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There are works in which that you have to wear smart clothes and, mainly, it is obligatory.

manager of a company or an employee have to wear formal clothes, an accountant too. It is
necessary to be elegant and tidy in these works. Smart clothes can be: suit, dress, trousers,
elegant shoes, high heels, a white or black sirth. These two colors, black and white, are the
most worn as regards smart clothes, because they look more presentable and clean.

People that see workers wearing that type of clothes, commonly, think that they have a
stronger personality, but the reality is that there are a lot of workers that they are easy-going
and friendly in personality/Caracter.

In my country, Argentina, it is common to see people with suits and dresses, here there are so
many companies and important organizations that require wearing of smart clothes.










10 C

1 basquet ball

2 stress

3 middle class

5 headaches

6 clubs

9 extra activities

Hi Sam,

Yes, I started English again and I’m starting to like it. The classes are very funny but they are
very strict too. I’m seeing the simple past and it’s so complicated, all the verbs that you have to
change, the new auxiliary “DID” I don’t understand a lot but I make a lot of new friends and
the teacher is always in good mood so I can ask too many questions to my friends that,
obviously, they know more English than me. I have classes 3 days at week of 1 hour each one
and I finished really tired.

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