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The Benefits of Power Point Media

Through Online Learning to Improve the

Ability of BIPA Level A1 Grade 7 Students
in Cambodia
Pramudya Dhana Brata, Winanda Santi Hutami, Jajang Nurzaman, Mohammad Zain Musa, Dewi
Kusumaningsih, Muhlis Fajar Wicaksana

This study aims to describe the real use of power point media through online
One of the important educational keys in order to increase interest in
learning BIPA A1 Class 7 Sepama in Cambodia. The method used is to apply a
qualitative descriptive method. The description is based on the results of
learning and make it easier for students to receive messages about the The role of BIPA teachers must have the ability to keep pace with technological and scientific
subject matter is the use of interesting and fun learning media in every
observations, interviews with informants, as well as the results of developments. Through a teacher, it is expected to create BIPA students who have high
interpreting the context of the situation through video recordings of the learning activity. The term media comes from the Latin which is the plural
online learning zoom of Sepama Cambodia. The techniques used in data form of "medium". Literally means intermediary or introduction. The general creativity, ability, competence and skills and are highly competitive. A. Through Power Point
collection include, through observation techniques, content analysis. The use
of analytical content is because in this discussion we need very supportive
understanding is everything that can channel information from the source media, it also provides learning stimulation for students, especially attracting their curiosity.
of information to the recipient of the information. Online learning is learning
B. Power Point learning media can arouse students' interest in developing fun learning (joyful
information in the form of text/written and video, so that it can be used in
the analysis of information orally, recorded, and printed. so-called data can that is done without face-to-face contact, but through an available
be obtained legally. Then determine the source of data from events, photos,
observations, online learning BIPA A1 Class 7 Sepama in Cambodia. The
platform. All forms of subject matter are distributed online, synchronous learning / joyfull class) and activate students in online learning activities C. How important is
and asynchronous communication and the provision of tests are also
benefits of this research are very useful for developing the use of power
carried out online. BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) is an educational the function of this Power Point media in online learning activities such as functioning as a
point media in online learning for BIPA A1 properly and can increase the
activity of BIPA A1 students, one of which is Sepama 7th grade BIPA forum for foreigners who want to learn Indonesian. One of the types of visual tool in learning activities, namely in the form of facilities that can help and provide
students in Cambodia. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen learning media is Microsoft Power Point learning media because through
that the PPT media through the BIPA A1 program with online learning for this media BIPA teachers can very easily present the material to be taught visual experiences to students, in order to increase learning motivation. D. The orientation of
learning objectives (instructional objectives) must lead to changes in student behavior to be
Class 7 Sepama in Cambodia has an impact on student learning activities and
to foreign students through several available variations, such as text,
increases students' motivation, enthusiasm for learning, and curiosity.
images, videos, animations, graphics, and so on. equipped with several
Keywords : Power Point Media, Online Learning, BIPA A1, Sepama interesting features to increase student activity. more expressive and encourage the creation of Power Point learning media in order to
change student behavior as a result of these online learning activities according to the needs
Teks paragraf Anda

Online Learning and characteristics of students. E. Powerpoint is proven to be interactive between students
and teachers which contains summaries of BIPA A1 material, learning videos, and practice
questions with interesting and colorful animations and pictures so as to create student
enthusiasm for learning

The real benefits of power point media in learning in the
BIPA A1 Class 7 Sepama Cambodia material such as

methods through Power Point media, also provide learning

stimulation for students, especially attracting their
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text/written and video, so that it can be used in the analysis of information orally, recorded, and in print. orientation of learning objectives (instructional 2934.
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the analysis, it can be seen that the PPT media through the BIPA A1 program with online learning for Class and practice questions with animations and interesting Siswa Kelas 2 SD N Losari Jombang. In National Conference for Ummah (NCU), 1(1), 623–630.
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