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The Effects of Bullying on Conquering the Odds Among Grade 12

Senior High School of UM Tagum College

Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School

In partial fulfillment of

Practical Research (RES2S)

Submitted by:

Caballes, Janna

Crisostomo, Jaya

Gonzaga, Christine

Lamparas, Ralf

Perong, Ruel Jr.


Chapter 1



In Foreign countries like Indonesia, GadjahMada University and

a number of schools had been cooperating to carry out peer

counseling in an effort to prevent bullying among their students

(Kumara 2017). Conquering the odds is a big challenge to the victims

of bullying observed in the society. Like the negative physical and

mental effects tied to bullying among children especially on

performing their academic performance or school works. In order to

overcome bullying, one must receive a lot of love and support from

family and friends, administrative action from the school, spiritual

counseling from the right authorities, and finally, the maturity of the

bullied person. Continuous encouragement and reassurance can

improve the self-esteem of a bullied person (Barlongay and Gatmaytan


In the Philippines, bullying includes actions such as making

threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally,

and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Overcoming

bullying understands the roles of the people involved in the bullying. If

you can try to visualizethe experience but look at the situation from

an outsider’s perspective, this can help you see how the person who

was bullying you was perhaps motivated by their own reasons and

actually you never were to blame or responsible for what you had to

go through. Bullies often have very low self-esteem and low self-worth

and will bully others to try and compensate for their own negative

emotions. This does not excuse their behavior but goes a long way to

explain why they act in this way. What happened to you was the

consequence of the action and choice of the bully and it certainly was

them and not you(Brookshire, 2014).

In Tagum City, conquering the odds of bullying has become a

national issue today. Everyone has the right of safety, but some kids

don’t freely speak up because they are afraid. It would worsen the

bullying and despite all the media attention to stop it, the parents

often are left confused on what actions to take to protect their

children. The truth is that there is no such particular remedy to it


because it needs various actions that parents, churches, schools and

the government should collaborate with. Moreover, Parents need to

remember that when your child doesn’t complain about bullying it

doesn’t mean it is not happening.

In Grade 12 Senior High School of UMTC, bullying is

traditional bullying victimization and the growing number of cyber-

teasing victims during the last decade is a major public health

concern and it has been observed by the researchers. It has also

cause of a student to have a low grades because of self-pity and

feeling worthless. This manifestation of bullying has led to a student

to think negatively about his or herself and it can also affect her

academic performance. However, the researchers have not come

across any study that was conducted on bullying and conquering the

odds. The researchers want to know about the strategies of the SHS of

UM Tagum College on how they overcome the impact bullying.

Research Objectives

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of

Bullying in Grade 12 SHS UM Tagum College students in conquering

the odds.

In particular, it looked for answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of bullying among SHS students in UM Tagum

College in terms of:

1.1 verbal abuse;

1.2 physical abuse;

1.3 direct discrimination; and

1.4 Social bullying?

2. What is the level of conquering the odds among SHS students in

UM Tagum College in terms of:

2.1 Self-determination;

2.2 challenges;

2.3 development; and

2.4 social isolation?

3. Is there a significant relationship between bullying and

conquering the odds among Grade 12 SHS students in UM

Tagum College?


The following hypothesis will be tested at 0.05 level of significance:

1. There is no significant relationship between bullying and

conquering the odds among SHS students in UM Tagum


2. There is no domain between bullying and conquering the odds

among SHS students in UM Tagum College.

Review of Related Literature

In this section of the research includes related readings,

theories, ideas and concepts from books, websites and journals. The

capacity of this literature review is expanded to include research that

examined the relationship between bullying and conquering the odds

and factors of overcoming among SHS students of UMTC.


Bullying among children is a significant public health problem

world-wide. Bullying is most commonly defined as repeated,

intentional aggression, perpetrated by a more powerful individual or

group against a less powerful victim. Bullying can affect everyone

those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness

bullying. It is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on

mental health, substance use, and suicide. It is important to talk to

kids to determine whether bullying or something else is a concern.

(Shetgiri, 2013)

Verbal abuse

Most people assume that if they were being verbally abused

they would know about it. After all, verbal abuse often involves yelling,

put-downs, name-calling and belittling behaviors. But research has

shown that there is so much more to verbal abuse than people realize.

In fact, some people are verbally abused on a regular basis without

even recognizing that it’s happening. When someone is being verbally

abused, the person attacking them may use a combination of both

overt forms of abuse like engaging in name-calling and making threats

but also more insidious methods like gas lighting, constantly

correcting a person, interrupting her, putting down her ideas and

demeaning her. Even prolonged silent treatment is a form of verbal

abuse. When this happens, the person is attempting to control and

punish the victim by refusing to talk to her just like any other form of

abuse or bullying, verbal abuse has a lasting impact on victims.

Consequently, they can experience a host of issues, including


everything from anxiety and depression to even PTSD in severe cases.

