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Recovery-Focused Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy (MIT) for Adolescents

with First-Episode Psychosis

Article in Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy · September 2022

DOI: 10.1007/s10879-022-09569-0


0 17

7 authors, including:

Felix Inchausti Helena García Mieres

Osakidetza IMIM Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute


Nancy V. García-Poveda Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero

Rioja Salud Universidad de La Rioja (Spain)


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Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy


Recovery-Focused Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy (MIT) for

Adolescents with First-Episode Psychosis
Felix Inchausti1,7 · Helena García-Mieres2,3 · Nancy V. García-Poveda1 · Eduardo Fonseca–Pedrero4 ·
Angus MacBeth5 · Raffaele Popolo6 · Giancarlo Dimaggio6

Accepted: 6 September 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

Access to evidence-based early intervention for adolescents with psychosis is critically important. The aim of this work
was analysing the feasibility, acceptability and potential effects of a psychological intervention based on metacogni-
tive interpersonal therapy (MIT) in adolescents presenting with early psychosis. Twenty-three participants (aged 14–18)
experiencing first-episode psychosis or an at-risk mental state for psychosis were offered up to 40h of individual MIT
over a 12-month period. Effect sizes were calculated for changes in subjective recovery experience (primary outcome),
psychotic symptoms (secondary outcome), and metacognition (hypothetical mechanism of change) from baseline to treat-
ment end. At study completion, 21 out of 23 (91.3%) participants had received twelve or more sessions of MIT. The
average number of MIT treatment sessions received was 31 (range 12–40). Large effect sizes were observed for changes
in subjective recovery, self-reflectivity, understanding others’ minds, mastery, and emotional distress. Medium effect sizes
were observed for changes in negative, positive, and disorganized symptoms. This is the first study to suggest that MIT is
both acceptable to young people experiencing early psychosis and is associated with improvements in subjective recovery,
symptoms, and metacognition. Despite study limitations, evidence of MIT feasibility, acceptability and potential effects
was sufficient to warrant further investigation.

Keywords Metacognitive interpersonal therapy · Early psychosis · Metacognition · First-episode psychosis · Recovery ·

Early or first-episode psychosis (FEP) including schizo-

Felix Inchausti phrenia spectrum diagnoses usually begins in adolescence or young adulthood, with age of onset of schizophrenia
spectrum diagnosis frequently between 15 and 35 years
Department of Mental Health, Servicio Riojano de Salud,
Logroño, Spain (Kessler et al., 2007). Changes in the conceptualization
of recovery in severe mental disorders, improved data on
Research & Innovation Unit, Etiopathogenesis and Treatment
of Severe Mental Disorders (MERITT), Institut de Recerca chronicity and the heterogeneous course of long-term out-
Sant Joan de Déu Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu Sant Boi de come schizophrenia spectrum diagnoses disorders (Hard-
Llobregat, Teaching, Barcelona, Spain ing et al., 1987) suggests a shift towards recovery-oriented
Mental Health Networking Biomedical Research Centre, research, treatment, and policy. This has occurred along-
CIBERSAM, Madrid, Spain side grassroots activism embracing a broadened view of
Department of Educational Sciences, University of La Rioja, recovery, incorporating regaining autonomy over one’s life
Logroño, Spain and a return to meaningful life roles, even in the face of
Centre for Applied Developmental Psychology, Clinical ongoing symptoms or difficulties (Davidson & Roe, 2007;
and Health Psychology, School of Health in Social Science, Silverstein & Bellack, 2008). This aspect of recovery has
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland variously been labelled “recovery as process” or subjective
Center for Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy, Rome, Italy recovery. Implicit within this definition is that individuals
Centro de Salud Espartero, Unidad de Salud Mental Infanto- see themselves as more than a mental health patient, feel
Juvenil, Avenida Pío XII, 12 Bis, 26003 Logroño, La Rioja, empowered to make decisions about their lives and health

