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Intersubjective Reality

A shared belief of anything by two or more individuals creates what we call and experience that
is reality. Our society is created by the belief or trust of everyone, a society functions mostly by
the intersubjectivity that exists between every single person residing in it. What we call reality is
just the creations of what everyone believes reality is, to reiterate the foundation of the society
are lies, deceitful and effective lies that we believe almost to an irrationally. The pillars of
society, governments, the economy, morality, language, and religion is a shared reality, without
actual tangible value nor power if enough people believe that reality as a lie.

What we believe is true may not be true to other people, what we believe is reality is fiction to
other people, what we believe are lies is the truth to other people. There is no such thing as the
true reality, the only thing that is real is the physical and chemical objective truth to these worlds
or what we call objective reality. Our entire reality is based on truths that may or may not be lies.
I'm not questioning the morality and ethics of this intersubjective reality, merely to understand
that our reality is created, changed, and is fragile as glass.

Throughout history, currency has taken many forms, whether it be gold and silver coins, pearls,
notes, and today cash and data currency, all these functions due to the shared believe that
these items are of worth, people trust them. The reality of currency has changed, once people
believe another form of currency, the past has become a forgotten truth and we'll create a brand
new truth. The entire financial and the power of a currency is based on the trust they have,
whether their money is truth or lies is dependent on whether the majority of the people believe it
is worth any value and is indeed trustworthy. There is no discerning difference on normal paper
to cash, made from the same materials yet we don't pay our daily necessities with a piece of
white paper, we pay it cold hard cash, fancy yet fragile. Money has no intrinsic value, but it's not
worthless. People trust that their cash is exchangeable to other goods and services, money will
cease to have any worth if that function have stopped functioning. As an example countries like
Venezuela, Lebanon, and Syria are all under a disastrous hyperinflation, their currency have
become worthless, and people and foreign economies have lost trust in their currency, in other
words, the intersubjective reality that exist, that people have believed has become "not reality".
Even if that cash looks good and is indeed created by the government, it is no different from a
fake, whether is it real or not does not make it the truth.

Languages function because of the shared belief of association, when we say "love" we
understand it as an extreme positive affection to an object, however the word love was created,
there was a time when the word "love" didn't exist, it had no meaning, it was not part of our
reality. Love only began to shape into something meaningful when people had the same exact
meaning of what love is, enough people believed that the word love means positive affection.
Saying "love" to someone who does not know the meaning of the word would find it gibberish
and nonsensical, their reality of language is different. Words are created if enough people
believe their meaning. Intersubjectivity exist as a tool to make something "unreal" be the truth, it
bends lies and shapes it to become the truth, words means what it is because we believe in the
exact same meaning of it, however there is no real objective reality that the word "love" truly
means something, if enough people believed it to mean something else the entire reality of the
word changes.

Intersubjectivity exists both to unify and differentiate people, people all around the world have
different iterations of God and some do not believe in God. All within one true "reality" exist
many different forms of intersubjective truth of religion. If God truly exists is not a question of
science or metaphysics, it's between us humans. God exists, but its existence it's tied upon the
belief of the individual. There's no objective truth of the existence of an almighty creator,
however because billions of individuals share the same belief that a God exists out there, even
without a physical manifestation of it, God continuously exists in the intersubjective reality of
many people. God is different depending on cultures and religions, intersubjectivity also plays a
role in these occurrences. The islamic religion, Muslims believe that God is Allah and the
Messiah is Muhammad although Islam and Christianity are identical in a way that they are both
abrahamic religions, stemming from the same origins, both have completely different iterations
of God. To Christians God is the creator and his son Jesus is the savior. Both religions believe
in God yet due to how different their beliefs are, both groups of people create vastly different
forms of their subjective reality. God was once present in all forms of life, ancient humans and
some tribes believed in animism, while Hinduism believes that there are millions of gods and
goddesses. All of them believe in different gods, because enough people believe in the exact
same belief as they do. God doesn't have to exist physically, god exists if enough people
believe in it, it's the reality, lies are truth if enough people believe in it, and truth are lies if people
have no trust in it. If enough people believe that our God was a piece of paper, that would be
our reality.

Lies and truth are the same, they are interchangeable, even the objective truth can be bent over
by the collective belief of individuals. Lies are the foundational principles of society. Would the
president be able to execute his authority if no one believes him to be powerful? Would god
even exist or would it even continue to exist if the collective belief of individuals believes god
doesn't exist? Money, religion, cultures, and "love" is reality not because it is the truth, it's our
reality because we believe in it. Reality will change if the people's believe changes, our reality is
created by our own sense of belief, what is reality is just the manifestation of what we believe
reality is.

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