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Grade 09

Science Chapter Notes

S.No. Subject Chapter Page
1 Physics Motion 2
2 Physics Force and Laws of 17
3 Physics Gravitation 26
4 Physics Work and Energy 37
5 Physics Sound 47
6 Chemistry Matter in Our 57
7 Chemistry Is Matter around Us 63
8 Chemistry 68
Atoms and Molecules
9 Chemistry 74
Structure of the Atom
10 Biology The Fundamental Unit of 81
11 Biology Tissues 87
12 Biology Improvement in food 93



1. Joseph jogs from point A to point B of a straight 300 m road in 2 min 30 s. He

turns around and jogs 100 m to reach point C in another 1 min. What are the
average speeds and velocities of Joseph:
(a) From point A to B?
[2 marks]

(a) From A to B:

To find:
Average speed =?

Average velocity =?

Given: Distance covered = 300 m

Time taken = 2 min 30 s = 150 s

[1 mark]

Total distance covered

⇒ Average speed =
Total time taken
⇒ = 2 ms

Displacement = Shortest distance between A and B = 300m

Time taken between points A and B = 150s

⇒ Average velocity =
Total time taken
⇒ = 2 ms

Thus, the average speed and the average velocity of Joseph in jogging from
A to B are the same, 2ms . −1

[1 mark]

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2. A motorboat starting from rest on a lake accelerates in a straight line at a

constant rate of 3.0 ms for 8.0 s. How far does the boat travel during this

[2 Marks] [NCERT]
Initial velocity, u = 0 (The motorboat is initially at rest.)
Acceleration, a = 3ms −2

Time taken, t = 8s

To find : Distance travelled (s)

According to the second equation of motion,

s = ut + at
s = 0 × 8 + × 3 × (8)
s = 0 + 3 × 32 [2 Marks]

Thus, the motorboat travels a distance of 96 m.

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3. A driver of a car travelling at 52 kmh applies the brakes and accelerates


uniformly in the opposite direction. The car stops in 5 s. Another driver

travelling at 3 kmh in another car applies his brakes slowly and stops in 10 s.

On the same graph, plot the speed vs. time graphs for the two cars. Which of
the two cars travelled farther after the brakes were applied?
The speed vs. time graph for the two cars is shown in the following figure.

[3 marks]
[Speed vs Time graph]

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For the first car:

Initial speed,u 1
= 52 kmh
= 52 × = 14.44 ms


Time taken to stop the car, t 1 = 5 s

Final speed, v 1
= 0

For the second car:

Initial speed, u 2 = 3 kmh
= 3 × = 0.83 ms


[1 mark]

Time taken to stop the car, t 2

= 10 s

Final speed, v 2 = 0

Distance covered = Area under the speed–time graph

Distance covered by the first car = Area under the graph line PQ

= Area of triangle POQ

1 1
= × (OQ) × (OP ) = × (5) × (14.44)
2 2
= 36.10 m

[1 mark]

Distance covered by the second car = Area under the graph line RS

= Area of triangle ROS

1 1
= × (OS) × (OR) = × (10) × (0.833)
2 2
= 4.16 m

Thus, area of triangle POQ > area of triangle ROS

Hence, the car travelling with a speed of 52 kmh −1

travelled farther after
brakes were applied.

[1 mark]

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4. The speed–time graph for a car is shown is in the figure given below.

Find how far the car travels in the first 4 seconds. Shade the area on the
graph that represents the distance travelled by the car during the period.
[3 Marks]

The distance travelled by the car in the first 4 seconds is given by the area
between the curve and the time axis from t = 0 to t = 4 s.

On the time-axis:
5 squares represent 2 s ⇒ 1 square represents s

On the distance axis:

3 squares represent 2 m/s ⇒ 1 square represents m/s [1 Mark]

So, area of 1 square on the graph = (2/3) × (2/5) = 4/15 [1 Mark]

Squares with area less than the area of half squares can be neglected.
Squares with area more than the area of half squares can be counted.
Therefore, approximately the total number of squares = 62

Area = 62× (4/15) = 16.53 [1 Mark]

Thus, the car travels a distance of 16.53 m in the first 4 seconds.

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5. A ball is gently dropped from a height of 20 m. If its velocity increases

uniformly at the rate of 10 ms , with what velocity will it strike the ground?

After what time will it strike the ground?

[5 Marks]
Given: Initial velocity, u = 0 (Since the ball was initially at rest)
Displacement of the ball, s = +20 m (Sign convention)
Acceleration, a = +10 ms (Sign convention)

Final velocity, v = ? [1 Mark]

According to the third equation of motion,

2 2
v = u + 2as
v = 0 + 2 × (+10) × (+20) = 400

v = ±20
v = 20 m/s [2 Marks]

The ball will strike the ground with a velocity of 20 m/s .

According to the first equation of motion,

v = u + at
20 = 0 + (+10)(t)

t = 2 s [2 Marks]

Hence, the ball will strike the ground after

2 s with a velocity of 20 ms .

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6. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter 200 m in 40 s.

What will the distance covered and the displacement at the end of 2 minutes
20 s be?

[2 marks]
[Distance and Displacement]

Given: Diameter, d = 200 m
Time required, T = 40 s

Total distance covered =?

Displacement =?

Circumference of the track

= 2πr = πd
= 200π m

Total time = 2 min 20 s = 140 s


Distance covered in 40 s = 200π m

Distance covered in 140 s = 200π m ×
= 700π = 700 × = 2200 m
[1 mark]


Number of laps = = 3.5

So, after 3.5 laps:

Displacement = Final position – Initial position

= Diameter of the track

Hence, displacement = 200 m

The distance covered by the athlete in 2 min 20 s is 2200 m and the

displacement is 200 m.

[1 mark]

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A vehicle is accelerating on a staright road.Its velocity at any instant is 30
km h ,after 2 s, it is 33.6 km h and after further 2 s, it is 37.2 km h . Find
−1 −1 −1

the acceleration of vehicle in m s . Is the accleration uniform?


[3 Marks]

First part:
Change in velocity = 33.6 kmph - 30 kmph = 3.6 kmph =
3.6 × m/s = 1 m/s

1 m/s
So, acceleration = Change in velocity / Time = 2 s
= 0.5 m/s

[1 Mark]

Second part:
Change in velocity = 37.2 kmph - 33.6 kmph = 3.6 kmph = 1 m/s
[1 Mark]
1 m/s
So, acceleration = Change in velocity / Time = 2 s
= 0.5 m/s

[1 Mark]

Hence, the acceleration is uniform.

8. State the difference between uniform motion and non-uniform motion. (2



Uniform motion Non-uniform motion Mark

(i) In uniform motion, object (i) In non-uniform motion, object
covers equal distances in equal covers unequal distances in equal 1
time intervals. time intervals.
(ii) In this case, the average (ii) In this case, average speed is
speed is same as the actual generally different from the actual 1
speed. speed.

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9. A girl walks along a straight path to drop a letter in the letterbox and comes
back to her initial Position. Her displacement–time graph is shown in the figure
given below. Plot a velocity–time graph for the same.

[5 Marks]
[NCERT Exemplar]
[Velocity-Time graph]
Initially, at time t = 0, the displacement = 0 and at time t = 50 s,
displacement = 100 m
We know, velocity =
= = 2 ms
time 50−1

[1 Mark]
and after time t = 50 s, the velocity is decreasing at a uniform rate.
At t = 100 s, displacement = 0
Therefore in this case, velocity = = −2 ms

[2 Marks]
Therefore the velocity-time graph for the above-mentioned displacement-
time graph will look like

[2 Marks]

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10. The velocity-time graph shows the motion of a cyclist. Find (i) its acceleration
(ii) its velocity and (iii) the distance covered by the cyclist in 15 seconds.

