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Lesson Plan in Grade 8 (TLE)

Prepared by: Mira E. Bagay

Learning Competency: Identify hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, students should be able to;
a. Identify occupational hazard;
b. Differentiate types of hazards in the workplace; and
c. State the importance of identifying hazards and learn ways on how to avoid it.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Types of hazards
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop
Reference: Bello, A. D., De Guzman, J. D., Delfino, R. G., Dominggo, J. R., Espiritu, A. L., & Matis, M.
A. G. (2017). Technology and Livelihood Education Grade 7/8. The Phoenix Publishing House Inc

III. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
(Prayer) "In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the
"Let us pray.." Holy Spirit, Amen..."

(Greetings) "Good morning ma'am!"

"Good Morning class..."

(Checking of attendance)
"before we proceed to our new lesson let us check (Students will raise their hand and say "present" as
your attendance first, say present when your name is the teacher calls their name)

"Please keep all unnecessary things on your chairs" Students will keep their things and seat properly.

" Did I give you an assignment last meeting" " No, ma'am."

So base on our discussion yesterday, who can still “It stands for Occupational Safety and health
remember what is OSHP stands for? procedures.”

Good job! You have remembered it well! Now, what “We discussed about the clean air act of 1999.”
are the four laws and regulations we have discussed
Yes! Another? “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act.”

Very good! Another? “Also the revised Fire Code of the Philippine.”

And lastly, we have? “And lastly, The Disaster Risks and Management
Act of 2010.”
Correct! So all of your answers are correct.
B. Motivation

Your task is to identify whether what type of hazard

does the pictures show.

1. 1. Chemical Hazards
2. Electrical Hazards
3. Biological Hazards
4. Physical Hazards
5. Ergonomic Hazards





Based on our small activity, what do you think will “Types of hazards, ma’am.”
be our lesson this morning?

Very good! Our lesson for today is all about types of

hazard. At the end of the discussion, students should
be able to;

a. Identify occupational hazard;

b. Differentiate types of hazards in the workplace;
c. State the importance of identifying hazards and
learn ways on how to avoid it.

Are you ready for our lesson, today? “Yes, ma’am.”

D.Lesson Proper

Base on our lesson yesterday. Occupational Health

and Safety is the campaign and maintenance of the
health of workers in every occupation. It deals about
keeping the workers healthy and keeping the workers
safe from any hazardous circumstances.
So, Occupational Health and Safety, or OHS, is all “It's about making sure workers stay safe and healthy
about two main things. What are those? while doing their jobs.”

How to keep the workers safe and healthy?

“By eliminating hazards and minimizing risk.”
Very good! We keep our workers safe and healthy
by eliminating hazards and minimizing the risk that
comes with it.

So, base on your answers a while ago, who has an

idea what is hazard? “Hazard is defined as source of potential damage,
cause accident or danger to something or someone,
Correct! Think of a hazard as something that has the ma’am. “
potential to cause harm , cause accident or danger to
something or someone. It could be anything from a
substance to an activity or even a situation.

Can you give me an example of hazard? “Wet floor, ma’am.”

Very good! Wet floor has a potential to cause harm

such as making people slip. Another one? “Knife, ma’am.”

Yes! Very good! Knife has a potential to cause harm

such as you accidentally cut yourself while cooking.

So there are types of hazards. So base on your Chemical Hazard

answers a while ago, who can give me one type of Electrical Hazard
hazard? Biological Hazard
Physical Hazard
Ergonomic Hazard

Very good! So those are the types of hazards. Let us

discuss each.

First Chemical hazard, any idea about chemical “Is any chemical substance that can cause harm,
hazard? primarily to people.”

Correct! Any idea what that might involve? “It involves dangerous chemicals, ma’am.”

Yes! Very good. Can you think of examples of such “Examples are bleach, fumes, gasoline, chlorine,
substances? etc.”

Very good! Thank you. bleach is a chemical hazard.

There are others too, like fumes, gasoline, chlorine,
and many more. These substances can cause serious
injuries if we don't handle them properly.

Next is, Electrical hazard. Can anyone give me an “Maybe getting shocked by an electrical outlet,
idea of what comes to mind when you hear ma’am.”
"electrical hazard"?

