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Understanding O level literature in English Study Pack 10 & 11% Avenue, Robert Mugabe C Gauche Complex, Bulawayo Zimbabwe Phone number +263777896159 All rights reserved .No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Inquiries should be addressed to Dingani Publishers. Printed in Bulawayo, by Dingani Publishers Table of Contents William Shakespeare: Romeo and Jili€t sc... vi List of Characters in Romeo and Juliet Act One.. Act two.. Act three. Act four. Act five re ‘Themes in the book “Romeo and Juliet” Love Love as a cause of Violence ‘The conflict between the individual and society Religious laws : ‘The need to maintain masculine (manly) honor The Inevitability of Fate. Love... vi 16 Violence. Lessons. : REVISION QUESTIONS EXAMINATION PRACTICE.. Passage 2, Act I Scene 3... Act 1 Seene 4... Act 1 Scene 5... Act 2 Scene 2 ch pe KEY EXTRACT- Romeo and Juliet, Act 4 Scene 1 KEY EXTRACT- Romeo and Juliet, Act 5 Scene 2 KEY EXTRACT - Romeo and Juliet, Act 5 Scene 3 LORD OF THE FLIES: WILLIAM GOLDING..... Summary. a ieee CHAPTER BY CHAPTER PLOT SUMMAR’ ‘a 60 CHAPTER ONE AND TWO. 233 37 iii ‘Write a short answer for each question. ..60 CHAPTER: THREE AND FOUR... 6 Write a short answer for each question. . 61 CHAPTER: FIVE AND SIX CHAPTER: SEVEN AND EIGHT .... CHAPTER :NINE AND TEN.. CHAPTER: ELEVEN AND TWELVE Passages for practice Rutendo: The Chief's Granddaughter. Rutendo... Bary Mochabaiwa..... Ndayavaya Wonder... Mr. Chimombe .. Sister Consolata Media Choto... Edmore. ‘THE PLOT : CHAPTER 1..... ae spc CHAPTER 2...... sesenen iain 78 CHAPTERS. CHAPTER 4.. CHAPTER 5... CHAPTER 6, CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 8. CHAPTER 9. (CHAPTER 10. CHAPTER 11... CHAPTER 12. CHAPTER 13.. ‘Themes in the book Rutendo the chiefs daughter 90 Love.. 90 Colonialism 90 Womanhood. a1 CONFLICT... . nase a1 TRADITION AND CULTURE... es 92 A HOLE IN THE SKY: AUSTIN BUKENYA.... 94 ‘THE PLOT. Scene 1 .. Soene 2 srsssrtntvee EARTH'S COMPLAINTS. WATER'S COMPLAINTS... FIRE’S COMPLAINTS... ‘SPACE’S COMPLAINTS AIR’S COMPLAINTS. Scene 3 ... Investors and Intruders... Scene 4 A place unfit for love... Scene 5 Disease without a cure: Overconsumption Scene 6 Wamiti Maua: Consecration. ‘THEMES IN THE BOOK A HOLE IN THE SKY... LOVE.. = DESTRUCTION. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENES......... ROBBIE er is rcctpotoners CONFLICT... . ‘The suitability of the title ‘A Hole in the Sky’ William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet List of Characters in Romeo and Juliet Romeo Juliet The only son of Lord Montague and Lady Montague. He is a young man of about sixteen: handsome, intelligent, and thoughtful A generally impulsive and immature young man who grows up in the midst of a violent feud between his family and the Capulets, but is not violent himself. His main interest is love. When the play begins, he is deeply in love with a girl named Rosaline, however, the moment he sees Juliet, ‘he instantly falls in love with her and forgets Rosaline. This immediately causes the audience to question the genuineness of his love for Juliet. In a space of 24 hours, he secretly marries Juliet, the daughter of his father’s worst enemy. He happily takes abuse from Tybalt, reasoning that it was no longer possible to fight his cousin through marriage. When he is banished to Mantua for killing Tybalt, he argues that it were better to die than live without his beloved. Romeo is also a loving and loyal friend to other characters like his relative Benvolio, Mercutio, and Friar Lawrence, his confidante, mentor and surrogate father. The only daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. She is a beautiful young girl, aged thirteen. She begins the play as a naive child who has thought little about love and marriage. She, however, matures quickly just after falling in love with Romeo, the son of her family’s great enemy. Growing up as a git! in an aristocratic family, she does not have the kind of freedom Romeo has to roam around the city, climb over walls in the middle of the night, or get into sword fights like her