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

care, and can participate in aspects of their community that maintain personal boundaries but simultaneously create bar-
are meaningful to them (Davidson & Roe, 2007). riers between themselves and the others as coping strate-
This broadened view of recovery has several implica- gies, laying the foundations for future social isolation. The
tions for interventions offered to individuals with schizo- individual is not necessarily aware of his or her vulnerable
phrenia spectrum disorders in general, and emergent or self, which is generally experienced as a form of anxiety,
early psychosis in particular. The literature to date has physical weakness, or vague threat.
shown that early intervention in psychosis is essential for The second principle is metacognition. This refers to a
recovery, and those who receive early support have better spectrum of mental activities ranging from discrete acts in
outcomes than those who receive standard care (Morrison which individuals recognize specific thoughts and feelings to
et al., 2021). Early intervention in psychosis is related to a more sophisticated acts in which intentions, thoughts, feel-
range of improved outcomes such as symptom remission, ings, and links between events are combined into larger and
use of acute services, and level of functioning, albeit often more complex representations of self and others. Metacogni-
broadly defined. While these outcomes are important, there tion includes “mastery,” namely the ability to use metacogni-
is less evidence of how early intervention assists individuals tive knowledge to solve the psychologically or emotionally
with FEP to attain subjective recovery (Dixon et al., 2015). challenging events and social problems occurring in daily
Access to evidence-based early interventions for adoles- life (Semerari et al., 2003; Lysaker & Dimaggio, 2014).
cents with psychosis is paramount. To date, the mainstay All metacognitive domains may be impaired among people
of research and treatment for psychosis in adolescence has with schizophrenia, and these impairments are linked with
been antipsychotic medication, with a limited number of greater levels of social and vocational dysfunction (Lysa-
studies of psychological treatments for people presenting ker et al., 2013). These problems are key to understanding
with psychosis and under 25 years of age. One promising how psychosis arises. Patients do not understand that, for
intervention that may assist in promoting recovery in FEP is example, in a certain situation they automatically perceive
Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy (MIT; Dimaggio et al., themselves as being vulnerable and inadequate and others
2015, 2020). MIT hypothesizes that it is possible to improve as intending to subjugate them and that this is the antecedent
the effectiveness of psychotherapy for recovery in FEP by of psychological distress (for example, anxiety), which then
helping patients understand what psychotic symptoms mean leads to the emergence of psychosis. They also display low
in their personal experience, and in particular, how they levels of mastery (Vohs et al., 2015). For instance, they may
arise as a response interpersonal event according to their struggle with identifying psychologically healthy or adap-
pre-existing maladaptive schemas, for example being firmly tive responses in their attempts to manage their symptoms
convinced they are inferior, and that others will humiliate (e.g., coping skills, interpersonal effectiveness). From this
them. This perspective is consistent with cognitive-behav- perspective, FEP emerges as the outcome of difficulties in
ioural therapy (CBT) approaches to psychosis (Morrison et making sense of interpersonal exchange. Therefore, nega-
al., 2003; Chadwick, 2008; Kingdon & Turkington, 2008; tive emotion arises as a function of one’s actions, which are
Garret, 2019), which focus on the personal experience of themselves initiated under specific relational triggers. This
individuals with psychosis and the meaning they ascribe to contrasts with construing the difficulties as arising ‘out of
their experiences. CBT emphasizes the role of negative self the blue’ or via a generic social relational rule. Against this
and other schemata in determining the personal meaning of background, we explored whether MIT was associated with
relational events and the generation of fixed cognitions of an increased sense of recovery in young patients present-
threat. MIT approaches this in further detail, based on two ing with FEP, alongside reduced symptoms. Our position
fundamental principles. The first is that psychotic symptoms was that improved metacognition means that as individuals
have a meaning that is connected to the life of the individual become more aware of their inner experiences, their desires
experiencing them. As Salvatore et al. (2009, 2012, 2018) and worries, and progressively see themselves and the world
note, MIT proposes that the onset of FEP—and the recur- from a different perspective, one where they have greater
rence of symptoms later in the disorder—may be correlated agency towards personal goals and correspondingly fewer
with a fundamental experiencing of the self as ontologically negative cognitions and affect regarding self and others.
vulnerable, often elicited by either real or imagined poten-
tially stressful interpersonal situations. This experience of
the self as vulnerable can involve seeing oneself as being Aim of the Study
unable to cope with possible criticism or aggression from
others seen as superior and malevolent. This often leads to The aim of the study was to analyse the feasibility, accept-
detachment or reactive aggression as forms of maladaptive ability, and model effect sizes for a MIT-based psychologi-
coping. The end result is that these persons fear they cannot cal intervention for adolescents presenting with a FEP or an

