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Universal Human Values

Assignment -1

1.What are your assumptions about nature?is it for human enjoyment or does
human being have a role play for harmony in nature?

A. The fundamental role of human beings lies in safeguarding and fostering

harmony with nature. Nature provides indispensable resources, such as
oxygen, water, food, and shelter, essential for human survival. Forests offer
an array of benefits, including cool air, firewood, medicines, and habitats for
numerous species. Crops, integral to human sustenance, rely on natural
processes like insect pollination and soil development. Additionally, nature's
role extends to regulating climate patterns and serving as a reservoir of
genetic diversity crucial for breeding resilient crops and developing
medicines. The cultural, economic, and industrial significance of nature
underscores its central position in human well-being and societal prosperity.

Preserving this harmony can be achieved through Eco-development, a

holistic approach that emphasizes practices promoting renewable energy,
sustainable agriculture, and responsible ecosystem use. Eco-development
prioritizes the protection and conservation of biodiversity, striving for
equitable resource distribution and integrating social justice into
development plans. By addressing concerns related to environmental
degradation, resource depletion, and social inequality, Eco-development
seeks to create a sustainable and balanced model for meeting human needs,
emphasizing integrated planning across economic, social, and environmental

2.In a typical day how much time do you interact with physical order,bio
order,animal order, human order?what is that
interaction(taking,giving,appreciating,fulfilling a responsibility)

A.Physical Order Interaction:

Engaging with the environment in daily activities.

Biological Order Interaction:

Activities related to plants, ecosystems, and natural elements.

Animal Order Interaction:

Engagement with pets, wildlife, and animal welfare.

Human Order Interaction:Daily interactions with family, friends, colleagues,

and community.
In a typical day, individuals engage with the physical, biological, animal, and
human orders to varying degrees. Interactions with the physical order
involve activities like commuting and working in different environments,
while responsible resource use is a part of this interaction. Engaging with
the biological order includes activities such as appreciating nature,
gardening, and contributing to environmental conservation efforts. In the
animal order, interactions may involve caring for pets or supporting animal
welfare initiatives. Human interactions are fundamental, encompassing time
spent with family, friends, and the community, along with work-related
activities. Balancing these interactions, appreciating diversity, and fulfilling
responsibilities contribute to a well-rounded and meaningful daily

3. How do you and your family contribute to/participate in maintaining the

order (harmony) in nature?

We contribute harmony in nature by few practices put forth below:

 We practice kitchen gardening to consume the waste water, it also gives

us cool air, and fresh vegetables.
 We practice recycling by utilizing waste into manure for plants and used
water for watering plants in kitchen garden.
 Minimum use of paper to avoid deforestation.
 Afforestation in our surroundings
 Reduction of waste .
 Use of steel structure , renewable resources like solar energy etc
 Conservation of energy by optimum use of electric appliances , vehicles
either by using bicycles , car pool , walking to nearby distances .
 Promoting sustainability by making rain harvest pits.
 Reducing use of plastic and using alternatives that reduce pollution.
 Making shelter for birds and providing water and grain also providing
food for other needy animals.
 Educating others by conducting seminars and lectures about preserving
harmony in nature.

4. Can you see that units of the physical order , bio order and animal order
have a definite conduct ?Can you see that if the conduct of a human being is
in accordance with their natural acceptance then it will be definite (because
the natural acceptance is definite)

A. Physical Order, Bio Order, and Animal Order:

In the physical order, which includes things like rocks and natural elements,
behavior is governed by physical laws and principles. For example, gravity
dictates how objects fall.
In the bio order, encompassing plants and other living organisms, behavior is
influenced by biological processes. Plants grow towards light, responding to
their need for sunlight in a process called phototropism.

In the animal order, behaviors are often driven by instincts and survival
needs. Animals exhibit certain patterns of behavior, such as migration,
mating rituals, or hunting strategies, shaped by their evolutionary history.

Human Behavior and "Natural Acceptance":

Human behavior is much more intricate. While we share some basic instincts
with other creatures, our actions are also shaped by complex factors like
emotions, thoughts, and cultural influences.The concept of "natural
acceptance" suggests that when people act in accordance with what feels
authentic or right to them, their behavior becomes more definite. However,
what feels right can vary significantly from person to person based on
individual experiences, values, and cultural backgrounds.

Unlike the more predictable behaviors observed in the physical, bio, and
animal orders, human behavior is adaptable and influenced by a range of
subjective factors, making it less universally definite and more nuanced.

Name : Swati Lal Das

Roll No: 22091AA034

II year- III sem

Section: A


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