cousin Tybalt. Nonetheless, she shows remarkable courage in entrusting her entire life and future to Romeo, even refusing to believe the nurse’s negative reports about him after he kills her cousin Tybalt in a sword fight. Juliet’s closest friend and confidant is her nurse. However, she’s willing to shut the nurse out of her life the moment the Nurse turns against Romeo. Friar Lawrence A Franciscan friar, friend to both Romeo and Juliet. He is kind, civic- minded, an advocate of moderation, and always ready with a plan. Friar Lawrence secretly marries the young lovers in the hope that the marriage would eventually bring peace to Verona. In addition to being a Catholic holy man, Friar Lawrence is also an expert in the use of seemingly mystical potions and herbs. Mercutio A kinsman (relative) to the Prince, and Romeo's close friend Mercutio is extremely imaginative, witty and comic. He loves wordplay, especially sexual double entendres. He can be quite quarrelsome, and hates people who are pretentious, or obsessed with the latest fashions. He finds Romeo's exaggerated ideas about love annoying and tries to convince Romeo to view love as a simple matter of sexual appetite. ‘The Nurse She is the woman who breast-fed Juliet when she was a baby and has cared for Juliet her entire life. Being a vulgar and long-winded character, the Nurse provides comic relief with her frequently inappropriate remarks and speeches. Until a disagreement near the play's end, the Nurse is Juliet’s faithful confidante and loyal go- between in Juliet’s affair with Romeo. She provides a contrast with Juliet, given that her view of love is down-to-earth and sexual, whereas Juliet is idealistic and intense. The Nurse believes in love and wants Juliet to have a good-looking husband. However, she cannot understand the idea that Juliet would want to sacrifice herself for love Tybalt A Capulet, Juliet’s cousin on her mother’s side. Tybalt is aggressive, violent, and quick to draw his sword when he feels his pride has been injured. He has a deep sense of family honour. ‘Tybalt hates the Montagues and peace as he “hates hell” Capulet The head of the Capulet family. He is the father of Juliet, husband of Lady Capulet, and enemy of Montague. Capulet truly loves his daughter, though he is not very familiar with Juliet’s thoughts or feelings. He seems to think that what is best for her is a “good” match with Paris. Capulet is often thoughtful and commands respect. However, he is prone to getting into fits of anger which make him unreasonable and abusive Lady Capulet Juliet’s mother, Capulet’s wife. A woman who herself married young (by her own estimation she gave birth to Juliet at close to the age of fourteen), wants her daughter to marry Paris. She is a weak and ineffective mother, relying on the Nurse for moral and practical ‘support. Montague Romeo’s father, the head of the Montague family and archenemy of Capulet. At the beginning of the play, he is mainly worried about Romeo's sadness. Lady Montague Romeo's mother, Montague’s wife. She dies of grief after Romeo is exiled from Verona. Paris A relative of the Prince. Paris is the suitor of Juliet most preferred by Capulet. Once, Capulet has promised him he can marry Juliet, He behaves very arrogantly towards her, acting as if they are already married. Benvolio ‘Montague’s nephew -He is Romeo's cousin and considerate friend. Benvolio makes a genuine effort to calm violent scenes in public places, though Mercutio accuses him of having a nasty temper in private. He spends most of the play trying to help Romeo get his mind off Rosaline, even after Romeo has fallen in love with Juliet. Prince Escalus ‘The ruler of Verona and relative to Mercutio and Paris. He is the seat of political power in Verona and is concerned about maintaining public peace at all costs. Friar John A Franciscan friar (Roman Catholic priest) He is the one sent by Friar Lawrence with the letter containing news of Juliet’s false death to Romeo in Mantua. Friar John is held up in a quarantined house, and the message never reaches Romeo. Balthasar

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