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

Table 1 Sample characteristics Table 2 Magnitude of change in the study outcomes

Characteristics n = 23 Measure Baseline Posttreat- t– p–value d–value
Mean age in years (SD) 16.2 (n = 23) ment value (95% CIs)
(1.3) (n = 21)
Gender (%) 13 (56,5) QPR score 44.5 56.45 4.86 < 0.01**
1.46 (1.06,
Male 10 (43,5) (9.15) (7.10) 2.04)
Female PANSS 21.32 18.31 2.24 0.03** 0.68 (0.45,
DUP in months (SD) 14.2 scores (4.13) (4.71) 2.31 0.03** 1.00)
(9.7) Positive 16.71 13.94 2.04 0.05* 0.72 (0.48,
Highest level of education (%) 11 (45.8) Negative (3.62) (4.28) 1.22 0.23 1.05)
Secondary 12 (54.2) Disorgan- 20.16 17.61 3.68 < 0.01**
0.61 (0.40,
Further ised (4.68) (3.57) 3.81 < 0.01**
Excitement 17.20 15.71 0.37 (0.21,
Living arrangements (%) 19 (82.6)
Emotional (3.21) (4.66) 0.57)
Living with parent(s) and/or siblings 3 (13)
distress 25.14 18.75 1.12 (0.79,
Living in supported accommodation 1 (4.4)
Total (4.15) (6.90) 1.59)
Living with other family member(s)
73.90 61.12 1.16 (0.83,
Psychosis ICD-10 diagnosis 19 (82.6) (9.71) (12.25) 1.64)
At-risk mental state for psychosis 4 (17.4)
MAS–A 4.03 (0.81) 4.96 (0.87) 3.67 < 0.01**1.11
Comorbid ICD-10 diagnosis 16 (69.6) scores 2.54 (0.72) 2.92 (0.78) 1.68 0.10 (0.45,1.72)
None 6 (26.1) Self-reflec- 0.95 (0.79) 1.17 (0.71) 0.97 0.34 0.51 (-0.10,
One comorbid disorder 1 (4.3) tivity 3.08 (0.60) 3.90 (0.65) 4.35 < 0.01**1.10)
Two comorbid disorders Others 10.60 12.95 (2.74) 2.94 < 0.01**
0.29 (-0.31,
DUP = duration of untreated psychosis; ICD-10 = International Clas- Decentration (2.56) 0.88)
sification of Diseases, Tenth Revision Mastery 1.85 (1.15,
Total 2.56)
0.87 (0.25,
at-risk mental state for psychosis. Regarding potential effec- 1.49)
tiveness, the primary goal was to explore whether MIT was *p < .05 **p < .01 MAS–A = Metacognition Assessment Scale–
Abbreviated; PANSS = Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale;
associated with an increased subjective sense of recovery,
QPR = Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery
and secondly to estimate the effects of MIT on psychotic
symptoms (as measured by magnitude of clinical gains),
and in metacognition (the hypothetical change mechanism). and/or had received antipsychotic medication or psycholog-
