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I had an amazing and fun experience out there. On our duty our CI gave an instruction and
clarifications on the activity for the rest of our duty.

I had a wonderful and fun day. Thinking back on the remaining tasks and pursuits for this
week is quite gratifying. I learned a lot from our experience, developed more patience, and
saw the differences in caring for children and adults, and that's what a genuine nurse should
be. I realized that portraying the job of a nurse requires a variety of tasks, yet despite this,
I'm glad since I enjoy what I'm doing.

Philipians 4:13 ‘ I can do all thigs through Christ who strengthen me’
It conveys the message that we should always act with strength and courage. I chose to
pursue a career in nursing because I enjoy helping and serving others. We offer genuine
assistance to others without expecting anything in return. And because there are people
depending on us, we must always maintain our strength and care for our bodies, especially
our hands. We should take good care of our hands because that is how we show our clients
that we care about them. As my journey as a student nurse continues, I know that my
experiences will be added more and my knowledge about nursing will be improved.
One of the most crucial qualities any healthcare worker, whether current or prospective,
should possess is a passion to assist others. We must always remember that the Lord is with
us and that those who serve His people will receive rewards from Him. I'll keep learning
and apply what I've discovered in the future.

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