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1. How did organic farming started in Negros Province ?

Organic Agriculture Program in Negros Occidental began through a collaboration

between the public and private sectors focused on organic farming. This initiative set
up the organic vegetable farm behind the Capitol Building in 2005, along with
introducing many pilot organic villages in the province. the program had several
components, including training, information, education, and campaigns. producing
organic products in agriculture and aquaculture; creating and promoting organic
fertilizers marketing organic products conducting research, development, and
extension activities engaging in policy and advocacy efforts; and providing support
services and networking.

2. What are the benefits of implementing the organic agriculture approach in

farming ?

Organic farming provides various advantages, such as preserving the environment

by steering clear of artificial pesticides and fertilizers, emphasizing soil well-being
through techniques like crop rotation and composting, and promoting biodiversity.
These practices not only maintain agricultural productivity but also enhance the soil's
long-term durability. Organic agriculture has a positive influence on water quality,
lessening the chance of contamination and presenting a more sustainable option for
water resources. Organic products are commonly perceived as healthier due to their
reduced pesticide residues.

3.Discuss the opportunities of organic agriculture in the Philippines ?

In the Philippines, organic farming provides substantial opportunities for farmers and
the environment. Growing consumer awareness and demand for organic products
create potential for farmers to enter premium markets and increase their income.
Government support, such as financial aid and training programs, additionally
promotes the adoption of organic farming practices. Organic methods contribute to
environmental conservation, preserving the nation's rich biodiversity and
strengthening the resilience of agricultural systems

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