[2 Marks]
(i) Since velocity is not changing, acceleration is equal to zero.
[0.5 Marks]

(ii) Reading the graph, velocity = 20 ms


[0.5 Marks]

(iii) Distance covered in 15 seconds, s = u × t = 20 × 15 = 300 m

[1 Mark]

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11. A train is travelling at a speed of 90 kmph. Brakes are applied so as to

produce a uniform acceleration of −0.5 m s . Find how far the train will go

before it is brought to rest.

[3 Marks]


The initial speed of the train, u = 90 kmph = 90 × = 25 m s

[0.5 mark]

The final speed of the train, v = 0 (as the train finally comes to rest)

The acceleration of the train, a = −0.5 m s −2

Solving for the distance covered by the train:

Let s be the distance covered.

According to the third equation of motion, v 2

= u
+ 2as

[1 mark]

2 2
⇒(0) = (25) + (2 × −0.5 × s)

⇒s = = 625 m
2 × −0.5
[1.5 marks]

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12. How will the equations of motion for an object moving with uniform velocity
change? [2 MARKS]

Three equations of motion are:

v = u + at

s = ut + at
2 2
v = u + 2as

If an object is moving with uniform velocity, then there would be zero or no

[1 MARK]

Therefore, acceleration of the object, 𝑎=0,

Hence, by substituting the above value of acceleration in the equations of

motion, we get:
v = u

s = ut
2 2
v –u = 0

[1 MARK]

13. A lead bullet of mass 0.1 kg, travelling with a velocity of 20 ms , comes to rest

after penetrating 20 m in a still target. Find the average acceleration (a) of the
[2 Marks] [NCERT]

Initial velocity, u = 20 ms −1

Final velocity, v = 0
Distance travelled, s = 20 m

From third equation of motion, we have

v = u + 2as​ [1 Mark]
2 2

2 2
0 = 20 + (2 × a × 20)

⇒ a = −10 ms
[1 Mark]

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14. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit of radius 42, 250 km. Calculate
its speed if it takes 24 h to revolve around the Earth.
[3 Marks]
Given: Radius of the circular orbit, r = 42, 250 km
Time taken to complete one revolution around the Earth, t = 24 h

To find: Speed of the satellite, v

Speed of an object moving in a circular orbit, v = [1 Mark]

2 × π × 42250 km
v =
24 h

2 × 3.14 × 42250 km
v = [1 Mark]
24 h

v = 11055.42 kmh

v = kms

v = 3.07 kms
[1 Mark]

Hence, the speed of the artificial satellite

is 3.07 kms ,. −1

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15. What can you say about the motion of an object whose distance-time graph is
a straight line parallel to the time axis?
[2 Marks]
If the distance-time graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis, that
means the body is not changing its position with time, the body is at rest.
[1 Mark]

[1 Mark]

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Force and Laws of Motion

Force and Laws of Motion

1. Why is the luggage kept on the roof of a bus tied with a rope?
[1 Mark]
In a moving vehicle, like a bus, the motion is not uniform. The speed of the
vehicle varies and there are instances of sudden brakes or turns throughout
the journey.
[0.5 Mark]
Due to inertia, the luggage kept on top will resist any change in its state of
rest or motion or direction and will have a higher tendency to fall.
[0.5 Mark]

Thus, it is secured with a rope to prevent it from falling.

2. A horizontal force of 200 N is applied to move a wooden cabinet across a

floor at a constant velocity. What is the friction force that is exerted on the
[2 Marks]
[Newton's First Law of Motion]
Since the velocity of the cabinet is constant, its acceleration must be zero.
Therefore, the effective force acting on it must also be zero.
[0.5 Marks]
This implies that the magnitude of opposing frictional force is equal to the
force exerted on the cabinet, which is 200 N .

Therefore, the total frictional force is 200 N in the opposite direction of

applied force.
[1.5 Marks]

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Force and Laws of Motion

3. A stone of 1 kg is thrown across a frozen lake with a velocity of 20 ms . After


travelling a distance of 50 m, it comes to a rest. What is the force of friction

between the stone and the ice?
[4 Marks]
[Newton's Second Law of Motion]


Mass of the stone, m = 1 kg

Initial velocity, u = 20 ms –1

Final velocity, v = 0 ms –1

Distance travelled, s = 50 m

As per the equation of motion,

v –u
= 2as [1 Mark]
2 2
a = (v – u )

a = (0– 400)

a = −4ms
[2 Marks]

As per the second law of motion, F = ma

Force F acting on the stone = 1kg × (−4ms −2


F = −4N [1 Marks]

The magnitude of the force of friction is 4N , and it acts in the opposite

direction of the motion of the stone.

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Force and Laws of Motion

4. A motorcar of mass 1200 kg is moving along a straight line with a uniform

velocity of 90 kmph. Its velocity is slowed down to 18 kmph in 4 s by an
unbalanced external force. Calculate the acceleration and change in
momentum. Also calculate the magnitude of the force required.
[4 Marks]
[Newton's Second Law of Motion]
Mass of the motor car, m = 1200 kg
Initial velocity of the motor car, u = 90 kmph = 25 ms

Final velocity of the motor car, v = 18 kmph = 5 ms


Time taken, t = 4 s
According to the first equation of motion:
v = u + at [0.5 Marks]
5 = 25 + a (4) [0.5 Marks]
a = - 5 ms −2
[1 Mark]
Negative sign indicates that its a retarding motion i.e., velocity is
Change in momentum = mv - mu = m(v-u) = 1200 (5 - 25) = - 24000 kgms −1

[1 Mark]

Force = Mass × Acceleration = 1200 × - 5 = - 6000 N

[1 Mark]
Acceleration of the motor car = - 5 ms

Change in momentum of the motor car = - 24000 kg ms −1

Hence, the force required to decrease the velocity is 6000 N.

(Negative sign indicates retardation, decrease in momentum and retarding

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Force and Laws of Motion

5. If the mass of the object is doubled and acceleration is reduced to half of it,
then net force will:

a) get doubled
b) remain same
c) reduce to half
d) reduce to

[1 Mark]
[Newton's Second Law of Motion]

Correct answer is option b. [1 Mark]
Force = m × a
Let m be the mass and a be the acceleration.
Now, mass is doubled, (2m) and acceleration is reduced to half,

∴Force =2m ×

=m × a
∴Force = m × a ; which remains same.

6. What is the momentum of a man of mass 100 kg when he walks with a uniform
velocity of 2 m s ? −1

a) 300 kg m s −1

b) 50 kg m s −1

c) 100 kg m s −1

d) 200 kg m s −1

[1 Mark]
Correct answer is option d. [1 Mark]
Mass, m = 100 kg
Velocity, v = 2 m s −1

Let the momentum be 'p'.

p = mv = 100 × 2 = 200 kg m s

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Force and Laws of Motion

7. Define Inertia. Describe a simple experiment to demonstrate the inertia of rest.

[2 Marks]

Inertia is the property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of

rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an
external force. [1 Mark]

Here is an experiment to demonstrate the inertia of rest.