In fact, a number of studies have shown that children who are

verbally abused either at home or by their peers at school are at a

greater risk for depression and anxiety as adults. Verbal abuse also

can cause the victim to believe very negative things about themselves,

which in turn impacts their self-esteem. It also can impact every

element of their life, including their academic performance, their other

relationships, and their success at work later in life. In fact, when

verbal abuse is particularly severe it can impact whether or not a

victim can see herself as being successful in any area of life (Gordon

2017). Verbal abuse prevents real relationships. This seems obvious,

but the partner of an abuser may live under the illusion that he or she

has a real relationship. This may be for a number of reasons; an

important one is that, as a couple, the abuser and their partner may

function adequately in their respective roles. Verbal abusers generally

experience many of their feelings as anger. For instance, if a verbal

abuser feels unsure and anxious he may simply feel angry possibly

angry that he is feeling unsure and anxious. Yet part of being human

is the ability to feel. The ability to feel, like the ability to think, is

universal to humanity. Unfortunately, the abuser is generally


unwilling to accept his feelings and unwilling to reveal them to a

partner. He builds a wall between himself and his partner and

maintains that distance (Brogaard, 2015).

Physical Abuse

Non-accidental use of force that results in bodily injury, pain,

or impairment. This includes, but is not limited to, being slapped,

burned, cut, bruised or improperly physically restrained."1 Physical

abuse is not limited to children and can happen to adults of any age.

Neglect is also considered an aspect of physical abuse and this type of

abuse often happens when one adult cares for another; such as in the

case of an adult child caring for a parent. Physical abuse often occurs

alongside other forms of abuse such as financial, sexual abuse and

emotional abuse. Physical abusers use their abusive behaviors to try

to control their victims.It isn’t accidental - children who are physically

abused suffer violence such as being hit, kicked, poisoned, burned,

slapped or having objects thrown at them. Shaking or hitting babies

can cause non-accidental head injuries. Sometimes parents or carers

will make up or cause the symptoms of illness in their child, perhaps

giving them medicine they don’t need and making the child unwell

this is known as fabricated or induced illness (Croft, 2016).


Social Bullying

It refered to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognise and

can be carried out behind the bullied person's back. It is designed to

harm someone's social reputation and or cause humiliation. Social

bullying includes: lying and spreading rumors negative facial or

physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks; playing nasty

jokes to embarrass and humiliate; mimicking unkindly; encouraging

others to socially exclude someone; and damaging someone's social

reputation or social acceptance. Social bullying is one of the worst

type of bullying, if you thought that the effects will disappear as soon

than you find a career, you are terribly wrong. For a victim, the impact

of being constantly reduced in front of others is way more deep-seated

than a few bruises on the face. It can cause bigger problems, like

anxiety and depression. Professionals confirm that the memories of

social bullying can be the cause of these serious problems in the early

adulthood. Being anxious or depressed can cause problems with

society, like having trouble with making friends or finding a career. In

worst cases, it can be the cause of extreme consequences, such as

suicide. All these consequences are caused by a low self-estime and

confidence (Edwards, 2010).


Conquering the Odds

Conquering bullying can be one of the hardest things to do.

We often speak to adults who bear the scars of bullying and it has

affected their adulthood in one way or another. They may have trust

issues, low self-esteem and self-worth. We have seen how the effects of

bullying can determine someone’s behaviour and actions. For those

who have experienced bullying, it may be difficult to do the everyday

things we take for granted, such as meeting new people, trying out

new challenges and more. Conquering bullying is understanding the

roles of the people involved in the bullying. If you can try to

visualizethe experience but look at the situation from an outsider’s

perspective, this can help you see how the person who was bullying

you was perhaps motivated by their own reasons and actually you

never were to blame or responsible for what you had to go through.

Bullies often have very low self-esteem and low self-worth and will

bully others to try and compensate for their own negative emotions.

This does not excuse their behavior but goes a long way to explain

why they act in this way. What happened to you was the consequence

of the action and choice of the bully and it certainly was them and not

you. Preventing a Run-In With a Bully Don't give the bully a


chance. As much as you can, avoid the bully. You can't go into hiding

or skip class, of course. But if you can take a different route and avoid

the mean kid, do so. Stand tall and be brave. When you're scared of

another person, you're probably not feeling your bravest. But

sometimes just acting brave is enough to stop a bully. How does a

brave person look and act? Stand tall and you'll send the message:

"Don't mess with me." It's easier to feel brave when you feel good

about yourself. See the next tip! Feel good about you. Nobody's

perfect, but what can you do to look and feel your best? Maybe you'd

like to be more fit. If so, maybe you'll decide to get more exercise,

watch less TV, and eat healthier snacks. Or maybe you feel you look

best when you shower in the morning before school. If so, you could

decide to get up a little earlier so you can be clean and refreshed for

the school day. Get a buddy and be a buddy. Two is better than one if

you're trying to avoid being bullied. Make a plan to walk with a friend

or two on the way to school, recess, lunch, or wherever you think you

might meet the bully. Offer to do the same if a friend is having bully

trouble. Get involved if you see bullying going on in your school tell

an adult, stick up for the kid being bullied, and tell the bully to stop

(Lyness, 2013).


