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English 6

2 Summative S.Y. 2023 - 2024
Reality & Fantasy And Noting Details

I- Identify the situations whether Fantasy or Reality .

1. Penguins live in Antarctica.

2. Dolphins can communicate with each other using clicks and whistles.
3. Plants grow when they receive sunlight and water.
4. Dragons roam the enchanted forest.
5. Penguins live in igloos in Antarctica.
6. Unicorns graze in the meadow near the castle.
7. Dolphins can communicate with humans.
8. Fairies grant wishes to kind-hearted children.
9. The Earth orbits the Sun.
10. Birds migrate to warmer regions in the winter.
11. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) at sea level.
12. The Moon is Earth's natural satellite.
13. The Earth orbits the Sun.
14. Birds migrate to warmer regions in the winter.
15. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) at sea level.
16. The Moon is Earth's natural satellite.
17. Bees pollinate flowers to help them reproduce.
18. Trees lose their leaves in the fall.
19. Gravity keeps objects on the ground.
20. Plants can grow money instead of leaves.
21. Wizards cast spells to make objects float.
22. Mermaids swim in the depths of the ocean.
23. Caterpillars transform into butterflies during metamorphosis.
24. Seasons change throughout the year.
25. Lightning is caused by electrical discharges in the atmosphere.
26. Vampires can turn into bats.
27. A genie grants three wishes to whoever finds their lamp.
28. Time travel is possible with a special machine.
29. Apples can fall from trees due to gravity.
30. Rocks are composed of minerals.

II- Noting Details: Read the selection and answer the following questions in a complete sentence.
The sun was setting behind the mountains, casting a warm, golden hue across the tranquil lake. The
surface of the water rippled gently as a family of ducks swam near the shore. A willow tree, its branches
gracefully drooping, provided shade to a couple sitting on a weathered wooden bench. The couple held
hands, lost in a quiet conversation, while a soft breeze rustled the leaves and carried the scent of blooming
flowers from a nearby garden.

1. What time of day is it in the selection?
2. What is the effect of the setting sun on the lake?
3. What is causing ripples on the surface of the water?
4. How would you describe the willow tree's branches?
5. Who is sitting on the weathered wooden bench?
6. What is the couple doing?
7. What is the weather like, as indicated by the breeze?
8. What scent is carried by the breeze?
9. Is there a family of animals present? If so, what kind?
10. What is the overall mood or atmosphere in this scene?
Math 6
2nd Summative S.Y. 2023 - 2024
Addition of Dissimilar Fraction
& Subtraction of Fraction from a Whole Number

I-Add the dissimilar fractions. II- Subtract the fraction from the whole number


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