1. Make a pile of similar carom coins on a table.
2. Attempt a sharp horizontal hit at the bottom of the pile using another
carom coin or the striker. [0.5 Mark]

If the hit is strong enough, the bottom coin moves out quickly. Once the
lowest coin is removed, the inertia of the other coins makes them ‘fall’
vertically on the table.
The activity given above illustrates that there is a resistance offered by an
object to change its state of motion.
[0.5 Mark]

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Force and Laws of Motion

8. Derive the relationship F = ma, where each symbol has its usual significance.
[3 Marks]

Suppose an object of mass, m is moving along a straight line with an initial
velocity, u. It is uniformly accelerated to velocity, v in time, t by the
application of a constant force, F throughout the time, t. The initial and final
momentum of the object will be, p = mu and p = mv respectively.
1 2

T he change in momentum ∝ p2 – p1

∝ mv– mu

∝ m × (v − u) [1 Mark]

The rate of change of momentum ∝ t

Or, the applied force,


F ∝
F =

F = kma [1 Mark]

Here [a = t
] is the acceleration, which is the rate of change of velocity.
The quantity, k is a constant of proportionality. The SI units of mass and
acceleration are kg and ms respectively. The unit of force is so choosen

that the value of the constant, k becomes one. For this, one unit of force is
defined as the amount that produced an acceleration of 1 ms in an object −2

of 1 kg mass. That is, 1 unit of f orce = k × (1kg) × (1 ms ). −2

Thus, the value of k becomes 1.Hence

The unit of force is kgms or newton, which has the symbol N. The second

law of motion gives us a method to measure the force acting on an object as

a product of its mass and acceleration. [1 Mark]

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Force and Laws of Motion

9. A bullet of 10 g strikes sand-bag at a speed of 10 3

m/s and gets embedded
after travelling 5 cm. Calculate

(i) the resistive force exerted by the sand on the bullet

(ii) time taken by bullet to come to rest.
[4 Marks]
(i) Given,
Mass (m) = 10g = 1000
kg = 0.01 kg

Initial velocity, u = 10 3

Final velocity, v = 0

Distance s =
m = 0.05 m

Let the acceleration be a.

Using, the third equation of motion

2 2
v − u = 2as

3 5
0 − (10 ) = 2a ×

⇒a = × 100
2 × 5

7 −2
= −10 ms

According to Newton's second law of motion force,

F = ma = 10 × 10 = 10 N
[2 Marks] 7 5

(ii) Let time be t.

Using, the first equation of motion

v = u + at

3 7
0 = 10 − 10 t

7 3
10 t = 10

[2 Marks]
10 −4
⇒ t = = 10 s

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Force and Laws of Motion

10. What is momentum? Write its S.I. unit. Interpret force in terms of momentum.
Represent the following graphically
(a) momentum versus velocity when mass is fixed.
(b) momentum versus mass when velocity is constant
[5 Marks]
[Newton's Second Law of Motion]


Momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass and velocity.It is

a vector quantity.
Momentum (p) = mass (m) x velocity (v)
or, p = m v

S.I. unit of momentum is kg m/s

According to newton's second law,

Force acting on a body is equal to the rate of change of momentum.
Force (F) = Change in momentum / time

As, momentum (p) = mass x velocity [1 Mark]

(a) when mass is fixed,

momentum will vary linearly with velocity as shown in graph.
[2 Marks]

(b) when velocity is fixed

momentum will vary linearly with mass as shown in graph.
[2 Marks]

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1. What is the acceleration of free fall?

[1 mark]
[NCERT Question]
[Acceleration due to gravity]

Acceleration of free fall is the acceleration produced when a body falls
under the influence gravitational force of the earth alone. It is denoted by g
and its value on the surface of the earth is 9.8 ms . [1 mark]

2. The earth and the moon are attracted to each other by gravitational force.
Does the earth attract the moon with a force that is greater or smaller or the
same as the force with which the moon attracts the earth? Why?

[2 marks]
[NCERT Question]
[Universal Law of Gravitation]

According to the universal law of gravitation, two objects with masses attract
each other with equal gravitational force, but in opposite directions.
This force is given by
F = G

[1 Mark]

Hence, the earth attracts the moon with the same force with which the moon
attracts the earth. This is also explained by Newton's Thrid Law of Motion.
[1 Mark]

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3. What happens to the force between two objects, if

(i) the mass of one object is doubled?

(ii) the distance between the objects is doubled and tripled?
(iii) the masses of both objects are doubled?

[3 marks]
[NCERT Question]
[Universal law of Gravitation]

According to the universal law of gravitation, gravitational force acting
between two objects of mass M and m separated by distance r is given by
M ×m
F = G

(i) When mass of one of the objects, say m, is doubled then

′ M ×2m
F = G = 2F

So when the mass of any one of the objects is doubled, the force is also
doubled. [1 mark]

(ii) The force F is inversely proportional to the square of the distance

between the objects. So if the distance between two objects is doubled then
the gravitational force of attraction between them is reduced to one-fourth of
the original value.
′ M ×m
F = G = F /4

Similarly, if the distance between two objects is tripled, then the gravitational
force of attraction becomes one-ninth the original value.
[1 mark]
′ M ×m
F = G = F /9

(iii) The gravitational force F is directly proportional to the product of the

masses. So if both the masses are doubled then the gravitational force of
attraction becomes four times the original value.

F = G
2M ×2m
= 4F [1 mark]

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4. The volume of a 500 g sealed packet is 350 cm . Will the packet float or sink in

water if the density of water is 1 g cm ? −3

What will be the mass of the water displaced by this packet?

[4 Marks]
[NCERT; Exercises; Q.22]
[Float or sink]
Mass of the packet
Density of the sealed packet =
= g cm
Volume of the packet 350

= 1.428 g cm

Density of water = 1 g cm −3
[2 Marks]

Since the density of the substance is more than that of water, it will sink in
water. [1 Mark]

The volume of water displaced by the packet is equal to the volume of the
packet, i.e., 350cm .

So, mass of water displaced = Volume of water displaced × Density of

water = 350 g [1 Mark]

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5. A ball thrown up vertically returns to the thrower after 6 s. Find

(a) the velocity with which it was thrown up,

(b) the maximum height it reaches, and
(c) its position after 4 s

[5 marks]
[NCERT Questsion]
[Equations of Motion for Freefall]

(a) Time of ascent is equal to the time of descent. The ball takes a total of 6
s for its upward and downward journey.
Hence, it has taken 3 s to attain the maximum height.
Final velocity of the ball at the maximum height, v = 0
Acceleration due to gravity, g = −9.8 ms −2

From the first equation of motion,

v = u + gt
0 = u + (−9.8 × 3)
u = 9.8 × 3 = 29.4 ms
Hence, the ball was thrown upwards with a velocity of 29.4 ms −1

[2 marks]

(b) Let the maximum height attained by the ball be h.

Initial velocity during the upward journey, u = 29.4 ms −1

Final velocity, v = 0
Acceleration due to gravity, g = −9.8 ms −2

From the second equation of motion,

1 2
s = ut + gt
1 2
h = 29.4 × 3 + × −9.8 × (3) = 44.1 m

[1.5 marks]

(c) Ball attains the maximum height after 3 s. After attaining this height, it will
start falling downwards.
In this case,
Initial velocity, u = 0
Distance travelled by it during its downward journey in remaining 1 s is
given by
1 2
s = 0 × t + × 9.8 × 1 = 4.9 m

Total height = 44.1 m

This means that the ball is 39.2 m (44.1 m - 4.9 m) above the ground after 4
[1.5 marks]

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6. Which force is responsible for the earth to revolve around the sun?
[1 Mark]

The gravitational force of attraction between the Sun and the Earth. Such a
force, that makes an object move in a circle is known as centripetal force.
[1 Mark]

Why two stones do not come closer, even if there is gravitational force of
attraction between them ?
[2 marks]
[Universal law of gravitation]
If we calculate the acceleration because of the force of gravitation between
two stones, we see that it is of the order of 10 m/s . So, the effect is
−12 2

(1 mark)
In addition, it is not enough to overcome friction. Therefore, they do not
come closer.
(1 mark)

8. Calculate the force between two masses of 100 kg and 1000 kg separated by
a distance of 10 m.
(G = 6.67 × 10 N m kg )
−11 2 2

[2 Marks]

According to Newton's law of gravitation, force of attraction between two

bodies is:
Gm1 m2
F =

[1 Mark]

6.67 × 10 × 100 × 1000
F =
F = 6.67 × 10 N

[1 Mark]

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9. Gravitational force acts on all objects in proportion to their masses. Why then,
a heavy object does not fall faster than a light object?
[3 Marks]
[NCERT; Exercises; Q.2]
The gravitational force F acting on a body of mass m near the surface of
earth is given by
F = G
M ×m

