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The board and the pieces and move

1. What is Chess
2. Exploring the board
3. Learning about Coordinates
4. Learning about the names of squares
5. Introducing chess piece
6. How each piece move

What is chess:
 A board strategy game
 Most popular game

Exploring the board:

 8*8 light and dark squares (white and black)
 Always make sure white square on your bottom right hand side

Learning about coordinates:

 File – a to h
 Rank – 1 to 8
 Diagonal

Naming the squares:

 Practices naming the squares.

Introducing chess piece:

 King: most important piece
 Queen: strongest piece in chess
 Bishop: also called elephant, has two tusk twisted
 Knight: also called horse
 Rook: also called chariots
 Pawns: footman, soldiers

Practices: place all pieces on board (initial position)

How each piece move:

Counting number of possible moves
 Rook
 Bishop
 Queen
 Knight
 King
Practices: knight move, move back to initial position

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