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Father, Dear Father

- Raj Kinger

Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. The first one has
been answered as a model.

a) What does the boy think of his grandparents in his letter?

Ans:- Rahul is very much happy with his grandparents who enjoy life. He
says that his grandfather had a carefree and beautiful childhood. His
grandfather recollects how he enjoyed in the mango and guava gardens;
the picnics with mouth- watering food items and playing marbles and gilli
danda on the river banks. Rahul says that to his grandfather studies were
secondary and living and experiencing was the major subject. He asks his
father very innocently whether his grandfather is lying. Rahul's grandmother
is semi-literate. But Rahul says that she is happy with her kitchen work,
gardening and reading the Bhagavad Geeta and other holy books.

b) Write a paragraph on the present day education system as described

in Rahul’s letter.

Ans:- In Rahul's letter, we observe that the present-day education system

lays stress on securing marks and ranks. That is why Rahul mention in the
beginning that his first rank slipped to second. In his opinion, it provides
neither the time nor the facilities for reaction. What the biology teacher said
to Rahul tells us that theoretical learning is emphasized. Road learning is
the norm and most students do not understand the subject nor do they see
any long-term purpose in learning. Rahul also says that imagination and
creativity are not encouraged because the system is rigid and so narrows
down the learner’s ability to think logically and answer for themselves.
c). What is the attitude of the teachers towards learners as illustrated in
Father,dear Father?

Ans:-In his letter, Rahul writes that in the present system of education,
teachers focus on imparting only theoretical information to students. Road
learning is encouraged. There seems to be no correlation between what is
found in books and what happens in real life. Students are not encouraged
to think, imagine and be original. A lot of cramming of information is done
rather than actually understanding the concept and applying them to solve
real-world problems.

d) What is the significance of the postscript to the text in Father Dear


Ans:- In his letter to his father, Rahul writes a postscript in which he says
that his father will not see his anguished plea. From what he says in the
postscript, it is apparent that Rahul is disappointed with the present system
of education. As an intelligent and innovative student whose thinking and
cognitive abilities are excellent, he writes this long letter to throw light on
the loopholes in the present-day education system. The postscript also
aims at drawing the attention of parents and educators to the unnecessary
stress caused to students and also to modify the system to suit the needs
and interests of students.

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