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Bob Serling's Power Copywriting Formula - Attention, Interest, Credibility, Desire, Proof, Action:

- Attention: Grab the reader's attention with a compelling headline or opening.

- Interest: Maintain their interest with engaging and relevant content.

- Credibility: Establish credibility through expertise, experience, or testimonials.

- Desire: Create a strong desire for the product or service.

- Proof: Provide proof to back up claims, such as case studies or data.

- Action: End with a clear call-to-action, guiding the reader on what to do next.

82. The Irresistible Offer Framework - Promise, Unique Mechanism, Speed, Proof, No-Risk


- Promise: Make a bold promise that addresses a key need or desire.

- Unique Mechanism: Explain the unique mechanism or method behind the offer.

- Speed: Highlight the quickness or efficiency of achieving results.

- Proof: Offer proof to substantiate the promise and mechanism.

- No-Risk Guarantee: Provide a no-risk guarantee to alleviate any hesitation.

83. The UPWORDS Framework - Understand, Promise, Win, Objections, Reinforce, Desire,


- Understand: Demonstrate an understanding of the reader's needs or problems.

- Promise: Make a promise that offers a solution or benefit.

- Win: Explain what the reader will win or gain by taking the action.

- Objections: Address potential objections upfront.

- Reinforce: Reinforce the key message or benefits.

- Desire: Build desire for the offer or solution.

- Sign-off: Conclude with a memorable sign-off that encourages action.

84. Dan Kennedy's Copywriting Triangle - Message, Market, Media:

- Message: Develop a clear and compelling message that resonates with the audience.

- Market: Understand and target the specific market or audience segment.

- Media: Choose the most effective media channels to deliver the message.

85. The Copywriting Canvas - Headline, Subheadline, Opening, Body, Call-to-Action, P.S.:

- Headline: Craft an attention-grabbing headline.

- Subheadline: Use a subheadline to further intrigue or inform the reader.

- Opening: Start with an engaging opening that pulls the reader in.

- Body: Write the body copy with compelling content and key points.

- Call-to-Action: Include a strong call-to-action that directs the reader's next steps.

- P.S.: Add a postscript to reiterate an important message or offer.

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