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Unit 6.

Tutorial 1

Exercise 1.

1. Finished 2.Unfinished 3.Finished 4. Finished

I walked a lot of hours by the street when I was a teenager, but I haven’t walked too much last two years.

I played the flute when until last year, but I have lost it two days ago

John played football very well, but he broke his knee last month and he hasn’t played since then.

I took a shower every day with hot water until the water hotter was broken. Since then I have taken the
shower with cold water.

My sister cried a lot when she was a baby, but since we discover her illness, she has stopped to cry.

My father bought a last year, but it was very expensive and one month ago he had sold it.

Exercise 3
The murderer was alive. The police caught him when he tried to escape by the window. He
had killed the owner of the house and his wife, whose cries were heard from the street. I child
gave the alarm and his father phone the police. The murderer was hidden in the second floor
of the house, behind a door, and he was waiting the best moment to cross the room to jump
through the window. But just in that moment, he was discovered.

Tutorial 2.

A Robbery

Five years ago I was robbed in the middle of the street. I was in the beginnings of my twenties.
I worked in the Camp Nou as assistant during the matches of F.C Barcelona. The day before a
match I went to the stadium to prepare everything I would need next day. I was half past
three and I was walking down by Av/Madrid. There was no one in the street, and suddenly
two very tall boys appeared in front of me. They asked me for money and I told them that I
haven’t. Then, one of the two boys, showed me a knife and said: “Are you shure?” I was
frightened, because I really didn’t have money and I feared for my classes, the only thing of
value that I had in that moment. Then I saw and old man in the other side of the street and I
cried: “¡Hi grandfather! ¡my father was looking for you! Where have you been during all
morning? We are worried for you!”. As you can imagine, the old man wasn’t my grandfather,
and he didn’t understand anything about what I was talking, but the robbers thought that this
was true, ant they became frightened. Then they run out and they gave me alone with my
“false” grandfather. They couldn’t stole anything from me in that occasion.

Eduard Martí

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