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BLUR - Believable, Lively, Unique, Relevant:

- Believable: Make the message credible and trustworthy.

- Lively: Use an engaging and dynamic style to captivate the reader.

- Unique: Ensure the content or approach is distinct and stands out.

- Relevant: Tailor the message to be relevant to the target audience's needs and interests.

52. 6+1 Model - Clarity, Simplicity, Brevity, Humanity, Wit, Surprise, plus a strong Call-to-Action:

- Clarity: Ensure the message is clear and easily understood.

- Simplicity: Keep it simple and avoid complexity.

- Brevity: Be concise and to the point.

- Humanity: Add a human touch to connect with the audience.

- Wit: Use humor or cleverness where appropriate.

- Surprise: Include an element of surprise to engage the reader.

- Call-to-Action: End with a compelling call-to-action.

53. Abbondanza's C.O.R.E. Message - Curiosity, Offer, Relevance, Easy:

- Curiosity: Spark curiosity to grab attention.

- Offer: Present a compelling offer that is hard to refuse.

- Relevance: Ensure the message is relevant to the audience's interests and needs.

- Easy: Make the process or next steps easy and straightforward.

54. Michael Gerber's E-Myth - Entrepreneur, Manager, Technician:

- Entrepreneur: Focus on the visionary aspect of business and marketing.

- Manager: Emphasize the organizational and systematic approach.

- Technician: Highlight the expertise and technical skills involved.

55. Felder's P.A.R.I.S. Formula - Promise, Approach, Results, Investment, Summary:

- Promise: Make a promise that addresses the audience's main concern or desire.

- Approach: Describe your approach or method for delivering on the promise.

- Results: Show the results or benefits of using your product or service.

- Investment: Explain what the audience needs to invest (time, money, effort).

- Summary: Summarize the key points and reinforce the main message.

56. The Socratic Method - Question, Answer, Elaboration, Example, Conclusion:

- Question: Pose a thought-provoking question to the audience.

- Answer: Provide an answer or solution to the question.

- Elaboration: Elaborate on the answer with additional information or insights.

- Example: Give examples to illustrate the point.

- Conclusion: Conclude with a summary or final thought.

57. Seth Godin's Purple Cow - Remarkable, Unique, Innovative, Different:

- Remarkable: Create something worth talking about.

- Unique: Offer something unique that stands out from the competition.

- Innovative: Incorporate innovative ideas or approaches.

- Different: Emphasize the differences that make your offer special.

58. Kurtz's 5-Point Copy Checklist - Target, Offer, Copy, Design, Timing:

- Target: Clearly define and understand your target audience.

- Offer: Craft an irresistible offer that appeals to your audience.

- Copy: Write compelling copy that communicates your message effectively.

- Design: Ensure the design supports and enhances the copy.

- Timing: Consider the timing of your message for maximum impact.

59. Girard's Law of 250 - Personal Network, Referrals, Word of Mouth:

- Personal Network: Leverage your personal network for marketing and referrals.

- Referrals: Encourage and facilitate referrals from satisfied customers.

- Word of Mouth: Focus on creating a message that is likely to be shared through word of mouth.

60. Voss's Negotiation Framework - Tactical Empathy, Accusation Audit, Mirroring, Labeling,

Calibrated Questions, No Deal, The Black Swan:

- Tactical Empathy: Use empathy strategically to understand the other party's perspective.

- Accusation Audit: Address potential accusations or negative thoughts upfront.

- Mirroring: Use mirroring to build rapport and encourage the other party to open up.

- Labeling: Label emotions or situations to demonstrate understanding.

- Calibrated Questions: Ask open-ended questions to gather information and control the


- No Deal: Be prepared to walk away if the terms are not favorable.

- The Black Swan: Look for unexpected or hidden information that can change the outcome of the


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