[1 Mark]

where R = Radius of the earth

and M = Mass of the earth

=> Acceleration, g = F

=G M

[1 Mark]

This value is constant (if we neglect air resistance) and does not depend
upon the mass of an object. Hence, heavy objects do not fall faster than
light objects. [1 Mark]

10. Gravitational force on the surface of the moon is only 1

as strong as
gravitational force on the earth. What is the weight in newtons of a 10 kg
object on the moon and on the Earth?
(3 Marks)
We know that,
Weight = Mass × Acceleration due to gravity
Acceleration due to gravity on earth = 9.8m/s 2

Therefore, weight of a 10 kg object on earth = 10 × 9.8 = 98 N

[1 Mark]
Weight of an object on the moon = × Weight of the object on earth

[2 Marks]
= × 98 = 16.3 N

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Define pressure. Why is it difficult to hold a school bag having a strap made of
a thin and strong string?
[3 marks]
[NCERT; In Text]
[Thrust and pressure]

1. Pressure is an expression of force exerted on a surface per unit area.
[1 Mark]

2. It is difficult to hold a school bag having a thin strap because the pressure
on the shoulders is quite large. This is because the pressure is inversely
proportional to the surface area on which the force acts. The smaller is the
surface area; the larger will be the pressure on the surface. In the case of a
thin strap, the contact surface area is very small. Hence, the pressure
exerted on the shoulder is very large.
[2 Mark]

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12. A block of wood is kept on a table top.The mass of wooden block is 5kg and
it's dimensions are 40cm×20cm×10cm. Find the pressure exerted by the
wooden block on the table top if it is made to lie of dimensions:
(a) 20 cm × 10 cm
(b) 40 cm × 20 cm
[3 marks]
[NCERT; In Text]
[Thrust and pressure]
Mass of the wooden block = m= 5 kg
Dimensions = 40 cm × 20 cm × 10 cm
the weight of the wooden block applies a thrust on the table top.
Thrust = F = mg= 5 kg × 9.8 m/s²= 49 N

1) Area of a side = length × breadth

= 20 cm × 10 cm
= 200 cm²
= 0.02 m² [0.5 marks]

Pressure = thrust/ area

Pressure = 49 /0.02= 2450 N/m² [1 marks]

2) The same thrust in implied when it lies on the given dimension.

Area= length × breadth= 40 × 20= 800= 0.08 m²
[0.5 marks]
Pressure = 49/0.08= 612.5 [1 marks]

The volume of 50 g of a substance is 20 cm . If the density of water is 1 g cm
3 −3

, will the substance float or sink?

[3 Marks]

Density of the substance =
Mass of the substance 50
= g cm
Volume of the substance 20
= 2.5 g cm

Density of water = 1 g cm −3
[2 Marks]

If the density of an object is more than the density of a liquid, then it sinks in
the liquid, otherwise, it floats.
Here the density of the substance is more than the density of water, so it will
sink in water. [1 Mark]

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14. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 49 m/s. Calculate

(i) the maximum height to which it rises.
(ii) the total time it takes to return to the surface of the earth.
[5 Marks]
[Free fall]
(i) According to the third equation of motion under gravity:
v − u = 2 gs
[1 Mark]
u = Initial velocity of the ball
v = Final velocity of the ball
s = Height achieved by the ball
g = Acceleration due to gravity
At maximum height, final velocity of the ball is zero, i.e., v = 0, u = 49 m/s
During upward motion, g = −9.8 ms −2

Let h be the maximum height attained by the ball.

0 − 49 = 2 × −9.8 × h [1 Mark]
[1 Mark]
h = = 122.5 m

(ii) Let t be the time taken by the ball to reach the height 122.5 m, then
according to the first equation of motion:
v = u + gt
We get,
0 = 49 + t × (−9.8) [1 Mark]
9.8t = 49
t = = 5s

Time of ascent = Time of descent
Therefore, total time taken by the ball to return = 5 s + 5 s = 10 s
[1 Mark]

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15. An object is put one by one in three liquids having different densities. The
object floats with , and parts of their volumes outside the liquidsurface in



liquids of densities d , d and d respectively. Which of the following statement

1 2 3

is correct?

(a) d > d > d

1 2 3

(b) d > d < d

1 2 3

(c) d < d > d

1 2 3

(d) d < d < d

1 2 3

[2 Marks]
[Relative density]
(d) d < d < d
1 2 3

In a liquid of higher density more part of the object remains outside the
liquid. The order of densities in the increasing order is d < d < d .
1 2 3

[2 Marks]

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Work and Energy

Work and Energy

1. A battery lights a bulb. Describe the energy changes involved in the process.
[1 Mark]
[Energy Conversion]
When a bulb is connected to a battery, then the chemical energy of the
battery is transferred into electrical energy. When the bulb receives this
electrical energy, then it converts it into light and heat energy. Hence, the
transformation of energy in the given situation can be shown as: Chemical
Energy → Electrical Energy → Light Energy + Heat Energy. [1 Mark]

2. An object thrown at a certain angle to the ground moves in a curved path and
falls back to the ground. The initial and the final points of the path of the object
lie on the same horizontal line. What is the work done by the force of gravity
on the object?
[3 Marks]
[Potential Energy]
The energy stored in a body by virtue of its position or configuration is called
potential energy.
Work done by the force of gravity on an object depends only on vertical
Vertical displacement is given by the difference in the initial and final
positions / heights of the object, which is zero. [1 Mark]
Work done by gravity is given by the expression,
W = mgh

Where, h =Vertical displacement = 0

W = mg × 0 = 0 J

Therefore, the work done by gravity on the given object is zero Joule. [2

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Work and Energy

3. Calculate the work required to be done to stop a car of 1500 kg moving at a

velocity of 72 kmph?
[3 Marks]
[Work energy theorem]
Kinetic energy, E = mv k


where, mass of car, m = 1500 kg

velocity of car, v = 72 kmph =
72×5 20
−1 −1
ms = ms
18 1

[1 Mark]
1 2 4
∴ Ek = × 1500 × ( 20) = 30 × 10 J

Hence, 30 × 10 4
J of work is required to stop the car.
[2 Marks]

4. Find the energy in kWh consumed in 10 hours by four devices of power 500 W
[3 Marks]
Energy consumed by an electric device can be obtained with the help of the
expression for power,
P = [1 Mark]

where,power rating of the device, P = 500W = 0.50 kW

time for which the device runs, T = 10 h
Work done = Energy consumed by the device
Therefore, energy consumed = Power × Time = 0.50 × 10 = 5 kW h [1 Mark]
Hence, the energy consumed by four equal rating devices in 10 h will be
4 × 5 kW h = 20 kW h. [1 Mark]

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Work and Energy

5. Illustrate the law of conservation of energy by discussing the energy changes

which occur when we draw a pendulum bob to one side and allow it to
oscillate. Why do the bob eventually come to rest? What happens to its
energy eventually? Is it a violation of the law of conservation of energy?
[5 Marks]
[Law of Conservation of Energy]
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can be neither created
nor destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another. [1 Mark]
Consider the case of an oscillating pendulum.

