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Q Describe in brief about frontal lobe and it's functions.

How does damage to frontal lobe results in


The frontal lobe is a significant part of the brain located

at the front of the cerebral cortex. It plays a crucial role
in various higher cognitive functions, including:

1. Executive Functions : The frontal lobe is responsible

for executive functions like decision-making,
planning, problem-solving, and goal setting.
2. Motor Function : It controls voluntary muscle
movements and is involved in motor planning and

3. Personality and Social Behavior : The frontal lobe

influences personality traits and regulates social
behavior, emotions, and self-control.

4. Language Production : This lobe plays a role in

speech production, specifically in the left
hemisphere, known as Broca’s area.
5. Working Memory : It helps in short-term memory
and information retention for tasks that require
immediate attention and processing.

6. Attention and Concentration : The frontal lobe is

involved in sustaining attention and concentration.
So, frontal lobe is integral for high-level cognitive
functions and behavioral control, making it a vital part of
the brain for our daily activities and interactions.
Damage to the frontal lobe can lead to various
dysfunctions and behavioral changes due to its critical
role in higher cognitive functions. Here are some ways in
which frontal lobe damage can result in dysfunction:
1. Impaired Decision-Making : Damage to the frontal
lobe can lead to poor decision-making abilities.
Individuals may make impulsive choices or struggle
to evaluate the consequences of their actions.

2. Personality Changes : Frontal lobe damage can alter

a person’s personality. They may become apathetic,
disinhibited, or exhibit mood swings.

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