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The 7 Deadly Sins Framework - Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride:

- Lust: Appeal to deep-seated desires and passions.

- Gluttony: Tap into the desire for abundance or overindulgence.

- Greed: Leverage the reader's desire for more.

- Sloth: Address the reader's desire for ease or convenience.

- Wrath: Connect with feelings of anger or injustice.

- Envy: Utilize the reader's feelings of envy or desire for what others have.

- Pride: Appeal to the reader's sense of pride or ego.

104. The 4 I's of Storytelling - Introduction, Incident, Insight, Impact:

- Introduction: Set the stage and introduce the story or context.

- Incident: Describe a key incident or event that is central to the story.

- Insight: Share insights or lessons learned from the incident.

- Impact: Explain the impact or significance of the story on the audience or situation.

105. The S.U.P.E.R. Framework - Story, Urgency, Promise, Evidence, Request:

- Story: Begin with a compelling story to engage the audience.

- Urgency: Create a sense of urgency to prompt action.

- Promise: Make a promise about the benefits or value of your offer.

- Evidence: Provide evidence or proof to support your claims.

- Request: End with a clear request or call-to-action.

106. The Narrative Arc Framework - Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution:

- Exposition: Introduce the setting, characters, and initial situation.

- Rising Action: Build tension and develop the story's conflict.

- Climax: Reach the peak of tension or the turning point of the story.
- Falling Action: Show the consequences of the climax and lead towards resolution.

- Resolution: Resolve the conflict and conclude the story.

107. The C.O.D.E. Formula - Capture Attention, Offer Value, Demonstrate Benefits, Encourage


- Capture Attention: Start with something that grabs the audience's attention.

- Offer Value: Present valuable information or insights.

- Demonstrate Benefits: Show the benefits of your product or service.

- Encourage Action: Motivate the audience to take a specific action.

108. The C.U.R.E. Framework - Clarity, Uniqueness, Relevance, Empathy:

- Clarity: Ensure your message is clear and easily understood.

- Uniqueness: Highlight what makes your offer or message unique.

- Relevance: Make sure your message is relevant to your audience.

- Empathy: Demonstrate empathy and understanding of the audience's needs.

109. The G.R.A.S.P. Framework - Goal, Roadblocks, Audience, Strategy, Presentation:

- Goal: Define the primary goal of your copy or campaign.

- Roadblocks: Identify potential challenges or roadblocks.

- Audience: Understand and profile your target audience.

- Strategy: Develop a strategy to reach and influence your audience.

- Presentation: Determine how you will present your message.

110. The R.A.C.E. Formula - Reach, Act, Convert, Engage:

- Reach: Expand your reach to a broader audience.

- Act: Encourage the audience to take action.

- Convert: Convert interested individuals into customers or followers.

- Engage: Engage with your audience to build long-term relationships.

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