[1 Mark]

When a pendulum moves from its mean position P to either of its extreme
positions A or B, it rises through a height h above the mean level P. At this
point, the kinetic energy of the bob changes completely into potential
energy. The kinetic energy becomes zero, and the bob possesses only
potential energy. As it moves towards point P, its potential energy decreases
progressively. Accordingly, the kinetic energy increases. As the bob reaches
point P, its potential energy becomes zero and the bob possesses only
kinetic energy. This process is repeated as long as the pendulum oscillates.
[1.5 Mark]
The bob does not oscillate forever. It comes to rest because air resistance
resists its motion. The pendulum loses its kinetic energy to overcome this
friction and stops after some time.
The law of conservation of energy is not violated because the energy lost by
the pendulum to overcome friction is gained by its surroundings. Hence, the
total energy of the pendulum and the surrounding system remain
conserved. [1.5 Mark]

6. Water stored in a dam possesses________.

[1 mark]
[Potential Energy]
potential energy [ 1 mark]

Water stored in a dam possesses potential energy. When we release water

from the dam, the water fall from the height. When it falls, the potential
energy of the water gets converted into kinetic energy and this kinetic
energy is used to run the turbines to produce electricity.
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Work and Energy

7. A body moves in a vertical semicircle of radius r from the lowest point to

highest point. What is the amount of work done? (Assume mass of the body to
be 'm' kg and acceleration due to gravity to be g ms )−2

[1 Mark]
[Work done]
As the body moves in a vertical semicircle from its lowest to the highest
point, net displacement is equal to 2r. The only force acting is gravity in
vertical direction i.e., the direction of displacement. So total work done =
force due to gravity × net displacement = mg × 2r = 2mgr.
[1 Mark]

8. Can any object have momentum even if its mechanical energy is zero?
[1 mark]
[Mechanical Energy]

When the mechanical energy is zero, there is no potential energy and no
kinetic energy. The kinetic energy being zero implies the velocity is zero.
Hence, there will be no momentum. Therefore an object cannot have
momentum if its mechanical energy is zero. [1 mark]

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Work and Energy

9. A box of mass 2 kg is lifted diagonally from point A to point B as shown in the

given figure. Given that the acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms , what is the

gravitational potential energy gained by the box?

[2 Marks]

Given, mass of the box,m = 2 kg, vertical height, h = 3 m and acceleration
due to gravity, g = 10 ms .

We know that, gravitational potential energy = mgh = 2 × 10 × 3 = 60 J oule

[1 Mark]
The gravitational potential energy gained by the object does not depend on
its path. Instead, it depends only on its initial and final position.
[1 Mark]

10. What are conservative forces?

[2 marks]
[Conservative force]
A conservative force is a force whose work done is independent of the path
taken and depends only on the initial and final position.
[1 Mark]

Many forces of nature are conservative, like Gravitational Force,

Electrostatic Force, Magnetic Force, Elastic Force (Spring's Force).
[1 Mark]

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Work and Energy

Breifly explain potential energy and kinetic energy.
[3 marks]

Energy is the ability to do work. Objects can have stored, or potential,
energy when work has been done (such as raising an object in the air) or by
virtue of their position (such as sitting at the top of a hill). Potential energy
changes to kinetic energy when the object moves. Examples include holding
a stretched spring (potential energy) and then releasing it (kinetic energy) or
holding a box above the ground (potential energy) and then dropping it
(kinetic energy). [1 Mark]

Kinetic energy is a form of energy that results from an object's motion.

There are many types of motion that use kinetic energy: translation (moving
from one place to another), rotation, and vibration. The measurement of
kinetic energy in an object is calculated based on the object's mass and
velocity. It is measured in Joules. [1 Mark]

Potential energy is a form of energy that results from an object's position or

arrangement of parts. It is stored energy that can become kinetic energy. It
includes potential electrical, chemical, and nuclear energy. The
measurement of potential energy in an object is calculated based on the
object's mass and its height or distance. It is measured in Joules.
[1 Mark]

12. Define watt. Express kilowatt in terms of joule per second. A 150 kg car engine
develops 500 W for each kg. What force does it exert in moving the car at a
speed of 20 ms ? −1

[3 Marks]
[Physical Science - AP SCERT]
[Meaning of Power]
One watt is the power of an agent which does work at the rate of 1 J s −1

Total Power = 150 × 500 = 7.5 × 10 W [1 Mark] 4

P ower = F orce × velocity [1 Mark]

P ower 7.5×10
F orce = = = 3.75 × 10 N
velocity 20

F orce = 3750 N [1 Mark]

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Work and Energy

13. A truck of mass 5000 kg is moving with a velocity of 20 ms . To avoid an


accident, the driver applies brakes to stop the truck in 5 seconds. Calculate
the force applied by the brakes in order to stop the truck in the given time
using work-energy theorem.
[3 Marks]
[Work-Energy Theorem]


Given : Mass of truck = 5000 kg, Initial velocity = 20 ms , Final velocity =


0 ms , Time to stop the truck = 5 seconds.


Using the work energy theorem,

1/2 mv - 1/2 mu = F x s ......(1)
2 2

To calculate 's', we'll have to use the equations of motion.

Using 1st equation of motion,
v = u + at
=> 0 = 20 + a x 5
=> a = - 4 ms −2

[1 Mark]

Now, using 3rd equation of motion,

v - u = 2as
2 2

=> 0 - (5) = 2 x (-4) x s


=> s = 25/8 m
[1 Mark]

Now, substituting the value of 's' in equation (1),

=> 1/2 x 5000 x (0) - 1/2 x 5000 x (5) = F x 25/8
2 2

=> - 1/2 x 5000 x 25 = F x 25/8

=> F = - 20,000 J
[1 Mark]

Negative sign implies force and the displacement are in opposite directions.

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Work and Energy

14. Sam throws a stone of mass 0.5 kg in the upward direction from the ground
with a velocity of 10 ms . Calculate the kinetic energy and mechanical

energy of the stone when it reaches (4/5)th of its maximum height.

Take g = 10 ms . −2

[5 marks]
Given : Mass of stone = 0.5 kg, initial velocity of stone = 10 ms , g = 10 ms


To calculate maximum height of the stone,

Use 3rd equation of motion,
v - u = 2gh ..........(Taking upward direction as positive)
2 2

0 - (10) = 2 x (-10) x h

=> h = 5 m
[2 marks]

Now, Mechanical Energy at h = 5 m will be equal to the potential energy at h

= 5 m (Since KE will become 0)
Thus, Mechanical Energy at top = Potential Energy at top = mgh = 0.5 x 10
x 5 = 25 J
[1.5 marks]
Mechanical Energy at h = (4/5)th of max height will also be 25 J (Since
mechanical energy remains conserved)

Now, KE at height (4/5)th of max height = ME - PE = 25 - {0.5 x 10 x (4/5) x

5} = 25 - 20 = 5 J
[1.5 marks]

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Work and Energy

15. Compare the power at which each of the following is moving upwards against
the force of gravity?
(i) A butterfly of mass 1.0 g that flies upward at a rate of 0.5 ms −1

(ii) A 250 g squirrel climbing up on a tree at a rate of 0.5 ms −1

[5 Marks]
We know, power = work done

[1 Mark]
Let m be the mass of the object, g be the acceleration due to gravity, h be
the height (distance) and t be the time taken.
Therefore, power p = t

We know, velocity, v = distance


⇒ power, p = mgv [1 Mark]

Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 ms −2

(i) Given mass, m = 1 g = = 0.001 kg and velocity, v = 0.5 ms



Power, p = 0.001 × 10 × 0.5 = 0.005 = 5 × 10 −3


[1.5 Marks]

(ii) Given, mass, m = 250 g = = 0.25 kg and velocity, v = 0.5 ms



Power, p = 0.25 × 10 × 0.5 = 1.25 W

[1.5 Marks]
Hence, the power with which the squirrel is climbing is much higher than
that of a butterfly flying

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1. Cite an experiment to show that sound needs a material medium for its
[2 marks]
[Bell Jar]
Bell-jar Experiment:
Take an electric bell and an air-tight glass bell jar connected to a vacuum
pump. Suspend the bell inside the jar, and press the switch of the bell. You
will be able to hear the bell ring. Now pump out the air from the glass jar.
The sound of the bell will become fainter and after some time, the sound will
not be heard. This is so because almost all air has been pumped out.This
shows that sound needs a material medium to travel.

[2 marks]

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2. Explain the working and application of a sonar.

[2 marks]
SONAR is an acronym for Sound Navigation And Ranging. It is an acoustic
device used to measure the depth, direction, and speed of under-water
objects such as submarines and ship wrecks with the help of ultrasounds. It
is also used to measure the depth of seas and oceans.