It’s true that traditionally, self-determination has been more

frequently used in a diplomatic and political context to describe the

process a country undergoes to assert its independence. However,

self-determination also has a much more personal and psychology-

relevant meaning today: the ability or process of making one’s own

choices and controlling one’s own life. Self-determination is a vital

piece of psychological well-being; as you may expect, people generally

like to feel in control of their own lives. We are rarely driven by only

one type of motivation or the other; we are complex beings with many

different goals, desires, and ideas about what we want and need.

Instead of thinking about motivation as being at one polar end or the

other, it is useful to think of it as a continuum from non-self-

determine to self-determine.Further research on Self-determination,

goals has confirmed the connection between success and autonomy

and supported the idea that success is also more likely when our

goals are intrinsic and intended to satisfy our basic needs. It has also

found that success in goal-striving is more likely when we are

supported by empathetic and supportive people, rather than

controlling or directive people (Koestner& Hope, 2014).



Life comes with challenges. The tricky part is to avoid letting the

fear overwhelm you. If you surround yourself with family and friends

who care and support you by being there, yes, they do. Certain

challenges should not be faced alone or in solitude, because

sometimes there is a great deal of physical and emotional pain

involved. One we face and win on a daily basis. It happened. It lasted

for many years,it ended with being physically assaulted. Throughout

life we had to learn how to build self-esteem, and how to trust and

have faith in people. It’s something still struggle with. Likewise, we

battle with a veil of sadness that never truly disappears. There are

days and moments when we feel drowning in sadness. That’s when we

search for beauty, in the people we love and who love us in return, in

all that takes our breath away, like a blue spring sky, a rose in June,

a field full of sunflowers. Sometimes we sit quietly with dog or we go

for long walks by the seashore. Being aware of ourselves, feelings, we

enjoy creates balance and it helps us to move on, instead of dwelling

on events of the past we cannot change. However, there is one thing

above all that makes us a bullying survivor: helping others. We came

out publicly with our experience. Since then we have been travelling

through schools and talking to students. We’re doing our part to help,

giving the wounds and the anger sense. It’s the best therapy around.

Negative thoughts and feelings disappear when we are able to reach

out to children and adolescents who are tormented by bullying.

(Pacella 2017).


A report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering

and Medicine describes the effects of bullying on childhood

development and calls for a better understanding of cyber

bullying. Dr. Frederick Rivara, Seattle Children’s Guild Endowed

Chair in Pediatrics, chaired the report committee, and Dr. Megan

Moreno, principal investigator of the Social Media and Adolescent

Health Research Team at Seattle Children’s Research Institute, was a

committee member. On the Pulse sat down with them to discuss the

new findings and what families can do to protect their children from

bullying.Parents should be aware that while bullying has been around

since they were young; it is now clear that these experiences are

harmful and have both short-term and long-term consequences for

perpetrators as well as targets.Parents should take their child’s


concerns or experiences with bullying seriously, whether as a target,

perpetrator, bystander or witness. Parents should talk openly with

their child about their bullying experiences, and seek additional

support from pediatricians, school personnel or counselors if

additional help would be beneficial (Kader, 2016).

Social Isolation

Social isolation is a term often used interchangeably with

loneliness, but while the two are closely related, they do not

necessarily mean the same thing. You can be lonely in a crowd, but

you will not be socially isolated.

Isolation has been defined as an objective state whereby the

number of contacts a person has can be counted, whereas loneliness

is a subjective experience. While the terms may have slightly different

meanings, both can be painful experiences and have a harmful impact

on the individual. Social isolation describes the absence of social

contact and can lead to loneliness. It is a state of being cut off from

normal social networks, which can be triggered by factors such as loss

of mobility, unemployment, or health issues. Isolation can involve

staying at home for lengthy periods of time, having no access to


services or community involvement, and little or no communication

with friends, family, and acquaintances. There are many contributing

factors to social isolation. Many things can prevent people from

leaving the house and having contact with other members of society,

such as long-term illness, disabilities, transport issues,

unemployment and economic struggles, or domestic violence. Some

may be physically able to go out and meet people but are inhibited

from doing so by factors such as depression, social adversity,

becoming a career for a loved one, or bereavement. Any of these

factors can be barriers to forming and maintaining social networks

and can lead to loneliness and isolation. Millions of children are

suffering today from feelings of social isolation with no support. As

adults, we can all look back on our own middle school experience and

recognize that this phenomenon has existed for decades largely

without attention and without benefit of programs and interventions.