ical intervention in the 3 months prior to referral. Case man-
agers of eligible participants were consulted about whether
Methods potential participants would be suitable for inclusion in the
study. Following this, suitable patients were invited to par-
Participants ticipate in the treatment.
Sample characteristics are shown in Table1. The mean
Twenty-three adolescents experiencing a FEP with schizo- age of participants was 16.2 years (SD = 1.3); 13 partici-
phrenia spectrum diagnosis or an at-risk mental state for pants were male, and 10 were female. The mean DUP was
psychosis were recruited from a child and adolescent men- 14.2 months. Most of participants were in high school and
tal health service (CAMHS) in La Rioja, Spain. Inclusion living with parent(s) and/or siblings. The mean PANSS total
criteria were: aged 14–18 years; experiencing FEP with cur- score was 73.9.
rent delusions or hallucinations met either the International
Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), criteria Intervention
for a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis or an at-risk mental
state for psychosis according to Yung et al., (2005); under All participants were offered medication by their usual care
the care of a Children and Young Peoples Mental Health team psychiatrist. Psychiatrists made decisions about the
Service; and able to provide written informed consent. type and dose of medication in line with routine practice,
Exclusion criteria included an ICD-10 diagnosis of organic and psychiatrists were free to change the dose and type of
psychosis; moderate to severe learning disability; primary medication throughout treatment if deemed necessary. The
diagnosis of alcohol or substance dependency; insufficient decision to start medication was made jointly between the
command of Spanish to provide written informed consent; clinician, young person, and parent/carer, including discuss-
scored ≥ 5 points on the Positive and Negative Syndrome ing the possible benefits and side effects of each drug and
Scale (PANSS) on conceptual disorganization; presented providing age-appropriate information. The physical health
with immediate risk to self or others at the time of referral; of participants was also monitored throughout the study.