A beam of ultrasonic sound is produced and transmitted by the transducer

(it is a device that produces ultrasonic sound) of the SONAR, which travels
through sea water. The echo produced by the reflection of this ultrasonic
sound is detected and recorded by the detector, which is converted into
electrical signals. The distance (d) of the under-water object is calculated
from the time (t) taken by the echo to return with speed (v) is given by
2d = v × t. This method of measuring distance is also known as `echo-

[2 marks]

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3. A person has a hearing range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. What are the typical
wavelengths of sound waves in air corresponding to these two frequencies?
Take the speed of sound in air as 344ms . −1

[3 marks]
[Speed of Sound]
For a sound wave,
Speed = Wavelength × Frequency
V = λ × f

Speed of sound in air = 344 m/s (Given)

[1 mark]

(i) For, f = 20 Hz
V 344
λ1 = = = 17.2m
f 20

[1 mark]

(ii) For, f = 20000 Hz

V 344
λ2 = = = 0.0172m
f 20000

Hence, for humans, the wavelength range for hearing is 0.0172 m to 17.2
[1 mark]

4. Two children are at opposite ends of an aluminium rod. One strikes the end of
the rod with a stone. Find the ratio of times taken by the sound wave in air and
in aluminium to reach the second child.
[3 marks]
[Speed of Sound]
Velocity of sound in air = 346 m/s
Velocity of sound wave in aluminum = 6420 m/s
Let length of rode be 1m.
Time taken for sound wave in air, t = 1

V elocity in air

[1 mark]
Time taken for sound wave in aluminum, t
2 =
V elocity in aluminum

[1 mark]
t1 velocity in aluminium 6420
Therefore, = t
2 velocity in air
= 18.55 : 1

[1 mark]

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5. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower 500 m high into a pond of water at
the base of the tower. When is the splash heard at the top? Given, g = 10ms −2

and speed of sound = 340ms . −1

[5 marks]
[Reflection of Sound]
Height of the tower, s = 500 m
Velocity of sound, v = 340ms −1

Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10ms −2

Initial velocity of the stone, u = 0 (since the stone is initially at rest)

[1 marks]
Time taken by the stone to fall to the base of the tower is t . 1

According to the second equation of motion:

1 2
S = ut1 + gt
2 1
500 = 0 × t1 + × 10 × t
2 1
t = 100

t1 = 10s

[2 marks]
Now, time taken by the sound to reach the top from the base of the tower,
t2 = = 1.47s

Therefore, the splash is heard at the top after time, t.

Where, t = t + t = 10 + 1.47 = 11.47s.
1 2

[2 marks]

6. Define longitudinal and transverse waves.

[2 Mark]
[Types of Waves]

The waves in which the particles vibrate perpendicular to the wave
porpagation are known as transverse waves. [1 Mark]
The waves in which the particles vibrate parallel to the wave propagation
are known as longitudinal waves. [1 Mark]

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7. List down the properties of sound as a wave?

[3 Mark]
[Properties of Sound]
1. Sound needs a material medium for its propagation. [0.5 Mark]
2. Sound travels faster in solids, then in liquids and slower in gases. [0.5
3. Sound waves are mechanical waves. [0.5 Mark]
4. Sound is produced by vibrating objects. [0.5 Mark]
5. They are characterised by intensity, pitch and quality or timbre. [0.5 Mark]
6. Sound like other waves can also be reflected. [0.5 Mark]

8. Define Amplitude and loudness of a sound wave.

[2 Mark]
[Characteristics of Sound]
Amplitude - The maximum displacement of the particles of medium above or
below the mean- position line is called as the amplitude of a wave. SI unit to
measure the amplitude is meter (m). [1 Mark]
Loudness - The amount of sound energy reaching a listener’s ear per
second is called as the loudness of the sound. Loudness of a sound
depends upon amplitude of the sound wave such that high loudness is
associated with high amplitude. [1 Mark]

List down the examples of transverse wave and longitudinal wave.
[3 Mark]
[Types of Wvaes]

Longitudinal wave
Sound waves
Pressure waves
Seismic P-waves (generated by explosion and earthquake) [1.5 Mark]
Transverse wave
Light waves
An oscillating string
Seismic S-waves [1.5 Mark]

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10. Establish the relationship between speed of sound, its wavelength and
frequency. If velocity of sound in air is 340ms , Calculate

(i) wavelength when frequency is 256 Hz.

(ii) frequency when wavelength is 0.85 m.
[2 Marks]
[Speed of sound]

The relationship between the speed of sound, its wavelength and frequency
is given by the formula,

V = vλ

where V = speed of sound

v = frequency

λ = wavelength

(i) Given, v = 256 Hz

340 = 256 λ. [1 Mark]

λ = 1.33 m

(ii) Given, λ = 0.85 m

340 = v(0.85) [1 Mark]

v = 400 H z

11. Sound produced by a thunderstorm is heard 10 s after the lightning is seen.

Calculate the approximate distance of the thunder cloud. (Given speed of
sound = 340 ms ) −1

[2 Mark]
[Reflection of Sound]
Given, time taken by the sound after lightening = 10 seconds
Speed of the sound = 340 ms . −1

Let s be the distance travelled.

We know, speed = distance


∴ distance = speed × time [1 Mark]

⇒ Distance, s = 340 × 10 = 3400 m or 3.4 km [1 Mark]

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12. The given graph shows the displacement versus time relation for a
disturbance travelling with velocity of 1500 ms . Calculate the wavelength of

the disturbance.
[2 Mark]
[Characteristics of sound]

Given, V = 1500 ms −1

From the graph

Time period, T = 2 × 10 −6

Frequency, v = [1 Mark]
1 1
= Hz
T −6

Wavelength, λ = V

= V × T
λ = 1500 × 2 × 10

λ = 3 × 10
m [1 Mark]

13. How can reverberations in a big hall or auditorium be reduced?

[1 Mark]
[Reflection of sound]

Reverberation can be reduced by covering the walls and ceiling with sound
absorbent materials like curtains and false ceilings. [1 Mark]

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A bat emits ultrasonic sound of frequency 1000 kHz in air. If the sound meets
a water surface, what is the wavelength of (a) the reflected sound, (b) the
transmitted sound? Speed of sound in air is 340ms and in water 1486ms .
−1 −1

[3 Mark]
[Reflection of sound]

Frequency of the ultrasonic sound, ν = 1000kH z = 10 H z 6

Speed of sound in air, v = 340m/s a

The wavelength (λ ) of the reflected sound is given by the relation:


λ =r

[1 Mark]
340 −4
= = 3.4 × 10 m

Frequency of the ultrasonic sound, ν = 1000kH z = 10 6


Speed of sound in water, v = 1486 m/s w

The wavelength of the transmitted sound is given as:

m [2 Mark]
1486 −3
λ =r = 1.49 × 10

What is meant by an echo ? State two conditions necessary for an echo to be
heard distinctly.
[3 marks]


Reflection of sound is known as echo. [1 mark]

The two conditions for echo to be heard are:
1. The minimum distance between source and reflecting surface should
be 17.2 m. [1 Mark]

2. To hear a distinct echo, the interval between original and reflected

sound must be 0.1 second. [1 Mark]

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Matter in Our

Matter in Our Surroundings

Topic : Exam Important Questions

1. Explain the consequence of the following condition:

Perfume is sprayed in one corner of the room.

[1 Mark]


When we spray a perfume, the particles of perfume intermix with the

particles of air, and reach several metres away. This happens due to
diffusion of the particles. Diffusion is the intermixing of particles of two
different types of matter on their own.
[1 Mark]
[Diffusion, DPS - 2022]

2. How is the interparticle force of attraction related to interparticle spaces?

[1 Mark]


The interparticle force of attraction in matter is inversely proportional to the

interparticle spaces. As the spaces between the particles increases,
particles move apart from each other and the force of attraction between
them decreases.

