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Since I was in grade school, I was enrolled in a catholic school.

We make sure to put God

first in everything we do and end it by thanking Him. I remember myself leading the prayers,
creating my own intentions, and being a lector. I realized that serving the Lord is interesting as
it’s my first time playing a game. I

Moving forward, as I entered Junior High School, it was still the same. But this time, my
faith is deeper. I continued being a volunteer and a lector in my school. I also joined a ministry
and is under the animator team and realize that it is true that i can use my talent in serving God
which is dancing

As time passed by and the pandemic came, I became careless and lazy. The spirit in me to
actively participate in any catholic events faded. My old self would think that it is better to stay
at home or play games rather than attend a mass even though it is already online which is more
convenient for our time. I would even lie to everyone that I attend mass just because it is
embarrassing for others to see that I don’t have faith anymore.

To be honest, up until now, I haven’t recovered yet. It’s a bit inconsistent but I always
find my time for god. I am now starting to realize that it feels good to start my day with God. I
pray and talk to him even for a moment as my little way of going back home to Him. From my
experience I belieGod is always waiting for us, and it is only our choice if we open our hearts
again for Him.

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