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Nutrition Plan – BeriBeri

Monica Lewis
WHat is
BeriBeri Disease?
BeriBeri disease is a thiamine (also known
as Vitamin B-1) deficiency disease which
can be genetic (rare) or alcoholism.
There are 2 main types of Beriberi: Wet
and Dry. Wet beriberi affects the
cardiovascular system, causing increased
heart rate and shortness of breath. Dry
Beriberi affects central and peripheral
nervous systems causing difficulty in
walking, losing sensations, mental
confusion, and loss of muscle in the legs.
Dietary Concerns
Beriberi can be cured if the right steps are taken.
The patient can take B-1 supplements to supply the
body with the missing thiamine and/or go on a diet
refined to foods rich in the vitamin. If it was caused by
alcoholism, it is recommended that the patient go into
rehab to lessen the drinking.
If these steps are not taken, the patient may experience
decreased muscle strength which may eventually
progress into muscle paralysis
Recommended Foods, Minerals,
and vitamins
Foods rich in thiamine include pork, fish, beans,
green peas, enriched cereals, breads, noodles,
and rice, and yogurt.
By consuming these foods, you can naturally
restore thiamine. Thiamine is only stored in the
body for a short amount of time meaning we
need to eat something containing it daily.

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