This significant impact on our children's lives remains one of the

greatest social challenges of our times. The issue of bullying has

captured the attention of the media, national policy leaders and

educators, in part because the behavior and its effects are so overt

and obvious. Social isolation, which often underlies bullying, is a more


insidious and harder to identify phenomenon. It is also a far more

pervasive a problem, experienced by many students regardless of

where they are on the social spectrum. It is thus imperative that we

intervene during adolescence to reduce and end social isolation before

it manifests in more dangerous behaviors, such as self-harm and

community violence. Learning-disabled children lack interpersonal

relationships, and manifest social isolation in both their behavior and

artwork. In a study comparing the drawings done by fifteen learning-

disabled children and fifteen children displaying no learning problems

it was demonstrated that learning-disabled children depict themselves

as socially isolated in the context of their school environment. Two out

of seven measures proved significant in the discrimination of the two

groups with regard to social isolation. A grotesque self-image and the

omission of peers from the drawing appeared significantly more in the

drawings of learning-disabled children than in those of normal

children. As diagnostic assessments, the children's drawings can

indicate social isolation and the direction toward its remediation.

(Cohn, 2013).

Relationship between bullying and conquering the odds

The issue of bullying has plagued many school systems in the

US. We have all read about issues of bullying causing students to take

drastic measures to make the pain stop. Unfortunately, many of these

drastic measures have resulted in suicide and/or murder. In 2010, a

15-year-old immigrant from Ireland took her own life because of

excessive bullying. A New York Time article noted that the “defendants

were accused of relentlessly tormenting Ms. Prince” (Eckholm, 2011).

Numerous researchers, educators, and psychologists have theories

about why bullying occurs. Although these groups have different

semantics for explaining why bullying occurs, there is always a

common theme: power and control. From own experience of dealing

with students who have been bullied and students who behave as

bullies, it’s clear that dominating others provides an element of

control to the individual doing the bullying. “Bulliesare about power

and control, and confronting them or stepping in to stop them usurps

their sense of power” (Wolk 2010).


Theoretical Framework

These are the theories of bullying impact in the society. This goal is

based on the power of bullying in social behavior and the expectations

of the student will behave in appropriate and socially acceptable way

towards each other.

This theory is anchored on the Ecological system theory of

Bronfenbrenner (1917). It explains how everything in a child and the

child’s environment affects how a child grows and develops. He

labeled different aspects of environment that influence children

development including the: microsystem, a small immediate

relationships or organizations to interact. Second is the mesosytem, it

describes how different parts of a child’s microsystem work together

for the sake of the child. Third is the exo-system, which includes the

other people and places that the child herself may not interact with

herself but that still have a large effect on her. And fourth is macro-

system, it is the macro-system, which is the largest and most remote

set of people and things to child.

Social learning theory of Bandura (1977). According to his

theory, Individuals that are observed are called models. In society,


children are surrounded by many influential models, such as parents

within the family, characters on children’s TV, friends within their

peer group and teachers at school. Bandura (1977) believes that

humans are active information processors and think about the

relationship between their behavior and its consequences.

Observational learning could not occur unless cognitive processes

were at work. These mental factors mediate in the learning process to

determine whether a new response is acquired.Therefore, individuals

do not automatically observe the behavior of a model and imitate it.

There is some thought prior to imitation, and this consideration is

called meditational processes. This occurs between observing the

behavior stimulus and imitating it or not response.

Realistic conflict theory of Sherif (1950). He believed that

realistic conflict theory states that whenever there are two or more

groups that are seeking the same limited resources, this will lead to

conflict, negative stereotypes and beliefs, and discrimination between

the groups. The conflict can lead to increasing animosity toward the

groups and can cause an ongoing feud to develop.Conversely, conflict,

negative stereotypes and beliefs, and discrimination between groups

can potentially be reduced in situations where two or more groups are


seeking to obtain some superordinate goals. Superordinate goals are

mutually-desirable goals that cannot be obtained without the

participation of two or more groups.

Lastly is the Attribution theory of Heider (1958). He believed

that people are naive psychologists trying to make sense of the social

world. Attribution theory deals with how the social perceiver uses

information to arrive at causal explanations for events. It examines

what information is gathered and how it is combined to form a causal

judgment (Fiske, & Taylor, 1991). There were two main ideas that he

put forward that became influential the Internal attribution which the

process of assigning the cause of behavior to some internal

characteristic, rather than to outside forces. When we explain the

behavior of others we look for enduring internal attributions, such as

personality traits and External attribution it is the process of

assigning the cause of behavior to some situation or event outside a

person's control rather than to some internal characteristic.

Those theories are the basis of our study. And we the

researchers choose the following theories, theEcological system

theory, the Social learning theory, Realistic conflict theory and


theAttribution theory to justify the impact and strategies to overcome

of being bullied. And also, these theories will help us to understand

deeper about bullying.

Conceptual Framework

Presented in Figure 1 is the conceptual framework of the study.

The independent variable of this study is the bullying with the

following indicators: verbal abuse which refers to forcefully criticizes,

insults, or denounces someone else, physical abuse which refers to

any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person by way

of bodily contact and social bullying which refers to generally defined

as a form of unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-age children

that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.

