results of a

national electronic health record survey. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(8),


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2021). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge.

Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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