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Second and Third Conditional

Read the descriptions and write a second or third conditional sentence to answer the

ex.Imagine you have read a book twice, and you still don’t understand it. You go online to
read reviews about the book and find out that no one has understood it. What would happen
if you read the book again?

a.You were invited to go on a trip to Colombia with your friends but you decided not to go.
When they get back, you see their photos from the trip, and you start to feel jealous! What
could you have done if you had gone with them?

b.You are at a flea market and you see some designer sunglasses for a very cheap price.
When you get home and put them on, they break right away. You realize that they are fake.
What would you have done if you had known they were fake?

c.You see your friend looking at a website that you know often publishes fake news. She is
getting angry at one of the stories that’s she’s reading. What advice would you give her?

d.Every winter, you work part time at a ski resort. Every year, the resort gets less and less
snow. Some people say there may even be a time when there’s no snow at all. With global
warming, you are worried that time is coming soon. What would happen if there weren’t any
more snow at the resort?

e.You wrote a really hard exam last week and got a pretty bad score. You didn’t study as
hard as you could have, but the exam was really difficult, and even the hard-working
students did poorly. Could you have done better if you studied harder?
f.Your car has broken down again. The same problem has happened before, and you know
how to fix it, but you don’t have the right tools. Also, you would need to buy an expensive
part. Could you fix the car if you had the right tools? Why or why not?

g.You had a presentation due for your Current Events class. You did a lot of research, but
unfortunately, your sources were not good, and you got a bad mark. What would have
happened if you had had better sources?

h.You haven’t been exercising or eating properly for awhile. You feel tired all the time and
you have gained some weight. How would things be different if you lived a healthier life?

i.You went to see the latest Marvel movie last weekend, but you hadn’t really
seen any of the previous ones, so you were totally lost! What would have
happened if you had seen the previous films?

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