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Media and Information

Ø1. Define and explain copyright and other
related issues
Ø2. Discuss current issues related to
copyright in relation to actions of
government and private sectors
Legal, Ethical and Social
Issues in
Media and Information
Refers to the “creations of the
mind” such as inventions,
literary and artisitic works,
designs, symbols, names, and
images used in commerce”
(World Intellectual Property Organization, 2016)
•A legal term used to describe
the rights that creators have
over their literary and artistic
works and gives the creator
the sole right to publish and
sell that work
•occurs when a copyrighted
work is reproduced, distributed,
performed, publicly displayed,
or made into a derivative work
WITHOUT the permission of
the copyright owner.
• An act of using or closely imitating the
language and thoughts of another
author WITHOUT authorization; the
representation of that author’s work as
one’s own, as by not crediting the
original author.
• A legal principle stating that one can use
a copyrighted work WITHOUT a license
for the following prposes:
• Commentary
• Criticism
• Reporting
• Teaching
• Parody
•Exclusive right granted for an
invention, which is a product
or a process that provides, in
general, a new way of doing
something, or offers a new
technical solution to a problem.
•Distinguised sign of goods
or services that identifies
and differentiates from one
enterprise to another; a
signature mark
•Protects only the
appearance or aesthetic
features of product such
as shape, surface,
patterns, lines, or color.
• Signs used on products
possessing qualities, a status, or
characteristics that are essentially
attributable to that location of
•Involves activities that seek
to compromise digital
devices, such as computers,
smartphones, tablets, and
even entire networks.
•A type of social engineering
attack often used to steal
user data, including login
credentials and credit card
• Occurs when a criminal obtains or
uses the personal information of
someone else to assume their identity
or access their accounts for the
purpose of committing fraud, receiving
benefits, or gaining financially in some
•called as computer crime; any
criminal activity that involves
the use of a computer,
networked device, or a
network as an instrument to
further illegal ends
• The use of digital means of
communication that could hurt or
harass a person such as intentionally
sending hurtful texts or SMS
messages, posting embarrassing
photos or videos, and spreading
malicious rumors online.
• An overdependence or a
damaging need to do something
on computer or internet;
excessive use of computers to the
extent that it interferes with daily
•The digital inequality or gap
between groups in terms of
knowledge, usage, and access
to ICT due to circumstances
like location, income and age

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