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DIP - Data, Insight, Proof:

- Data: Present relevant data or statistics to support your message.

- Insight: Offer insights or interpretations of the data to make it meaningful.

- Proof: Provide proof or evidence to substantiate your insights.

32. 7-Step Story Arc - Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution,


- Exposition: Set the scene and introduce characters or context.

- Inciting Incident: Present an event that starts the story's main conflict.

- Rising Action: Build tension with challenges or obstacles.

- Climax: Reach the peak of the conflict or story.

- Falling Action: Show the consequences or fallout of the climax.

- Resolution: Resolve the conflict.

- Denouement: Wrap up loose ends and conclude the story.

33. The LIFT Model - Value Proposition, Relevance, Clarity, Anxiety, Distraction, Urgency:

- Value Proposition: Clearly state the value of the offer.

- Relevance: Ensure the message is relevant to the target audience.

- Clarity: Communicate the offer in a clear and understandable way.

- Anxiety: Address and reduce any anxieties or concerns the audience might have.

- Distraction: Eliminate or minimize distractions that could detract from the message.

- Urgency: Create a sense of urgency to encourage prompt action.

34. CAKE - Connect, Assure, Key Message, Evidence:

- Connect: Establish a connection with the audience.

- Assure: Provide assurance or comfort about the offer or message.

- Key Message: Deliver the core message or main point.

- Evidence: Back up the key message with evidence or proof.

35. SIR - State, Illustrate, Relate:

- State: Clearly state your point or argument.

- Illustrate: Use examples or stories to illustrate the point.

- Relate: Connect the point to the reader's experience or needs.

36. TEAR - Target, Emotion, Action, Result:

- Target: Identify and speak directly to your target audience.

- Emotion: Evoke emotions to create a deeper connection.

- Action: Encourage a specific action or behavior.

- Result: Highlight the positive results or outcomes of taking the action.

37. PPF - Problem, Promise, Future:

- Problem: Identify a problem that the audience faces.

- Promise: Make a promise that your product or service can solve the problem.

- Future: Paint a picture of the future where the problem is resolved.

38. SODA - Situation, Obstacle, Decision, Action:

- Situation: Describe the current situation or context.

- Obstacle: Highlight an obstacle or challenge within the situation.

- Decision: Discuss the decision-making process to overcome the obstacle.

- Action: Detail the actions taken as a result of the decision.

39. CLAIM - Claim, Logic, Authority, Importance, Message:

- Claim: Make a claim or statement about your product or service.

- Logic: Use logical arguments or reasoning to support the claim.

- Authority: Cite authoritative sources or evidence.

- Importance: Emphasize the importance or significance of the claim.

- Message: Convey a clear and compelling message to the audience.

40. CODA - Context, Outcome, Detail, Action:

- Context: Provide the background or context for your message.

- Outcome: Describe the desired outcome or goal.

- Detail: Give detailed information about how to achieve the outcome.

- Action: Encourage the reader to take specific action towards the outcome.

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