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- Part 5: Extracting and Organizing Data

- In this part, we present and analyze the data that we obtained from the mapping
process, in order to answer our research questions. We use various graphs to show
the results, depending on the type of question.
- For RQ1, which asks about the types of research on microservices, we classify the
papers according to the research method they used, such as proposing a solution,
evaluating a solution, or expressing an opinion. We found that the most frequent
type of research was proposing a solution.
- For RQ2, which asks about the practical motivations for conducting research on
microservices, we group the papers by the main problem or goal they addressed, such
as improving functionality, enhancing performance, or increasing security. We found
that the most common motivation was improving functionality, followed by enhancing
performance and testing techniques.
- For RQ3, which asks about the emerging standards and tools for developing
microservices solutions, we identify the papers that proposed or applied any
specific standard or tool, such as REST, Swagger, or Docker. We found that the most
popular standard was REST and the most widely used tool was Docker.
- We also show the number of publications per year, to indicate the growing trend
of microservices research.

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