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Personal Statement

My name is Madison Vang and I live in merced.I will graduate in 2024 and then start working.
I wanna start working on The Digital Eye for fashion and other computer stuff that is related to
it.Using design thinking to analyze and optimize the customer journey. Implementing automated
customer service.Using AI-driven insights to improve sales efficiency. Automating employee
performance management.

I am applying for a position in your Master of Business Administration course because I’m
passionate about advancing my marketing career and interested to learn more about
management strategies. I first became interested in marketing because there are many
businesses that you can come up with and do your own thing. I was fascinated by the way
marketers could use images and text to persuade consumers to purchase products and the
range of different modern marketing tools, including social media and virtual reality.

After graduating, I want to begin working as a marketing coordinator with The Digital Eye. My
eagerness to learn and try new methods saw me quickly progress through the company. As I
moved from simple research and administrative tasks to coordinating marketing events and
assisting with the creative process, my passion for marketing grew.

I feel I am ready to take the next step in my career and work as a marketing manager. Studying
a Master of Business Administration at Marketing Business would help me gain the skills I need
to transition into my desired role. I feel the coursework in leadership, production management
and operation management would help me succeed in a managerial position. I also appreciate
that the school offers online classes and part time study. These options would help me devote
the time I need to excel academically without compromising my performance at The Digital Eye.

I respect your school’s reputation for excellence and commitment to career development. I
believe it would be a stimulating learning environment and a place where I could connect with
several like minded people. My passion for learning and my exceptional academic and
professional record would make me an asset to your school.

Something that made me a better person till this day is by not having too much depression.I
work on not having too much to stress about too much stuff that is hard for me to do and other
things.I am a better person now that I've been working on myself. Yes, positive thinking can
change my life. Studies have found that positive thinking helps me live longer, reduces
loneliness and more. But the most life-changing effect of positive thinking has to do with the law
of attraction. This is the idea that what you focus on, you attract.

I have also been studying what I need to be working on.At the end of the day, if you feel like
you're a good person, and your intentions are good, then that's all that matters. Success to me
is being a good person, treating people well. A positive attitude includes working with others
towards a common goal, being resourceful with your time, working through difficult
circumstances, and being kind to yourself and others.
This is what made me a good person today.Is by working on myself and paying attention to my
health.That is what made me a good person today how I am.Having a positive attitude opens
your mind to trying new methods, adapting to new technologies, and identifying opportunities.I
am also glad to be working soon so i'm glad I can be who I am today.

Symptoms include eye discomfort and fatigue, dry eye, blurry vision, and headaches.
Uncorrected vision problems are a major cause.Using digital devices decreases your blink rate,
which can dry out your eyes. On average, you blink 12 times per minute, but when using digital
devices your blink rate drops to only 5 times per minute. Less blinking means a greater chance
of your tears evaporating, which can cause dry eyes.In most cases, eye strain is temporary and
tends to resolve within a few hours or days once the triggering activities, such as prolonged
screen use or reading in poor lighting, are reduced or eliminated.Sometimes blurry vision is a
sign of fatigue, eye strain, or dry eyes. If you have been staring at a book or digital screen for
long periods of time, give them a rest! However, if you find that your vision doesn't improve and
that things close up or far away are blurry and out of focus, it's time for an eye exam.

Digital eye strain occurs when you spend too much time staring at a screen, and it can result in
everything from headaches and neck tension to dry eyes and blurry vision. Plus, it's fairly
common: According to the Vision Council, over 27 percent of people have experienced
headaches as a result of digital eye strain.A lot of us wear glasses to correct vision problems.
But regular eyeglasses are not the same as computer glasses. Computer reading glasses are
specially made to help reduce eye strain. They have an anti-reflective coating to help reduce
glare and a tint that helps increase contrast for easier viewing.Computer lenses are a specific
type of progressive lens. They are designed to help you see clearly from the intermediate range
of your vision (where your computer screens are), to the up-close range (where you see your
documents, books, or other printed materials).

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