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Dilla University

College of Engineering & Technology

School of computing and Informatics
Assignment of Computer security
Title :Wiretapping

Name ID
1 Erenso Hundessa……………………..8829/20
2 Bona Hayile………………………….

Insructor :Mr.Melaku
Submission Date: 02/03/2016 E.C
Wiretapping poses a significant threat to computer security as it involves
the unauthorized interception, monitoring, or collection of digital
communications. This practice can compromise the confidentiality, integrity,
and privacy of sensitive information, leading to various security risks. Here
are several ways in which wiretapping can threaten computer security:
The way computer security attacks
1. Data Exposure: Wiretapping can result in the exposure of sensitive
information, such as personal communications, financial data, or proprietary
business information. This compromises the confidentiality of the
intercepted data, potentially leading to privacy breaches and unauthorized
access to sensitive details.
2. Intellectual Property Theft: Intercepted communications may contain
valuable intellectual property, trade secrets, or proprietary information.
Wiretapping presents the risk of stealing and exploiting such data, leading to
financial or reputational damage to affected individuals or organizations.
3 Weakening Encryption and Security Measures: Wiretapping can
undermine secure communication protocols and encryption methods,
potentially compromising the effectiveness of security measures that rely on
the confidentiality and integrity of digital communications.
4. Regulatory and Legal Violations: Unauthorized wiretapping activities
represent legal and regulatory violations in many jurisdictions. Engaging in
such practices can lead to legal ramifications, reputational damage, and
To mitigate the threat of wiretapping and enhance computer security,
organizations and individuals can implement the following measures
The key properties of wiretapping
1. Unauthorized Monitoring: Wiretapping involves the unauthorized
monitoring or interception of digital communications. This can include
capturing data transmitted over networks, observing wireless
communications, or intercepting electronic messages.
2. Potential Illegality: In many jurisdictions, wiretapping is illegal without
proper authorization or legal justification. Laws and regulations govern the
circumstances under which electronic surveillance can be conducted,
typically requiring court-issued warrants or other forms of legal permission
3. Privacy Violation: Wiretapping represents a significant infringement of
privacy rights. Unauthorized monitoring of digital communications
compromises the confidentiality of data and undermines individuals' rights
to private and secure communication.
4. Information Gathering: Wiretapping can be conducted to gather
sensitive or confidential information, such as personal communications,
trade secrets, or security-sensitive data. The intercepted data can be used for
unauthorized access, data theft, or espionage.
The way measures commonly include the following:
1. Secure Communication Protocols: Using strong encryption and secure
communication protocols, such as SSL/TLS for web traffic, can help protect
data during transmission and prevent unauthorized interception
2. Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems: Deploying firewalls and
intrusion detection systems can help monitor network traffic and detect
suspicious activities, including attempts at unauthorized interception or
3. Endpoint Security: Implementing endpoint security measures, such as
antivirus software, secure authentication, and access controls, can help
safeguard individual devices from unauthorized surveillance and data theft.
4. Legal Compliance: Organizations and individuals should be aware of and
comply with laws and regulations related to wiretapping and electronic
surveillance. Adhering to legal requirements helps ensure that digital
communication is conducted lawfully and ethically.

While reading, if you find security attack related keywords other

than these, send them on the third page of your report.

Phishing is a type of cyber attack that involves fraudulent attempts to obtain
sensitive information or data, such as usernames, passwords, credit card details,
and other personal or financial information, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in
electronic communication. These fraudulent attempts often occur through email,
instant messaging, or other forms of electronic communication.
1. Impersonation: Phishing attacks typically involve impersonating legitimate
organizations, businesses, or individuals that the target may trust. Attackers often
mimic the branding, logos, and communication style of well-known entities to
make their fraudulent messages appear genuine.
2. Deceptive Techniques: Phishing messages often use deceptive techniques to
lure recipients into taking specific actions, such as clicking on malicious links,
downloading harmful attachments, or providing sensitive information. The goal is
to exploit human psychology, curiosity, urgency, or trust to manipulate recipients
into unwittingly compromising their security.
3. Common Scenarios: Phishing attacks can take various forms, including fake
emails claiming to be from financial institutions asking for account details,
fraudulent websites imitating legitimate login pages to steal credentials, and
messages posing as legitimate companies requesting sensitive information or
urgent action.
4. Payloads: Phishing attacks may carry payloads such as malware, ransomware,
or other malicious software designed to compromise the security of the target
system or network. Clicking on malicious links or downloading malicious
attachments can lead to system infection and data theft.

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