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

Psychological intervention consisted of individual MIT patient thinks and feels “in the moment” whilst engaging
and family intervention based on MIT principles. Up to 40h in intersubjective dialogue, whilst also informing the thera-
of MIT was offered over a 12-month treatment timeframe, pist about the patient’s self-image, how they relate to oth-
with an additional four booster sessions over the subse- ers, and their metacognitively representations (Dimaggio
quent 6 months. Family intervention was delivered by the et al., 2020). Therapists can also tactfully divert patients
same MIT therapist, with up to six sessions available over from abstract and intellectualized or impoverished and frag-
the 6-month treatment window. Family intervention was mented narratives.
optional; therefore, participants and families could decide Finally, MIT stresses the importance of regulating the
to decline this component of psychological intervention if therapeutic relationship and working to prevent and repair
they wished. Considering a context of routine practice in a alliance ruptures. This is essential throughout the course of
public service, the minimal exposure to treatment for post- treatment because any intervention, no matter how tech-
test analysis was 12 or more MIT sessions. nically correct, is at risk during instances of relationship
rupture (Safran & Muran, 2000). Maintaining a constantly
MIT Description validating attitude is thus a fundamental aspect of regulat-
ing the therapeutic relationship (Linehan, 1993). Validating
MIT was originally designed for personality disorders consists of constantly expressing empathetic understand-
(Dimaggio et al., 2007; 2015, 2020) and adapted for the ing, acceptance, and support. This can be encapsulated as
treatment of psychosis (Salvatore et al., 2012a, b, 2018), in communicating the following within therapy: “I understand
line with the principles established by Lysaker et al., (2011). what you’re telling me (or what you’re doing), I can see
Its main goal is to progressively promote metacognition and the reasons, motivations, and emotions causing it, even if at
awareness of problematic forms of subjective experience first these aspects seem detrimental or counter-productive to
and of the schemata driving social behaviour. Once this is your wellbeing”.
achieved and patients are better able to think about men- At the onset of treatment for FEP the patient’s meta-
tal states, a therapist then facilitates individuals to question cognitive capacity is usually low, therefore the therapist
their rigid and maladaptive ideas about the self and others actively regulates the therapeutic relationship to avoid any
with the aim of developing new interpretations to fulfil pre- potential ruptures, whilst also developing relational engage-
viously suppressed wishes that they thought beyond their ment, a positive atmosphere within sessions and working
reach. With both personality disorders and schizophrenia to reduce emotional distress. The therapist also works to
spectrum disorders, MIT uses step-by-step procedures to teach the patient behavioural strategies for coping with
stimulate metacognitive skills throughout therapy (Dimag- distress whilst simultaneously promoting improvements in
gio et al., 2015, 2020). However, with patients presenting the patient’s ability to reflect on their own mind. Moreover,
have schizophrenia spectrum diagnoses, the therapist often to prevent and repair alliance ruptures it is important that
begins by promoting the functioning of the most basic levels therapists maintain a reflective stance even when clients
of metacognition. For example, if a patient is unable to rec- incorporate them within their maladaptive system. At the
ognize that their thoughts are their own (rather than thinking second stage, once it becomes possible to elicit the auto-
that the thoughts are introduced into his mind by an outside biographical episodes during which the psychosis emerged,
entity), the therapist first focuses on minimal interventions the therapist works to reduce the symptoms by promoting
aimed principally at “restoring” the patient’s agency over further improvements in the patient’s ability to reflect on
their own thoughts. Moreover, for persons with schizophre- their own mind, using an intervention hierarchy (Lysaker
nia diagnoses, the therapist considers moment-to-moment, et al., 2011; Salvatore et al., 2012a, b, 2018). This hierar-
and session-to-session fluctuations in the patient’s level chy aims to stimulate identification of problematic feelings
of metacognitive functioning, particularly in the context and understanding the link between interpersonal activating
of emotionally charged material. Eliciting specific narra- events, problematic feelings, and the onset of the psychosis.
tive episodes is used in MIT to identify and enrich details This enables the individual to make more complex psycho-
of clients’ inner experience in order to form deeper under- logical links between problematic interpersonal schemata
standing of interpersonal schemas, rather than relying on the and the FEP; and promotes more sophisticated metacog-
client’s immediate interpretation. Narrative autobiographi- nitive mastery of the FEP. At the third stage, the therapist
cal episodes—i.e., detailed accounts of personally relevant works with the client to form a more nuanced understand-
events—offer opportunities to explore patients’ subjective ing of the other’s mind, with the aim that the patient’s read-
experience, problematic emotions, meaning-making style, ing of others’ intentions becomes less exclusively driven by
and biased interpretations of the self’s and others’ ideas negative schemata such as that others will be dominant and
and intentions. Such episodes offer insights into what a malevolent.

