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<title>nested lists</title>


<body leftmargin=60 topmargin=20>

<p><b>1... prepare a list as given below: </b></p>


<li><body topmargin=100> Educational movie </li>

<ul><li>3 idiots</li><li>Tare jamen par</li><li>chalk n duster</li>

<li>pathshala </li>

</ul><p><body topmargin=20></p>

<li>Educational web series </li>

<ul><li> Kota factory </li><li> Lakho me ek </li>

<li>Engineering Girls</li>


<p><body topmargin=20></p>

<li>Cultural movies</li>

<ul> <li>Family drama</li><ul type="square">

<li>Hum sath sath hai </li><li>Hum appke hai kon</li>

<li> Vivah</li></ul>

<ul> <li>Indian culture</li></ul>

<ul> <li> Lagaan</li><li>Pardesh</li></ul>

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[Type here]


<title>Biological processes</title>


<body color="red" topmargin= 100 leftmargin= 60>

<table border="1" bordercolor="black" cellpading="50" height=400 width=500>

<tr bgcolor="blue"><th colspan=4 Align="center"><b>Inside Story


<tr bgcolor="aqua"><th> The process </th><th>What is it?

</th><th>Graphical reprentation</th></tr>

<tr bgcolor="peachpuff"> <td> Digestion </td><td>Digestion is the process of breaking down the
food and drink into smaller molecules like carbohydrates, protiens, fats, and vitamins.</td><td><u
align ="center">

pic</u></td></tr> < <tr bgcolor="peachpuff"><td> Respiration </td><td> Respiration is the process

of exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the body cells.</td><td><u
align= "center">pic</u></td></tr>








<body bgcolor="red">

<center> <h1>Today we learn about some of the important biological processes which take place
inside the human body </h1> </center>



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<title> codding </title>


<frameset rows="20%, 80%">

<frame src = "Document2.html">

<frame src = "Document1.html">


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<STYLE>TABLE(background-repeat: no-repeat)


Alink(calar yellow; display:inline-block; text-decoration:none)




<BODY Link "Red" vlink "GREY" alink="blue" border=1 bgcolor="#00AFEF">

<FONT face="Arial" color="white" size=2>

<P Align="right"><A Href=""> <IMG Src="facebook.png"


<FONT face="Arial" size=2>

<P Align="left"> <IMG Src="gmail.png" align="bottom"></P>




<TABLE Height = 50 width=100% bgcolor="#00AFEF" cellpadding=10>

<TR><TD width=35% height=50 bgcolor=#00AFEF>

<IMG Src "water-pollution.png"></TD>

<TD width=90% height = 50><FONT face="Segoe UI" size=4 color=white>Water pollution can b
defined as the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater </P>

<H2 Style-color:black; font-variant:small-caps>Causes of Water Pollution</H2>


<LI> Sewage And Waste Water

<LI> Industrial Waste

<L/> oil Pollution

<L/> Acid Rain

<LI> Global Warming


<H2 Style-color: black; font-variant:small-caps>Preventive measures

[Type here]



<LI> Sewage treatments

<LI> Prevent river water from getting polluted

<LI> Treatment of wastes before discharge

<LI> Strict adherence to water laws

<LI> Routine cleaning

<LI> Reducing the use of herbicides and pesticides

<FONT face="Arial" size=2>

<P Align="left"> <IMG Src="gmail.png" align="bottom"></P>




<TABLE Height = 50 width=100% bgcolor="#00AFEF" cellpadding=10>

<TR><TD width=35% height=50 bgcolor=#00AFEF>

<IMG Src = "water pollution .jpg"></TD>

<TD width=90% height = 50><FONT face="Segoe UI" size=4 color=white>Water pollution can be
defined as the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater </P>

<H2 Style-color:black; font-variant:small-caps>Causes of Water Pollution</H2>


<LI> Sewage And Waste Water

<LI> Industrial Waste

<L/> Oil Pollution

<L/> Acid Rain

<LI> Global Warming


<H2 Style-color:black; font-variant:small-caps>Preventive measures



<LI> Sewage treatments

<LI> Prevent river water from getting polluted before discharge

[Type here]