The dependent variable is the conquering the odds with the

following indicators: self-determination which refers to a characteristic

of a person that leads them to make choices and decisions based on

their own preferences and interests, challenges is a part of everyday

life that makes you stronger, development which is the process that

creates growth, progress, positive change and social isolation describes

the absence of social contact and can lead to loneliness and can

involve staying at home for lengthy periods of time no communication

with friends, family, and acquaintances.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Conquering the odds

 Verbal abuse
 Self-determination
 Physical Abuse
 Challenges
 Social Bullying
 Development

 Social Isolation

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study


Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the municipal officials, school

personnel, parents, students and other researchers for it helps them

to construct strategies and methods on how to lessen the cases of


School Personnel. This study will give them a hint to amend

their motivation and skillsin open forum to students who really need

their guidance.

Parents. They will be aware about the kind of attitude their child

is possessing. It will give them a hint on how they would help and

encourage their child to overcome bullying.

Students. This study will encourage them to change their

attitude towards other people. It will serve as a medicine to cure the

minds of every individual to become open minded about the

consequences of their action.

Researchers. The researchers in the near future will make use of

the results of our present study. This study will serve as their basis

and comparison to their future study.


Definition of Terms

Bullying. is physical or verbal aggression that is repeated over a

period of time and involves an imbalance of power. It is further

characterized by the bully repeatedly using the higher social status

they have over the victim to exert power and to hurt the victim.


In this study, it refers to a form of abuse that uses power and

dominance to those that are weaker and less powerful.

Conquering the odds.Means overcoming improbability that is

something not likely to happento get the better of in

a struggle or conflict.


In this study, it refers a way of a child to overcome towards the


Chapter 2


This chapter discusses the methodology used in this

quantitative study. It presents the research design, research subject,

population and sample, research instrument, data collection, and

statistical tools that are used in the study.

Research Design

This research utilized non-experimental quantitative research

utilizing descriptive and correlational techniques. This method was

used when the objective is to describe the status of the situation as it

existed at the time of the study to explore the causes of a

phenomenon. Non-experimental research is the name given to a study

when the researchers cannot control, or change the indicator variable

or subjects, yet rather, depends on understanding, perception or

associations to arrive at a conclusions, overview or contextual

surveys. In correlational research, it is concerned with establishing

relationships between two or more variables in the same population


and assesses the statistical relationship between them with little or no

effort to control extraneous variables. Travers (2006), it involved

collecting data to determine whether the degree of a relationship exists

between two of more quantifiable variables. This descriptive survey

dealt with quantitative about the said phenomenon. The quantitative

aspect is an appropriate schedule for gathering the data designed for

the target respondents to answer the questions. The process of

gathering the data will be based using questionnaires. The focus of

the study was to determine the effects of bullying on conquering the

odds among grade 12 senior high school students of UM Tagum

College. Also, Get et al. (2012) clarified that the quality of quantitative

research is the open doors that it gives analysts to communicate the

assemble information specifically form their exploration members to

comprehend a wonder from their points of view.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at University of Mindanao Tagum

College. It aims at assessing the bullying and conquering the odds

among Grade 12 Senior high school students in UM Tagum College.

The researchers considered grade 12 senior high school students as


the respondents because they are literate to answer and reflect

themselves the questions on their own about the relationship between

bullying and conquering the odds.

In addition, random sampling will be followed using the Slovin’s

formula where 254 students will be picked from an entire population

695. They will be randomly selected by having the students’ master

list and by the help of a calculator. Before having the actual

dissemination of questionnaires, the researchers will be conducting a

pre-visit with the authorized persons to allow them to have the list of

names to be able to conduct the study properly wherein the

participants can rate their experience in a light and confident mode.

This will be the researchers’ opportunity to share with them the

significance of the study. Through these, good rapport and

camaraderie blocked us from any hindrances and might come along

during the final distribution of the questionnaires.


Figure 2: Map of the Philippines Highlighting University of Mindanao

Tagum College

Research Subject

In this study, the entire grade 12 senior high school students of

UM Tagum College are the chosen respondents for this study with

regards to bullying and conquering the odds. This research will be

conducted at UM Tagum College for the academic year 2018-2019.

The method used by the researchers for choosing the respondents is

the random sampling technique wherein 254 students were randomly

selected out of 695 grade 12 students in senior high school students

has experience bullying. Only the 254 students will answer with the

use of adoptive and modified questionnaires. The 254 respondents

were selected with the use of Slovin’s formula. In this way, the

respondents will be randomly picked.

The subject of this study is the participants themselves wherein

in this case, the students will be able to know if they experience

bullying and how to conquer the odds. The participants will be able to

visualize the questions and will realize the effects and factors of

bullying and how they will overcome the odds.

