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Parts of the Newspaper Clippings

Brent Sebastian Bayaca
8 Agoho

Crosshead: The crosshead is a subheading or secondary

headline within an article that provides additional
context or breaks down the content for the reader.
By-Line: The byline is the name of the
author or writer credited for a specific
article or piece in a newspaper or

Caption: The caption is a brief

description or explanation to a photo
or image.

Dateline: A dateline is a line at the beginning

of a news article that indicates the location
and sometimes the date of the report.
Folio line: The folio line is a line of text typically found at
the top or bottom of a page in a publication, containing
page numbers, section
Headline: titles, or other
The headline information
is a brief for
and attention-grabbing
title and navigation
or heading thatwithin the publication.
summarizes the main point or topic
of an article, story, or news piece.

Lead story: The lead story is the most important or

prominent news article in a newspaper or publication,
typically featured on the front page or at the beginning of
a news section, covering the most significant or current
event or topic.

Pullquote: A Pullquote is a visually highlighted

or emphasized excerpt from the main text of an
article or piece, typically set apart in a larger or
distinctive font, to draw attention to a key point
or compelling statement and encourage readers
to continue reading the article.

Nameplate: A nameplate is the banner or

design at the top of the front page of a
newspaper that displays the publication's
name, logo, and other important identifying

Pugs: Pugs in a newspaper can refer to the

section displaying the price, edition, date, or
other information, typically found at the top
corners of the front page.

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