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Monica Lewis

Beriberi disease

Patient details:
Patient, Arnold, is a 38-year-old male, weighs 164.9lbs, 5 '7 tall. Recently diagnosed with
beriberi disease. This is a disease in which there is a deficiency, or low amount, of thiamine
(vitamin B-1) in the body. This vitamin is especially needed to break down foods and keep
muscles and nervous system running effectively. Arnold has problems with cognition as well as
trouble seeing, and sensing. He is experiencing dry beriberi
Usually caused by excessive amounts of or abuse of alcohol. In rare cases, it can be genetic.
Due to his diagnosis, the doctor recommends he meet with a nutritionist to decrease the amount
of alcohol intake and/or increase the amount of thiamine in the body. Currently, the patient is not
taking any medication for the disease.

Dietary Concerns:
Due to the recent diagnosis, Arnold will have to begin to decrease the amount of alcohol intake
and start taking B-1 supplements and/or eat foods rich in B-1. He will start this procedure by
taking B-1 supplements at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Each meal will also contain at least one
food rich in B-1. If Arnold continues to consume alcohol and/or make no actions to provide his
body with vitamin B-1, he will continue to have cardiovascular and nervous system problems.
It is recommended that a patient goes into rehab to help with the alcohol intake/abuse.
It is also recommended that the patient eats more whole grain foods, proteins (meats, poultry,
eggs, and fish), milk and milk products, vegetables, legumes, and orange and tomato juice as
well as LESS alcohol.
Patient is recommended to increase vitamin intake as it also plays a part in beriberi.
At first, it might be hard to deal with the withdrawals of the alcohol as well as get comfortable
with only eating these certain foods.

Information on dietary needs will be discussed with Arnold, who will be responsible for carrying
out the dietary requirements given. We will meet next week to discuss progress and/or changes
that should/need to be made.
Prognosis: With the changes in his diet, Arnold should have a better ability to walk, less pain in
limbs, be able to feel in hands and feet, as well as stay more focused. He should also be able to
breathe easier.
If he is able to continue this diet is expected to last 3 months.
Over a course of one week, he should have taken 21 B-1 supplements

Do’s and Don’ts:

Dont: consume more alcohol, eat a meal without taking a b-1 supplement, skip a meal nor b-1
Do: Eat a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack, take a supplement with each meal, avoid alcohol

If Arnold fails to follow this procedure, he will continue to have nervous system issues as well as
decreased muscle strength and eventually muscle paralysis.

If Arnold succeeds in following the diet, he will have improved cognition skills, increased
strength in muscles, and improved eye vision. It should be noted that with consistency, it should
be cured within 3-5 months.

Calorie Intake:
Arnold should be double the amount of what he eats now. Poor calorie intake can also play a
part in dry beriberi as that would mean you have a lower possibility of getting thiamine in your

Recommended Vitamins and Minerals:

It is recommended to eat foods rich in thiamine (Vitamin B-1)

7 day nutrition plan

Day 1:
Breakfast- Whole-grain bread, eggs, Milk + B-1 supplement
Lunch- Ham and cheese sandwich, Water + B-1 supplement
Snack- nut mix (peanuts, almonds, brazilian nuts)
Dinner- Steak, green beans, tomato juice + B-1 supplement

Day 2:
Breakfast- Sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich, orange juice + B-1 supplement
Lunch- greek yogurt parfait (blueberries and strawberries) with granola flakes + B-1 supplement
Snack- toasted whole-grain croissant
Dinner- Baked fish, mashed potatoes, asparagus, water + B-1 supplement

Day 3:
Breakfast- ham and cheese omelet, milk, raw-pomegranate juice + B-1 supplement
Lunch- caramelized tofu lettuce wraps + B-1 supplement
Snack- red grapes
Dinner- spaghetti, garlic toast, pomegranate juice + B-1 supplement

Day 4:
Breakfast- grits, eggs, toast, orange juice + B-1 supplement
Lunch- tuna sandwich B-1 supplement
Snack- sunflower seeds
Dinner- Black beans and rice, +B-1 supplement

Day 5:
Breakfast- cereal, Milk + B-1 supplement
Lunch- avocado egg salad sandwich + B-1 supplement
Snack- oranges
Dinner- grilled salmon and broccoli and rice+B-1 supplement

Day 6:
Breakfast- Pork bacon, eggs, milk + B-1 supplement
Lunch- liver and rice + B-1 supplement
Snack- baked kale chips and spinach dip
Dinner- Baked ham, green peas, brussel sprouts +B-1 supplement

Day 7:
Breakfast- yogurt, egg on toast + B-1 supplement
Lunch- greek zucchini salad+ B-1 supplement
Snack- pistachios
Dinner- grilled chicken, corn, brown rice +B-1 supplement

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