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Task 2- Sofia Adibah binti Jasni MDZ23014

Engineering ethics calls the attention of engineers to professional codes of ethical

responsibility and personal values, but the practice of ethics in corporate settings can be more
complex than either of these Smith et al., (2021). At the moment, this environment of the
world has become more difficult in an increasingly complex world (Nair and Bulleit, 2020).
This is why engineering ethics need to be framed and taught in a way that addresses the
realities of the world's nature. Implementing engineering ethics provides numerous benefits
to both individuals and society as a whole. At an individual level, adherence to ethical
principles fosters a strong sense of professional integrity and personal fulfillment among

Furthermore, this engineering ethics implementation could enhance the decision-

making processes, ensuring that choices are guided by moral values and social responsibility.
For society, the implementation of engineering ethics safeguards public safety, as engineers
prioritize the well-being of communities over personal or corporate interests. Ethical
engineering practices contribute to sustainable development by considering environmental
impacts and promoting responsible resource use (Qureshi and Nawab). Moreover, a
commitment to ethics enhances public trust in engineering professions, fostering positive
relationships between engineers and the communities they serve (Carbajal and Alcaraz,
2006). Overall, the integration of engineering ethics not only elevates the quality of
engineering work but also contributes to the betterment of society through conscientious and
socially responsible technological advancements.


Carbajal, C., & Alcaraz, E. C. (2006). Trustworthiness and Integrity: Cardinal Virtues for
Engineers. Fourth LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference
for Engineering and Technology.

Nair, I., & Bulleit, W. M. (2020). Pragmatism and Care in Engineering Ethics. Science and
Engineering Ethics, 26(1), 65-87.

Qureshi, D. A., & Nawab, A. (n.d.). The role of engineers in sustainable development.
Symposium on Role of Engineers in Economic Development and Policy Formulation,
Smith, N. M., Zhu, Q., Smith, J. M., & Mitcham, C. (2021). Enhancing engineering ethics:
Role ethics and corporate social responsibility. Science and Engineering Ethics,

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