The population for the research survey was the grade 12 senior

high school student form UM Tagum College. Modest random


sampling method was applied to select two hundred fifty four (n=254)

grade 12 senior high school students out of six hundred ninety five

(N=695) grade 12 senior high school students to be participants of this

study called The Effects of Bullying on Conquering the Odds among

Grade 12 Senior High School Students in UM Tagum College.



n= required sample size

N= the given population

e= margin of error

Population and Sample

Random sampling technique was used in the selection of

respondents. The respondents in the study were the 254 senior high

school students of UM Tagum College. Shown in Table 4 are the

respondents of the study who came from the different strands of grade

12 senior high school students of UM Tagum College for the school

year 2018-2019.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Strand No. of Respondents Percentage

ABM 58 23%

GAS 20 8%

H.E 34 13%

HUMSS 64 25%

STEM 59 23%

ICT 19 8%

Total 254 100%


Research Instrument

The instrument to be used in this study is the research made-

questionnaire containing two parts. The part 1 includes the method

used in measuring the level of independent variable which is the

bullying. The questionnaire is an adopted and modified from the


Table 2.Bullying

Indicators No. of Question

Verbal abuse 5

Physical Abuse 5

Direct Discrimination 5

Social Bullying 5

For the application of bullying, the following range of means is used.


Range of Mean Description Interpretation

4.3-5.0 Always This means that the

bullying is very much


3.5-4.2 Often This means that the

bullying is much


2.7-3.4 Sometimes This means that the

bullying is


1.9-2.6 Seldom This means that the

bullying is less


1.0-1.8 Never This means that the

bullying is not


In part 2, it includes the method used in the measuring the level

of dependent variable which is conquering the odds of the students.

The dependent variable contains five indicators. The questionnaire is

also adopted and modified from the internet.

Table 3.Conquering the Odds

Indicators No. of Question

Self-determination 5

Challenges 5

Development 5

Social Isolation 5

For the level of conquering the odds, the following 5 point Likert

scale is used for interpretation:

Range of Mean Description Interpretation

This means that

conquering the odds is

4.3-5.0 Always

always observed.

3.5-4.2 Often This mean that

conquering the odds is

often observed.

2.7-3.4 Sometimes This means that

conquering the odds is

sometimes observed.

1.9-2.6 Seldom This means that

conquering the odds is

seldom observed.

1.0-1.8 Never This means that

conquering the odds is

never observed.

Data Collection

After getting the approval of the panel members, the researchers

had undergone the following steps and procedures in gathering the


First, researchers asked permission to the principal of senior

high school department to conduct the study about bullying and

conquering the odds among grade 12 senior high students. Then, after

gathering the letter of permission, researchers then get the

respondents answer in the given survey questionnaire. But


beforehand, researchers made some short discussion about the topic

and its purpose so that it will be easier for the respondents to answer.

Moreover, the researchers then received all the answered survey

questionnaires. Lastly, researchers tallied and tabulated all the

gathered data from the respondents, subjects to statistical analysis.

The statistical results were carefully analyzed and interpreted. With

the data given by the respondents, conclusion was drawn, and

recommendation was formulated.

Statistical Tools

This study employed the following statistical tools in processing

the answer of the questions at 0.05 level of significance. The

responses to the items in the questionnaires were tallied, tabulated

and interpreted correspondingly.

Mean. This tool was used to determine the level of bullying and

conquering the odds: factors of overcoming among senior high school

students in UM Tagum College.


Person r.This tool was used to determine the significant

relationship between bullying and conquering the odds: factors of

overcoming among senior high school students in UM Tagum College.


Chapter 3


Presented in this chapter are the data and results of the study.

Tables are arranged in the following subheadings: Level of bullying

among Grade 12 SHS students in UM Tagum College, Level of

conquering the odds among Grade 12 SHS students in UM Tagum

College, Significant relationship between bullying and conquering the

odds among Grade 12 SHS students in UM Tagum College, Significant

Influence between bullying and conquering the odds among Grade 12

SHS students in UM Tagum College with their corresponding


Level of Bullying among Grade 12 SHS Students

Shown in Table 1 is the mean scores for the indicators of

Bullying among Grade 12 SHS Students with an overall mean of 2.72

describe as moderate with a standard deviation of 0.85. The moderate

level could be attributed to the moderate rating given by the

respondents in all indicators. This means that the respondents

response experienced to bullying in grade 12 students are majority of


the cases in the items of verbal abuse, physical abuse and social


The cited overall mean score was the result gathered from the

following computed mean scores from highest to lowest: 3.14 or

moderate for verbal abuse with a standard deviation of 0.9116; 2.56

or low for physical abuse with a standard deviation of 0.9934; 2.46 or

low for social bullying with a standard deviation of 1.0092.


Table 1. Level of Bullying in Grade 12 SHS Students

Indicator Mean SD Descriptive Level

Verbal Abuse 3.14 0.911 Moderate

Physical Abuse 2.56 0.993 Low

Social Bullying 2.46 1.009 Low

Overall 2.72 0.851 Moderate


The main bullying behavior that was positive in grade 12 shs

students is on verbal abuse, being the indicator with the highest

mean, whose goal is when a person forcefully criticizes, insults, or

denounces someone else. Therefore, doing this kind of bully can ruin

and change ones life.