[0.5 Marks]

Similarly, if the interparticle space decreases, the interparticle force of

attraction increases.

[0.5 Marks]
[Interparticle spaces, NCERT]

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Matter in Our Surroundings

3. Give reasons for the following observation:

The smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several metres away, but to get the

smell from cold food you have to go close.

[2 Marks]

Particles of hot sizzling food possess high kinetic energy and diffuse in air

rapidly. Therefore, they reach several metres away and we get the smell of

hot food from a distance.

[1 Mark]

Whereas, the particles of cold food possess less kinetic energy. Therefore,

the diffusion is less in this case, and they do not reach several metres

away. So, we have to go close to get the smell of cold food.

[1 Mark]

4. Name the three states of matter. Give one example of each.

[2 Marks]

The three states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases. [0.5 Marks]

An example of each of them are:

a) Solids: Ice [0.5 Marks]
b) Liquids: Cooking oil [0.5 Marks]
c) Gases: Air [0.5 Marks]

[Lakhmir Singh and Manjot Kaur]

5. Name the physical state of matter which can be easily compressed.

[1 Mark]

Gases are highly compressible as compared to solids and liquids as they
have very weak intermolecular forces of attraction as a result of which they
can be compressed easily under pressure. [1 Mark]

[Lakhmir Singh and Manjot Kaur]

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Matter in Our Surroundings

6. Explain any three factors affecting evaporation.

[3 Marks]


Factors affecting evaporation are given below:

(i) Surface area of the liquid :–

The evaporation depends upon the surface area. If the surface area is
increased, the rate of evaporation increases because the high energy
particles from the liquid can go into gas phase only through a surface.
[1 Mark]

(ii) Temperature:–
Rate of evaporation increases with increase in temperature. This is because
with the increase in temperature, more number of particles get enough
kinetic energy to go into the vapour state (or gaseous state).
[1 Mark]

(iii) Humidity in the air:–

The air around us contains water vapour or moisture. The amount of water
present in the air is referred to as humidity. The air cannot hold more than a
definite amount of water vapour at a given temperature. If the humidity is
more, the rate of vaporisation decreases. The rate of evaporation is more if
the air is dry.
[1 Mark]

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Matter in Our Surroundings

7. Name A, B, C, D, E, and F in the following diagram showing the change of


[3 Marks]

In the given flowchart, names for the various processes are as follows:

A: Melting

[0.5 Marks]

B: Vaporisation

[0.5 Marks]

C: Condensation

[0.5 Marks]

D: Freezing

[0.5 Marks]

E: Sublimation

[0.5 Marks]

F: Deposition

[0.5 Marks]

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Matter in Our Surroundings

8. Neha by mistake spilled a glass of water on the floor. She mopped the floor

but it remained wet. Her mother suggested her to switch on the fan, and after

a few minutes she found that all the water disappeared. Based on this, answer

the following questions:

(i) What phenomenon was associated with the disappearance of water?

(ii) Why did Neha's mother suggest Neha to switch on the fan?

[2 Marks]


(i) Evaporation is the phenomenon which is associated with the

disappearance of water on the floor. It is the phenomenon by which a liquid
converts into its vapours below its boiling point.
[1 Mark]
(ii) Neha's mother suggested Neha to switch on the fan because the rate of
evaporation increases with the increase in wind speed. Hence, the floor will
dry faster if the fan is switched on.
[1 Mark]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Questions
Is Matter Around Us Pure?

[1 Mark]

[1 Mark]

[1 Mark]

[1 Mark]

[1 Mark]

Atoms and Molecules

Atoms and Molecules

Topic : Exam Important Qustions

1. Which of the following symbols are incorrect? Give the correct symbols for the elements.

Elements Symbols
a) Cobalt CO
b) Carbon C
c) Aluminium AL
d) Potassium Po
e) Argon Ar
f) Sulphur Sl

[2 Marks]


Following are the elements with incorrect symbols:

[1 Mark]

Elements Correct symbols

a) Cobalt Co
b) Carbon C
c) Aluminium Al
d) Potassium K
e) Argon Ar
f) Sulphur S

[1 Mark]

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Atoms and Molecules

Define the term atomicity. Identify the atomicity of the following molecules.
a) CO
b) H 2

c) S 8

d) O 3

e) H e
f) H 2

g) P Cl 3

h) P 4

[5 Marks]
The number of atoms constituting a molecule is known as its atomicity.
[1 Mark]

Molecule Atomicity
a) CO 2 [0.5 Marks]
b) H O 2 3 [0.5 Marks]
c) S 8 8 [0.5 Marks]
d) O 3 3 [0.5 Marks]
e) H e 1 [0.5 Marks]
f) H SO2 4
7 [0.5 Marks]
g) P Cl 3 4 [0.5 Marks]
h) P 4 4 [0.5 Marks]

3. Classify the following as molecules of elements or molecules of compounds.

a) H N O 3

b) N e
c) Br 2

d) CH 4

[2 Marks]
Molecule Type of molecule
a) H N O 3 Molecule of compound [0.5 Marks]
b) N e Molecule of element [0.5 Marks]
c) Br 2 Molecule of element [0.5 Marks]
d) CH 4
Molecule of compound [0.5 Marks]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Qustions
Atoms and Molecules

4. What does the abbreviation 'amu' stand for? [1 Mark]

According to IUPAC recommendations, mass of the atoms is expressed in terms of atomic
mass unit (amu).
1 amu is defined as mass equal to one-twelth the mass of a carbon-12 atom.
[1 Mark]

5. State the law of conservation of mass. Give one example to illustrate this law.
[2 Marks]
Law of conservation of mass:
The law of conservation of mass states that during a chemical reaction, mass is neither
created nor destroyed.
In other words, the mass of the products in a chemical reaction must equal the mass of the
[1 Mark]
For example, when wood burns, the mass of the soot, ashes, and gases equals the original
mass of the reatants i.e. wood and the oxygen.
[1 Mark]

6. State the postulates of Dalton's atomic theory.

[5 Marks]
The postulates of Dalton's atomic theory are:
(a) Matter is composed of minute particles called atoms, which take part in chemical
[1 Mark]

(b) Atoms cannot be further divided.

[1 Mark]

(c) The atoms of different elements differ from each other in their properties, while the atoms
of the same element are identical in all respects.
[1 Mark]

(d) Atoms combine in the ratio of small whole numbers to form compounds.
[1 Mark]

(e) Atoms can be neither created nor be destroyed.

[1 Mark]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Qustions
Atoms and Molecules

7. Write the chemical formula of nitrates formed by the following cations:

(i) Li +

(ii) Ca 2+

(iii) K +

[3 Marks]
[Formulae of Simple Compounds]


The valency of nitrate ion (N O ) is 1.

(i) The valency of Li ion = 1


Symbol Li N O 3

Valency1 1

By criss-crossing the valencies, we will get

the chemical formula i.e. LiN O . 3

[1 Mark]

(ii) The valency of Ca 2+

ion = 2

Symbol Ca N O 3

Valency2 1

By criss-crossing the valencies, we will get

the chemical formula i.e. Ca(N O ) . 3 2

[1 Mark]

(iii) The valency of K ion = 1


Symbol K N O 3

Valency1 1

By criss-crossing the valencies, we will get

the chemical formula i.e. KN O . 3

[1 Mark]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Qustions
Atoms and Molecules

8. Write the chemical formula and formula unit masses of:

(i) magnesium carbonate
(ii) aluminium oxide
[5 Marks]

(i) Magnesium carbonate consists of magnesium ion and carbonate ion, i.e., M g and CO .
2+ 2−

Both the ions have valency 2.

Symbol Mg CO 3

Valency2 2
Upon criss-crossing the valencies and balancing the charges, we get the formula as M gCO . 3

[1.5 Marks]

The formula unit mass of M gCO = 3

(1 × atomic mass of Mg) + (1 × atomic mass of C) + (3 × atomic mass of O) = (1 × 24 u) +

(1 × 12 u) + (3 × 16 u) = 84 u

[1 Mark]

(ii) Aluminium oxide consists of aluminium ion and oxide ion, i.e., Al and O , having
3+ 2−

valency 3 and 2 respectively.