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

MIT for psychosis has many similarities with metacog- Measures

nitive reflection and insight therapy (MERIT) (Lysaker &
Klion, 2018), and both draw on similar practice elements Recovery experience from psychosis was the primary out-
(for example, attention to the patient’s agenda, exploration come, assessed with the 15-item version of the Question-
of narrative episodes, and interventions to promote both naire about the Process of Recovery (QPR) (Law et al.,
self-reflectivity and metacognitive mastery) to progressively 2014.) Participants respond to the statements (such as ‘I
promote metacognition. Both also highlight the importance feel that my life has a purpose’) on a five-point scale from
of tactful regulation of the therapeutic relationship. The key strongly disagree to strongly agree, according to their expe-
difference is that unlike MERIT, MIT assumes that per- riences in the last 7 days. In this study, the Cronbach’s alpha
sons with significant psychopathology attribute meaning of the QPR scores was 0.89.
to events according to a series of maladaptive interpersonal Psychotic symptoms were the secondary outcome,
schemas. Therefore, a major task of therapy is enabling an assessed using the Spanish adaptation of the Positive and
awareness of such schemas whilst promoting different and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) (Peralta & Cuesta,
more flexible interpretations of personal events. A second 1994). Inter-rater reliability between 2 blind raters was
difference is that whereas MERIT has been developed to assessed regularly throughout the trial obtaining adequate
be theoretically integrative and technically eclectic, MIT inter-rater reliabilities (mean = 0.89; SD = 0.12).
is integrative and makes greater use of specific techniques Metacognition was assessed with the Metacognitive
drawn from the CBT tradition. Assessment Scale–Abbreviated (MAS–A) (Inchausti et
al., 2018; Lysaker et al., 2005; Semerari et al., 2003). The
Therapists, Training, and Treatment Fidelity MAS–A is a rating scale for assessing different forms of
metacognitive activity within personal narratives, with
The intervention was led by a Clinical Psychologist with total score ranging from 0 to 28, generated by summing
over 6 years’ experience in metacognitive-oriented thera- the scores of the four subscales. Higher scores on sub-
pies, alongside a co-therapist (a resident in training in scales indicate higher capacity to integrate and effectively
clinical psychology). Prior to starting MIT, both therapists use intersubjective information. Participants’ narratives
completed a 6-hr theoretical training program with material were obtained using the Spanish adaptation of the Indiana
provided by the authors of the original protocol. To increase Psychiatric Illness Interview (IPII) (Lysaker et al., 2002).
fidelity and adherence to protocol, the QUT–MIT Fidelity The MAS–A was scored from IPII transcripts. In this study,
Scale (Gordon-King et al., 2018) was used. Transcripts of inter-rater reliability for MAS-A scores revealed a signifi-
sessions were randomly selected and were scored by inde- cant intra-class correlation for all 4 subscales ranging from
pendent assessors using the QUT–MIT Fidelity Scale. Ther- r = .81 (p < .05) for ‘Decentration’ to r = .93(p < .01) for the
apy sessions were reviewed, and each competency were total score.
rated from 1 to 5 (1 = no evidence of competency, 3 = evi-
dence of satisfactory competency, 5 = evidence of very Statistical Analyses
strong competency). Item scores were averaged to produce
a final score. Both therapists received weekly supervision Statistical analyses were performed using SAS (SAS Insti-
by an external clinical psychologist with substantial expe- tute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). According to guidelines for pilot
rience in metacognitive-oriented psychotherapies. In these studies as specified by Arain et al., (2010), data collection
sessions, QUT–MIT Fidelity Scale scores were discussed, was aimed at statistically testing clinical impressions of the
and therapists received supervision on how they conduct the intervention and model future studies. Paired sample t-tests
therapy. and effect size calculations (Cohen’s d) were performed on
the outcome measures.
Feasibility and Acceptability Outcomes

Feasibility and acceptability were evaluated in terms of Results

adherence of participants, treatment fidelity assessed by the
QUT–MIT Fidelity Scale, therapy attendance and partici- At study end, 21 out of 23 (91.3%) participants had
pant’s treatment satisfaction. received twelve or more sessions of MIT and completed
end of therapy assessments. The average number of indi-
vidual MIT sessions received was 31 (range 12–40). Most
of participants (n = 18) received at least 26h of MIT (more
than 2 monthly sessions), and three participants between

