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Castillo, Rolly


1. How will the sustainable development goals plan to end hunger in the Philippines by 2030?
Answer: The sustainable development goals (SDGs) aim to end hunger by 2030, through various targets and strategies. In
the case of the Philippines. Key approaches include promoting sustainable agriculture, improving food security,
enhancing rural livelihoods, and ensuring access to nutritious food. Additionally, addressing issues such as poverty,
climate change, and infrastructure development contributes to the overall goal of eradicating hunger by fostering a more
resilient and sustainable food system. Implementation involves collaboration between government, NGOs, and the
private sector to create effective policies, invest in agricultural technology, and empower local communities.

2. Is poverty related to hunger, what will happen to the countries poverty threshold if the SDG2 will be
achieved by 2030?
Answer: Yes, poverty and hunger closely related. Poverty often leads to food insecurity, which is a major cause of
hunger. When people live in poverty, they may not have enough resources to access nutritious food consistently, leading
to malnutrition and hunger.
If the sustainable development goal 2 (SDG2), which aims to end hunger, achieved food security, improved
nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture, is achieved by 2030, it would have a positive impact on the countries
poverty threshold.
By ensuring food security and improving nutrition, SDG2 would help to lift people out of poverty. When people
have access to sufficient and nutritious food, they can lead healthier and more productive lives, which can contribute to
economic growth and poverty reduction.
Additionally, achieving SDG2 would also address the root causes of poverty, such as lack of access to resources
and opportunities. It would promote sustainable agriculture practices, enhance agricultural productive and improve rural
and infrastructure, which can create employment opportunities and increase incomes of people living in poverty.
Overall, achieving SDG2 by 2030 would have a significant impact on reducing poverty and improving the
countries poverty threshold by addressing the underlying causes of hunger and food insecurity.

3. You are ask to give inputs/suggestions in executing the SG12 of responsible consumption and production in
agriculture, consider the following suggestions:

1. Promote Sustainable Farming Practices.

• Encourage the adoption of agroecological practices that minimize environmental impact, such as organic farming, crop
rotation, and integrated pest management.
• Provide training and support to farmers in sustainable techniques to improve soil health, water conservation, and
3. Reduce Food Waste
• Implement efficient harvesting, storage, and transportation methods to minimize post-harvest losses.
• Establish initiatives to redistribute surplus food to communicate in need or for alternative uses like animal feed or
4. Support Local and Small-Scale Farmers
• Foster local markets and direct-to-customer sales to reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance
• Implement policies that protect small-scale farmers and promote fair trade practices
5. Invest in Technology and Innovation:
• Encourage the use of precision agriculture and technology to optimize resource utilization and reduce waste
• Support research and development for innovative solutions, such as smart farming practices and sustainable packaging.
6. Implement Sustainable Supply Chain Practices:
• Collaborate with stakeholders across the supply chain to ensure transparency and responsible practices.
• Promote certification standards for sustainable and ethical production, providing incentives for compliance.
7. Education and Awareness
• Raise awareness among farmers, consumers, and businesses about the importance of responsible consumption and
• Provide educational programs on sustainable agriculture practices and their benefits.
8. Government Policies and Incentives
• Develop and enforce policies that promote sustainable agriculture and discourage environmentally harmful practices
• Provide financial incentives, subsidies, or tax breaks for farmers adopting eco-friendly methods.

9. Community Engagement:
• Involve local communities in decision-making processes related to agricultural practices, fostering a sense of ownership
and responsibility
• Encourage community-supported agriculture and participatory approaches in sustainable development initiatives.

By implementing these suggestions, one can contribute to the achievement of SDG12 by promoting responsible
consumption and production in agriculture, thereby fostering a more sustainable and resilient food system.

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