This is followed by physical abuse which has been experienced

among grade 12 shs students, as an indicator which obtained the

second highest mean score. The respondents display a response on

this indicator which is an intentional act causing injury or trauma to

another person by way of bodily contact. Alternative terms sometimes

used include physical assault or physical violence, and may also

include sexual abuse.

Finally, the bullying behavior that is evident in grade 12 shs

students is on social bullying, being the indicator with the lowest,

which goal involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships.

However, as public understanding of youth bullying behavior

continues to evolve, definitions have been expanded to recognize social

bullying as an important form of youth aggression.


Level of Conquering the Odds among grade 12 SHS Students

Shown in Table 2 are the mean scores for the indicators of

Conquering the Odds among grade 12 Shs Students with an overall

mean of 3.77 described as high with a standard deviation of 0.569.

The high level could be attributed to the rating given by the

respondents in all indicators. This means that the respondents

response to conquering the odds among the grade 12 students were

positive in majority of the cases in the items of self-determination,

challenges, development and social isolation.

The cited overall mean score was the result gathered from the

following computed mean scores from the highest and lowest: 3.94 or

high for self-determination with standard deviation 0.773; 3.89 or

high for challenges with standard deviation 0.699; 3.87 or high for

development with standard deviation 0.787; 3.41 or high for social

isolation with standard deviation 0.766.


Table 2. Level of Conquering the Odds among Grade 12 SHS


Indicator Mean SD Descriptive Level

Self-determination 3.94 0.773 Often

Challenges 3.89 0.699 High

Development 3.87 0.787 High

Social Isolation 3.41 0.766 High

Overall 3.72 0.569 High


The indicator with highest mean which is self-determination,

which refer to a characteristic of a person that leads them to make

choices and decisions based on their own preferences and interests, to

monitor and regulate their own actions and to be goal-oriented and


With regards to challenge, they consider bullying as a challenge.

Facing up to challenges and living through them give us the

experiences that make up our life.

This is followed by development, that creates growth, progress,

positive change or the addition of physical. The purpose of

development is a rise in the level and quality of life of the population

especially for those wqho experienced bullying.

Finally, the indicator with the lowest mean which is social

isolation, describes the absence of social contact and can lead to

loneliness. Isolation can involve students who experienced bullying

staying at home for lengthy periods of time, little or no communication

with friends, family, and acquaintances.


Significance on the Relationship between Bullying and

Conquering the Odds among SHS Students

One important purpose of this study is to determine the effects

of bullying and how they overcome such circumstances. Person r was

to determine the correlation between the two variables. Results of the

computations are shown in Table 3.

The result revealed that the bullying versus conquering the odds

yields an r-value of 0.2205 which is significant. The result is due to

the p-value of 0.01 which is lower than 0.05 level of significance. This

lead to the decision that the null hypothesis should be rejected

through the result that we have.

This further means that there is a relationship between two

variables correlated. On the basis of researchers done on the

relationship between bullying and conquering the odds, it has been

evident that the bullying has an effect on how they conquer the odds.

Therefore, the result that gain has significantly relate to each other

between the independent variable and dependent variable is highly

observed to the grade 12 shs students of UM Tagum College.


Table 3. Significance on the Relationship between Bullying and

Conquering the Odds among Grade 12 SHS students in UM Tagum


Variable Mean SD r- value p-value

Bullying 2.72 0.05 0.2205 0.01

Conquering 3.77 0.569 0.2205 0.01

the Odds

*Significant at 0.05 significance level.


Chapter 4


The data on bullying and conquering the odds among grade 12

shs students of UM Tagum College are presented in this chapter and

said discussions are based on the findings in the previous section.

Level of Bullying in Grade 12 students of UM Tagum College

The respondents’ level on the bullying in grade 12 students of

UM Taggum College is moderate. This means that the bullying were

positive in Grade 12 students of UM Tagum College. This further

means that the bullying in the University of Mindanao Tagum College

is sometimes experience by the senior high school students which

means they have experience being verbally abuse; physical abuse; and

socially bullied. It seems that bullying is just one of those things that

are just a part of human nature. Something that can be suppressed

but not eliminated.

This result is in relation to the theory of Heider, (1958) who

viewed that people are naive psychologists trying to make sense of the

social world. Attribution theory deals with how the social perceiver

uses information to arrive at causal explanations for events. There

were two main ideas that he put forward that became influential the

Internal attribution which the process of assigning the cause of

behavior to some internal characteristic, rather than to outside forces.

When we explain the behavior of others we look for enduring internal

attributions, such as personality traits and External attribution it is

the process of assigning the cause of behavior to some situation or

event outside a person's control rather than to some internal


In terms of being verbally abuse, the level of bullying in grade

12 shs students is sometimes experienced. This indicates that the

verbal abuse behavior in grade 12 students of University of Mindanao

Tagum College was positive. The experience of being verbally abuse

was got to be an almost universal sort of thing; something that many

others who have endured similar experiences can perhaps recognize.