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

12 and 26h. There were no serious adverse events related outreach approach taken on this study (flexibility regarding
to the study (as measured through therapist records). Par- time of appointment, text or letter reminders and flexibil-
ticipant’s satisfaction systematically monitored at the end of ity regarding rearrangement of appointment) was valued.
the MIT sessions was between moderate and high. Table2 Moreover, youth-specific factors, including school and col-
shows the magnitude of change in the study outcomes. Par- lege exams, moving away to university, preference to book
ticipants reported potential gains in subjective recovery on appointments via parents (who are often managing multiple
the QPR scale, equivalent to a potential large effect size, appointments and commitments) and frequently changing
including the 95% confidence interval (CI) for the estimate. mobile telephone numbers and/or e-mail addresses were
For PANSS scores, the largest potential improvement was in noted as challenges to maintaining engagement. Of note,
the emotional distress subscale, also with a potential large high attendance rates are emerging as a transdiagnostic
effect size, followed by significant potential improvements feature of MIT, across formats, geographical settings and
in the negative, positive, and disorganized symptoms sub- presenting diagnosis (Gordon-King et al., 2018; Inchausti et
scales, all with preliminary medium effect sizes (all d > 0.5) al., 2020; Popolo et al., 2021; Simonsen et al., 2021).
and 95% CI in the medium to large range. There were no Regarding magnitude of change in post-treatment out-
potential changes from baseline to end of treatment in the come it is important to note that this is the first applica-
excitative symptoms subscale. Finally, preliminary pre- tion of MIT to adolescents with early psychosis. Based on
post improvements were noted on MAS-A Self-reflectivity, our preliminary results, MIT is associated with potential
Mastery and Total scores, all with potential medium to large improved subjective recovery. These preliminary improve-
effect sizes (d > 0.8). ments appear to go in conjunction with improvements in
metacognition. Therefore, it is possible that the subjective
experience of recovery emerges via metacognitive change,
Discussion which drives an individual’s reinterpretation of their mal-
adaptive schemas (e.g., “I though the other would…. but
This pilot study primarily sought to examine the feasibility now I realize that…”), promoting formation of healthier,
and acceptability of MIT in routine practice for adolescents adaptive ideas about the self and their social context. These
aged 14–18 with FEP or an at-risk mental state for psycho- results are consistent with previous and more robust stud-
sis, focussing on subjective sense of recovery as the primary ies of MERIT in FEP (Leonhardt et al., 2018), schizophre-
outcome. A further aim was to estimate the potential effects nia and schizoaffective disorder (de Jong et al., 2019). In
of MIT on psychotic symptoms, as measured by magnitude de Jong’s et al. (2019) RCT, they reported improvements in
of clinical gains and in the hypothetical change mechanism self-reflectivity and mastery, suggesting that improvements
of metacognition. MIT demonstrated feasibility and accept- in understanding the other’s mind may require longer-term
ability via concordance with the core components of the interventions, with 40 of more sessions. Our 1-year inter-
original protocol and participant’s treatment adherence. vention may support this hypothesis. This is also consistent
Therapists also noted that active participation in fortnightly with MIT procedures, which initially promote self-reflec-
supervision was essential for successful application of MIT tion; and only once patients have improved capacity to see
for psychosis. themselves in a clearer and more detached way, can thera-
The treatment was highly acceptable to patients, with pists start helping the individual to form a more nuanced
only 2 dropouts from 23 participants (8.6%) and 21 partici- understanding of others. Based on our preliminary results,
pants received at least twelve sessions from MIT. The two it is plausible to suppose that FEP patients could be more
dropouts were motivated by issues unrelated to the study or sensitive or amenable to metacognitive change than patients
the psychopathology of the participants (moving to another with prolonged psychosis. This is consistent with the impor-
city for family work issues). Previous more robust studies tance of implementing early intervention programs in psy-
using metacognitive-oriented therapies in psychosis sug- chosis (McGorry, 2015).
gested dropout rates from 30 to 48.5% (Vohs et al., 2015; The theoretical framework for MIT suggests that changes
de Jong et al., 2019; Hamilton et al., 2011) reported a 30% in the PANSS are in part attributable to gains in awareness of
dropout rate across any psychological therapy for psychosis. mental states and the capacity to use it in order to deal with
The minimum “dose” criterion of twelve MIT sessions may social problems (Semerari et al., 2003). Thus, metacogni-
have enabled high treatment adherence in the context of tion could also be the mechanism of change underpinning
naturalistic clinical practice. Further, we suggest that flex- improvements in managing emotional distress. We found
ibility regarding appointments was also crucial to the high that MIT was associated with patient’s improved awareness
participants engagement in this study. Qualitative data from of their own mental states and their capacity to take a criti-
participants and family members indicated that the assertive cal stance towards their understanding of social interactions,