Yes! That's a common example. An electrical hazard

is any situation where there's a risk of injury or
damage due to electricity.
Now, think about some common electrical hazards “Some common electrical hazards or examples are
you might encounter. faulty wiring, overload outlets, damaged cords, wet
hands, etc.”
Very good! faulty wiring can lead to shocks or even
fires. Also overloading outlets with too many
devices can cause overheating. While Frayed or
damaged cords can expose wires, increasing the risk
of shocks or fires.

Next is Biological hazard. Can anyone take a guess “Is it something to do with living organisms,
at what a biological hazard might involve? ma’am.”

Yes, a biological hazard is any microorganisms or

living things that poses a threat to the health of

Can you think of examples of such hazards? “Like bacteria or viruses, ma’am.”

You're right! Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other

microorganisms can all be biological hazards. They
can cause diseases or infections.

Biological hazards can also be found in everyday “In the kitchen, ma’am.”
places. Any guesses where?

Yes! So, what can we do to stay safe? “To use protective measures like gloves, masks, or
other safety equipment.
Correct! Also, practice good hygiene – wash your
hands regularly, especially after handling potentially
hazardous materials.

Risk is the likelihood and severity of the harm

occurring. That's where we start looking at ways to
manage and minimize the risk.

Another is Physical hazard. Can anyone give me an “It has something to do with things that can
idea of what a physical hazard might involve? physically hurt us.”

Yes, a physical hazard is exactly that – anything in

the environment that can cause harm through its
physical properties. Can you think of more “Loud noises, ma’am.”

Very good! loud noises is also considered physical

hazards. It can cause hearing damage.

Another example? “Slippery floors, ma’am”

Correct! Slippery floors or uneven surfaces fall

under physical hazards as well. They can lead to
slips, trips, and falls.

So, what do you think we can do to stay safe around “Being aware of our surroundings, using caution
physical hazards? signs, and following the can brings us to safety,
Very good! Being cautious and aware of potential
physical hazards is key to keeping ourselves and
others safe. Always remember, safety first!

Lastly, we have the Ergonomic Hazard. What do you “These occur when the type of work, body position,
mean by ergonomic hazard? and working condition puts strain on your body.”

Yes! Repetitive motions, especially without breaks

or proper rest, can lead to strains and
musculoskeletal disorders. These strains can lead to
discomfort, pain, and even long-term
musculoskeletal issues.

One of the example is when our computer screens

are too high or low.

So, how do we prevent these ergonomic hazards? “By having adjustable chairs and desks.”

Correct! It emphasizes the importance of designing

work environments and tasks in a way that
minimizes physical stress on the human body.
Taking breaks and stretching as well.

Questions? “No, ma’am.”

“Hazard is defined as source of potential damage,
Again, what do you mean by hazards? cause accident or danger to something or someone,
ma’am. “

Very good! What are the types of hazards? Chemical hazard

Electrical Hazard
Biological Hazard
Physical Hazard
Ergonomic Hazard

Correct! Now, what is the importance of identifying Identifying hazards and assessing the associated
hazards and learn ways on how to avoid it. risks is crucial in maintaining safety, whether it's in a
laboratory, a workplace, or even in our daily lives.

Okay! Very good. Another idea? It is important to know the different types of hazard
to know what ways to do to avoid it.
Very good! All of your ideas are correct. That is why
identifying hazards is needed for us to know how to
response with it.

Directions: Determine the type of hazards based on
the description given in each item.

1. Type of hazard which is caused by a repetitive and

forceful movement.
2. It refers to any substance that can result in severe
injuries if not properly handled, such as bleach and
3. Living organisms such as insects, bacteria, and
viruses are a type of hazard which can be classified
4. What type of hazard is exactly that – anything in
the environment that can cause harm through its
physical properties?
5. What type of hazard is where there's a risk of
injury or damage due to electricity?

IV. Evaluation
Directions: In the table below, write down the different types of hazards and identify its causes then suggest
ways on how to avoid it.

Name of Hazard Causes How to avoid


V. Assignment
Directions: Observe your environment and identify the hazards that might cause injury, then classify as to
what type of hazard they belong. Write your answer in a 1/4 sheet of paper.

Name of Hazard Example


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