It is the lowest of the standard deviations computed which means that

the distribution is more closely distributed than other data for


With regards to physical abuse the level was seldom

experienced. This signifies that the bullying of grade 12 shs students

in University of Mindanao is negative. This means that the grade 12

shs students in UM Tagum College is seldom experienced being

physicaly abuse. Physical abuse often occurs alongside other forms of

abuse such as financial and emotional abuse. This is in line with the

view of Moriceau et al., 2010, the period of physical immaturity and

dependence lasts an extended time in humans. Even beyond the point

at which young children are physically dependent, they remain

psychologically dependent throughout childhood and adolescence.

Thus, inadequate or abusive care can have considerable consequences

in terms of children's health and social, psychological, cognitive, and

brain development.

In term of social bullying, professionals confirmed that the

memories of social bullying can be the cause of these serious

problems in the early adulthood. Being anxious or depressed can

cause problems with society like having trouble with making friends.

It can be the cause of extreme consequences, such as suicide. All this

are caused by a low self-esteem and confidence. (Edwards, 2010).


Level of Conquering the Odds among grade 12 shs Students

The respondents’ responses on their level of conquering the

odds on grade 12 shs students in UM Tagum College appears on a

high level. This means that all measures described in conquering the

odds on grade 12 shs students in um tagum college were posistive.

This result is associated with the work of Lyness (2013) who

emphasized that conquering bullying can be one of the hardest things

to do. Bullies have often very low self-esteem and low self work and

will bully others to try and compensate for their own negative


The high level of self-determination indicated that the level of

conquering the odds was positive. This means that students often

have a self resolution. Further research on self-deterimination goals

has confirmed the connection between success and autonomy and

supported the idea that success is also more likely when our goals are

intended to satisfy our basic needs. It also found that success in goal-

striving is more likely when we are supported by emphathetic and

supportive people rather than controlling or directive people. (Koestner

& Hope, 2014)


In the same manner, the respondents had an agreeable rating

on conquering the odds about challenges described as high which

specified that the items indicated were positive in um tagum college.

This means that students consider bullying as a challenge. Certain

challenges should not be faced alone because sometimes there is a

great deal of physical and emotional pain involed negative thoughts

and feelings disappear when we are able to reach out to student who

are tormented by bullying. (Pasella, 2017)

Data indicated that the respondents displayed a favorable belief

towards development can be stated thet respondents assigned high.

This implies development indicator in conquering the odds among

grade 12 shs students in UM Tagum College is positively observed.

This means that students have creates growth and positive change in

their lives despite experiencing being bullied. Kader (2016) who stated

that development is visible and useful, not necessarily immediately,

and includes an aspect of quality change and the creation of

conditions for a continuation of that change.

Similarly, the respondents also displayed high level of social

isolation in UM Tagum College. The high rating means that the social

isolation is positively observed. This implies that isolation is a state

whereby the number of contacts a person has can be counted whereas

loneliness subjective experienced of grade 12 senior high school

students. It is a state of being cut off from normal social networks

which can be trigger factors such as lost of health issues. The

students can often experienced isolation that involve staying at home

for lengthy periods of time and little or no communication with

friends, family, and acquaintances.

Correlation Between Measures

The present study reveals a significant relationship between

bullying and conquering the odds among grade 12 shs students in UM

Tagum College. This implies bullying behavior influenced the students

to determine the way of overcoming bullying and being bullied which

can be seen in the data. This confirms with the study of

Bronfenbrenner (1917) which emphasized that bullying behavior

affects the thoughts feelings and actions of the students who

experience being bullied. This result is also in relation to the

proposition of Sherif, (1950) who viewed that bullying behavior in


many school have many strategies in conquering the odds. This is due

to the fact that bullying was being observe.

The correlation between the overall bullying and conquering the

odds is significant. This implies that the conquering the odds is

dependent on the bullying in UM Tagum College.


The following conclusion is drawn based on the result of the

study. The level of Bullying among grade 12 students in UMTC shs

students is Sometimes experience for verbal abuse, Seldom experience

for physical abuse, seldom experience for social bullying. This means

that the Bullying is sometimes experience in grade 12 students in

UMTC. The level of conquering the odds it is often experience for self

determination, often experience for challenges, often experience for

development, and often experience for social isolation. This means

that the level of conquering the odds in grade12 shs student in UMTC

is often esperience. There is significantly relationship between bullying

and conquering the odds. The bullying significantly influence

conquering the odds.



In the light of the foregoing findings and conclusion, the

following recommendation are offered; Municial officials, school

personel, parents, students and other researchers. This study will

encourage them to change their attitude towards other people.

Moreover, it will serve as a medicine to cure the minds of every

individual to becom open minded about the consequences of thier

action. Furthermore, it would be beneficial to the students who affect

bullying on how they conquer the challenges. Lastly, it may provide

the future researchers a statting point on how to expand the coverage

of the research in terms of the variables covered in the study.



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