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

questioning maladaptive assumptions (e.g., others are going of change on a session-by-session basis would facilitate
to criticize or reject them). Our preliminary findings are thus analyses using contemporary case-series approaches such
congruent with previous studies showing improvements in as multi-level modelling, enabling estimation of the rela-
self-reflectivity are associated with a lower impact of emo- tive contribution of baseline factors, therapy protocol and
tional painful experiences on patients’ subjective distress therapist skills. The effects of the medication on the results
(García-Mieres et al., 2020). This also supports previous of the psychotherapeutic intervention were also not con-
evidence that developing a richer understanding of one’s trolled. Finally, absence of follow-up limited our capacity
own mind is a necessary condition for subjective experience to assess the stability of outcomes over time and the impact
of recovery after a FEP (García-Mieres et al., 2021). on relapse prevention.
Our study also found potential improvements in positive, To conclude, our preliminary data suggest MIT is a
negative, and disorganized symptoms. Although our study highly acceptable intervention for FEP young patients with-
had an inferior methodology and presented important limi- out observed adverse events. We show promising evidence
tations, the magnitude of post-intervention changes on posi- that working with therapeutic strategies that target directly
tive and negative was potentially similar to CBT RCT in a metacognitive skills may be a useful treatment for indirectly
comparable youth sample (Morrison et al., 2021). Of note, improving psychotic symptomatology, emotional distress
MIT does not try to challenge delusional beliefs, as this linked with the experience of the disorder, and the subjective
requires high level self-reflection skills, which are unlikely experience of recovery after FEP. The results of this pilot
to be present in patients with FEP (Trauelsen et al., 2016), study suggest that incorporating metacognitive approaches
especially in the context of emotional stress. With the sup- for the treatment of early psychosis in community mental
port of a validating atmosphere, the goal for a patient is to health services or hospitals reduces the burden of suffering
change their idea of not being able to cope with symptom- of young patients and their families, and improves their psy-
related suffering, whilst at the same time adopting a set of chosocial prognosis.
strategies (metacognitive mastery) that enable development
of a sense of agency over their symptoms. This will then Compliance with Ethical Standards The authors declare that they have
no competing interests. This study was conducted in compliance with
reinforce the patient’s ability to take action to solve his or local regulations and internationally established principles of the Dec-
her psychological problems. The magnitude of the change laration of Helsinki (64th World Medical Association General Assem-
in negative (higher than in positive symptoms) and disorga- ble, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2013). The Clinical Research Ethics Committee
nized symptoms can also be understood as relating advances of Rioja Salud approved the study and protocol. Before inclusion, all
patients were required to sign an informed consent form.
in metacognition, consistent with previous studies suggest-
ing a close relationship between metacognition and these
variety of symptoms (Lysaker et al., 2005, 2019; Salvatore
et al., 2012a, b; Vohs et al., 2015). This may be due to the
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support or reject our findings. Future Studies should also plaguing recovery. Journal of Mental Health, 16(4), 459–470.
compare MIT with an active control condition to determine de Jong, S., van Donkersgoed, R., Timmerman, M. E., Aan Het Rot,
the efficacy of MIT vis a vis extant intervention. Another M., Wunderink, L., Arends, J., van Der Gaag, M., Aleman, A.,
limitation was that although adherence was good thera- Lysaker, P. H., & Pijnenborg, G. (2019). Metacognitive reflec-
pists received minimal training. Future studies should look tion and insight therapy (MERIT) for patients with schizophrenia.
Psychological medicine, 49(2), 303–313.
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training and assessing fidelity to protocol. As only 2 thera- Dimaggio, G., Montano, A., Popolo, R., & Salvatore, G. (2015). Meta-
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protocol as opposed to therapists’ individual skills. Future cognitive Interpersonal Therapy: Body, imagery, and change.
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two time points. Modelling on outcomes and mechanisms mara, K. A., Mendon, S. J., Goldstein, A. B., Choi, C. W., Lee,
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