<LI> Treatment of wastes <LI> Strict adherence to water laws

<LI> Routine cleaning

<LI> Reducing the use of herbicides and pesticides





<A Href=soil.html>

<FONT Color="silver">

<H1 Style="font-family: Copperplate Gothic; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; font-size: 25px;





[Type here]

[Type here]




<STYLE>TABLE(background-repeat: no-repeat)


Alink(calar yellow; display:inline-block; text-decoration:none)




<BODY Link "Red" vlink "GREY" alink="blue" border=1 bgcolor="#00AFEF">

<FONT face="Arial" color="white" size=2>

<P Align="right"><A Href=""> <IMG Src="facebook.png"


<FONT face="Arial" size=2>

<P Align="left"> <IMG Src="gmail.png" align="bottom"></P>




<TABLE Height = 50 width=100% bgcolor="#00AFEF" cellpadding=10>

<TR><TD width=35% height=50 bgcolor=#00AFEF>

<IMG Src "water-pollution.png"></TD>

<TD width=90% height = 50><FONT face="Segoe UI" size=4 color=white>Water pollution can be
defined as the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater </P>

<H2 Style-color:black; font-variant:small-caps>Causes of Water Pollution</H2>


<LI> Sewage And Waste Water

<LI> Industrial Waste

<L/> oil Pollution

<L/> Acid Rain

<LI> Global Warming

[Type here]

<H2 Style-color: black; font-variant:small-caps>Preventive measures



<LI> Sewage treatments

<LI> Prevent river water from getting polluted

<LI> Treatment of wastes before discharge

<LI> Strict adherence to water laws

<LI> Routine cleaning

<LI> Reducing the use of herbicides and pesticides

<FONT face="Arial" size=2>

<P Align="left"> <IMG Src="gmail.png" align="bottom"></P>




<TABLE Height = 50 width=100% bgcolor="#00AFEF" cellpadding=10>

<TR><TD width=35% height=50 bgcolor=#00AFEF>

<IMG Src = "water pollution .jpg"></TD>

<TD width=90% height = 50><FONT face="Segoe UI" size=4 color=white>Water pollution can b
defined as the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater </P>

<H2 Style-color:black; font-variant:small-caps>Causes of Water Pollution</H2>


<LI> Sewage And Waste Water

<LI> Industrial Waste

<L/> Oil Pollution

<L/> Acid Rain

<LI> Global Warming


<H2 Style-color:black; font-variant:small-caps>Preventive measures



<LI> Sewage treatments

[Type here]

<LI> Prevent river water from getting polluted before discharge

<LI> Treatment of wastes <LI> Strict adherence to water laws

<LI> Routine cleaning

<LI> Reducing the use of herbicides and pesticides





<A Href=soil.html>

<FONT Color="silver">

<H1 Style="font-family: Copperplate Gothic; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; font-size: 25px;




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[Type here]



<TITLE>text properties</TITLE>

<STYLE Type="text/css">


P(Font-weight:bold; Text-indent: 30px; line-height:1.5;)

H2(Text-align:center; text-decoration:underline; Text-transform:Capitalize; Word-spacing:5px;

H1(Font-family: Georgia; Text-align:center;)

H3(Text-align:center; Color: Red; Letter-spacing:6px;)


<BODY Bgcolor-hite>

<IMG Src="features0.webp" Height="50%"

Width="50%" Align="Left">

<H2><u>World's first automobile</u></H2><br>

<H1>The Benz Patent-Motorwagen N1 </H1><br>


<TABLE border 2 style-color:red; align-center height 100 width=200>

<TR> <TD>Weight</TD> <TD>265 kilograms</TD></TR>

<TR> <TD>Maximum speed</TD><TD>16 kmph </TD></TR>

<TR><TD>Engine</TD><TD>Water Cooled </TD></TR></TABLE><BR><BR><BR><BR>

<HR Size S Color "Cyan">

<P>The Benz Patent-Motorwagen N 1, the first car in the world, was built by German Engineer and
Inventor Karl Benz.</P>

<P>In 1986, Karl Benz donated his car to the German Museum in Munich, Germany.</P>

<P>In 1936, three copies of the car were built for the Mercedes Benz Museum, the Museum of
Technology in Vienna and the Transport Museum in Dresden.</P>

<HR Size 5 Color="Cyan">


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