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Faculté des sciences administratives et économiques

Prénom :Woudchana
Matière :Anglais
Classe :4ème année sciences de la gestion
Median : A
One morning last winter I was driving to work late, when my
cell phone ring, i knew it was my boss , so I answered
it,suddenly the van front of me start because they were
someone crossing the world, i was talking to my boss so I
reacted too late,and my car run into the back of the van ,
luckly i was driving really slowly at the time so i didn't do
much damage to the van but the front of my car was a real
mas since than i never use my phone when im driving

Traduction Française
un matin l'hiver dernier, je conduisais tard pour aller au
travail, quand mon téléphone portable sonnait, je savais
que c'était mon patron, alors j'ai répondu, soudainement la
camionnette devant moi s’est arrêté parce qu'il y’avait
quelqu'un qui traversait la route , je parlais à mon patron
alors j'ai réagi trop tard, et ma voiture a heurté l'arrière de
la camionnette , heureusement que je conduisais très
lentement à ce moment donc je n'ai pas fait beaucoup de
dégâts au van mais l'avant de ma voiture était depuis que je
n'ai jamais utiliser mon téléphone quand je conduis.
We were on vacation last year when we had a little wè
where going somewhere we’d never been before so we
were following the instructions of my GPS we heard on the
radio that there’s a big accident on one of the roads we
needed to travel on so I started I started adjusting my GPS
to find the different to road to take,I took my eyes and
suddenly we came to sharp turn in the road I saw the turn
to late so I went straight ahead and drove into the middle of
a field we were lucky though because no one was hurt .

I was driving in Colorado one summer to visit my parents

who lives in Denver it’s a long trip so I have taken my MP3
with to connect to the car radio. Surprisingly there wasn’t
traffic on the freeway.So I arrived in Denver pretty quickly
however I was having such a good time listening to my
music that I completely missed the exits for Denver I didn’t
realize until I had gone another 20 miles so I had to turn
around and drive all the way back it just goes to show what
can happen when you aren’t concentrating.

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