Symbol AlO
Valency3 2
Upon criss-crossing the valencies, we get the formula as Al 2 O3 .

[1.5 Marks]

The formula unit mass of Al 2 O3 =

(2 × atomic mass of Al) + (3 × atomic mass of O) = (2 × 27 u) + (3 × 16 u) = 102 u

[1 Mark]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Qustions
Structure of The Atom


The Fundamental Unit of Life

The Fundamental Unit of Life

Topic : Exam Important Questions

1. Give a brief account of discovery of the cell.

[2 Marks]
Robert Hooke examined a thin slice of cork under a self-designed crude
microscope and observed that the cork resembled the structure of a honey
[1 Mark]
The latter consisted of many tiny compartments. Hooke called them cellulae
(Singular cellula), now termed cells. Cellula is a Latin name which means a
‘little room’. Such rooms were also present in monasteries.
[1 Mark]

Name the two postulates of the cell theory.
[2 Marks]

Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life for all living beings. [1
All cells arise from pre-existing cells. [1 Mark]

3. Cytoplasm is also known as protoplasm. Is the statement true? Justify. [2

The statement is false. [1 Mark]
Cytoplasm is a jelly-like fluid substance inside the cell where all the cell
organelles are suspended. And protoplasm includes cytoplasm and the
nucleus of the cell. [1 Mark]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Questions
The Fundamental Unit of Life

What happens when

(a) Dry apricots are left for sometime in pure water and later transferred to
sugar solution?

(b) A Red Blood Cell is kept in concentrated saline solution?

[2 Marks]

(a) When dry apricots are placed in pure water, they swell as water moves
from outside to the inside of the cell due to endosmosis. But, when the
same is transferred into a sugar solution, the cell shrinks as the water
moves outside of the cell to retain the equilibrium. This is called exosmosis.
[1 Mark]

(b) When a red blood cell is kept in a saline solution, the cell shrinks as the
water moves from inside to outside to maintain the equilibrium
[1 Mark]

5. What is cell visualisation? Give two examples of cells that can be observed
under the microscope. [2 Marks]
In order to study cell structure and the organelles that it contains, cell
visualisation techniques are being used. As most cells are very small, they
cannot be seen with naked eyes and therefore need to be magnified.
[1 Mark]
Light microscopy was first used to magnify the image of the cells using
stains. Cells from an onion peel, leaves, pond water etc. can be visualised
using the stain safranin.
[1 Mark]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Questions
The Fundamental Unit of Life

Endoplasmic reticulum functions as a cytoplasmic framework of the cell .
Explain. [3 Marks]
∙ Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), in biology, a continuous membrane system

that forms a series of flattened sacs within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic

cells and serves multiple functions, being important particularly in the
synthesis, folding, modification, and transport of proteins .
[1 Mark]
∙ All eukaryotic cells contain an endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In animal cells,

the ER usually constitutes more than half of the membranous content of the
∙ Differences in certain physical and functional characteristics distinguish

the two types of ER, known as rough ER and smooth ER.

[1 Mark]

∙ The endoplasmic reticulum plays an important role in the biosynthesis,

processing, and transport of proteins and lipids.
​[1 Mark]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Questions
The Fundamental Unit of Life

7. Differentiate between Mitosis and Meiosis.

[4 Marks]

Difference Mitosis Meiosis

Type of reproduction Asexual Sexual

Genetically Similar Different

Occurs, mixing of
Crossing over Not occur

No of division One Two

Haploid or
Mother cells Always diploid

No of daughter cells
2 Diploid cells 4 Haploid cells

Chromosome number Remains same Reduced by half

Takes place in Somatic cells Germ cells

[4 Marks]

Are cell organelles present outside the cell membrane? Substantiate.

A cellular organelle is something enclosed in a membrane and have

specific function and present inside a living cell(that is within the cell
membrane)such as Golgi body, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus,
mitochondria etc.
Therefore something outside the cell membrane is not called an organelle.
[1 Mark]

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Topic : Exam Important Questions

1. What is the role of epidermis? [3 Marks]

The epidermis performs the following important functions:
It protects the plant against mechanical injury.
[1 Mark]
It protects the plant from excess loss of water.
[1 Mark]
It protects the plant from bacterial or fungal invasions.
[1 Mark]

2. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a plant and mark the following meristems:
(a) Apical meristem
(b) Lateral meristem
(c) Intercalary meristem
[3 Marks]


[1.5 Marks for diagram and 0.5 Marks for each labelling]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Questions

3. Difference between sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissue.

[5 Marks]

Parenchyma Sclerenchyma
[2.5 Marks] [2.5 Marks]

The cells have very thick lignified

The cells have thin cell wall.
cell wall.

The cells are alive. The cells are dead at maturity.

They are block shaped. They are elongated in shape.

Their primary function is to Their primary function is to

photosynthesise and storage. provide strength and support.

These tissues are present in the These tissues are present in the
newly divided parts of plants. older parts of a plant or tree.

4. Write an essay on phloem. [2 Marks]

In vascular plants, phloem is the living tissue that transports the soluble
organic compounds made during photosynthesis, in particular the
sugar sucrose, to parts of the plant where needed. This transport process is
called translocation.
[1 Mark]

Phloem tissue consists of cells which include sieve

tubes, parenchyma cells, companion cells, phloem fibres, and sclereids.
[1 Mark]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Questions

5. State 3 functions of epithelial tissues.

[3 Marks]

The three functions of epithelial tissues are:​

The cells of the epithelial tissue form the outer surface of the skin.
This tissue protects the underlying cells from mechanical damage.​
[1 Mark]

These tissues help in absorption. For example, villi of the intestine are
lined by these tissues that absorb digested food.​ [1 Mark]

These tissues help in secretion. For example, salivary glands that

secrete saliva, are lined by these tissues.​ [1

6. Briefly describe glandular epithelium and give examples.

[2 Marks]
It is made up of some columnar or cuboidal cells that have been specialised
for secretion. This specialised epithelial tissue sometimes folds inwards to
form a multicellular gland. This is glandular epithelium. [1 Mark]

Examples: Salivary gland, and thyroid gland. [1 Mark]

7. How do muscles help in movement of the body?

[2 Marks]
The muscles in the human body work in pair, which means when one
muscle contract and the other muscle relaxes.
[1 Mark]

In this way the skeleton remains to its original position, by push and pull
movement of the muscle pair. A single muscle cannot push and pull
simulataneously. [1

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8. What is a neuron? ​Mention its basic function. Draw a labelled diagram of a

neuron. ​
[5 Marks]
[Nervous Tissue]

Neuron is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system.​
The structure of a neuron is specially adapted to carry messages over
large distances in the body in the form of electrical impulses or nerve
impulses.​ [2 Marks]

[3 Marks]

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9. Write the components of blood and give any two functions of blood.
[2 Marks]
Blood is a connective tissue which is composed of a fluid matrix called
plasma in which red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and
platelets are suspended. [1.5 Marks]
Blood flows and transports gases, digested food, hormones and waste
materials to different parts of the body.
[Function - 0.5 Marks]

10. Differentiate bone and cartilage.

[3 Marks]
Bone Cartilage
Cartilage is the connective tissue
Bone is the hard connective tissue.
which is flexible.
[0.5 Marks]
[0.5 Marks]
Bone cells are embedded in a hard The matrix of cartilage is not hard
matrix that is composed of calcium and as bones matrix and are composed
phosphorus compounds. of proteins and sugars.
[0.5 Marks] [0.5 Marks]
Bones cannot be folded. Cartilage is foldable.
[0.5 Marks] [0.5 Marks]

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exam Important Questions
Improvement in Food


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