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Group 9: Tran Quang Hung, Hoang Ba Bao, Nguyen Huu Hoang

Background ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Aim ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Methods............................................................................................................................................... 3
Intended Result................................................................................................................................ 3
Database Design .............................................................................................................................. 4
Difficulties.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Evaluation about Final Result .................................................................................................... 6
Usage Guide ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Task of each member ..................................................................................................................... 7
In numerous hospitals and healthcare centers today, patients are required to
physically visit the staff in order to schedule an appointment with a doctor. This
process often entails a significant amount of time spent waiting, including
queuing and filling out personal information forms. Subsequently, patients
must endure another waiting period for their turn to see the doctor. This not
only proves to be a time-consuming endeavor but also adds to the exhaustion of
individuals who are already dealing with bodily ailments.

The conventional method of receiving patient orders is not only prone to errors
but also leaves patients feeling frustrated. In light of these challenges, the
objective of this project is to develop a SQL-based database that can address
these issues. By enabling patients to manage their personal information and
book appointments online, this database aims to save them valuable time that
would otherwise be spent waiting and undergoing administrative procedures.
Additionally, we also provide some features for doctors ( check patient’s
appointment history, viewing work schedule…) and database owners
(managing data and viewing reports … ) toơ enhance the overall functionality
and efficiency of the healthcare platform.

Function for Patient
1. Manage personal profile
2. View appointment history
3. View payment history
4. View appointments schedule
5. Book an appointment

Function for Doctor

1. View personal profile
2. View appointments schedule

Function for Admin

1. View Dashboard
2. Modify / Add data in database
3. View reports through charts
4. Update status of doctors, appointments

Additional features
1. Blog
Our goal is create a booking website following the process: Patient create
a account, login then book an appointment. Patient can check their
orders in Appointment History page. After doctor finish the
appointment, admin receive information from doctor and set status of
that appointment to finished.

Our project consists of four main steps. The first step is to design a database
that stores all the necessary data for the booking feature, such as the personal
details of the users and the resources of the healthcare center (rooms, services,
etc.). We will use an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) to model the database
schema. The second step is to implement the core functions and define basic
conditions (date/time/availability of doctors, rooms, etc...) for the profile
management, booking and cancellation features. We will use SQL to write the
queries and test them with a demo dataset ( about 10000 records ) for
correctness and efficiency. The third step is to create a user-friendly graphical
user interface (GUI) using Figma, which will allow the users to interact with our
system easily and intuitively. The fourth and final step is to integrate our work
into a complete project and try to add some extra features, such as blogs and/or
ranking systems.

In summary, our approach involves designing a database with necessary entities

and relationships, implementing essential functions for user management and
booking, testing SQL queries for accuracy, creating a user interface, and
potentially adding extra features such as blogs and rankings to enhance the
overall user experience.

Intended Result
This project provides many benefits for both patients and doctors. Patients can
save time by knowing the exact time of their appointment and keep track of their
treatment progress. By doing that, this project also encourages patients to
continue using the center's services by creating a habit of checking their
information and schedule regularly. On the other hand, doctors can view their
workload and access detailed records of previous appointments and gain a
better understanding of the patient's issues.

Moreover, the database facilitates data analysis and research by providing a

wealth of information on patient demographics, diagnoses, and treatment
outcomes. This data can be used to identify trends, improve care quality, and
inform clinical decision-making.

Overall, the database is a valuable resource for patients, doctors and healthcare
center owners by improving efficiency, communication, and care outcomes.
Database Design
Click to view high resolution file

1. ERD

2. Relational Schema

• Difficulties in managing large database: while testing, our program

crashed when number of record of a table reach above 5000. How can
we reduce running time, cost on function like searching/listing ?

 We create indexes (Btree) on st_ID then we filter out all the

records that meet the given condions. The result is the program
now can perform normally.

• Difficulties in checking some actual conditions of booking function

(for example, we cannot book an appointment when the center doesnt
have enough rooms at that time ) ?

 We restrict date on booking function to not allow booking date

in the past and create a button for admin to confirm if an
appointment is finished to set the status of room and doctor to
free (Trigger Function) . However, we still have problems with
generated data. Of course we cannot change the condition of all
appointment record by hand. Our function only work with new

• Difficulties in checking membership of patient after pay the bill

 After patients book an appointment, trigger queuries will run to

update total payment of patients then check the condition if they
have enough credit to upgrade membershipclass.

Evaluation about Final Result

We have developed a prototype of a web application that can manage
patient profiles and schedule appointments for a healthcare center. This
is the core functionality of our final project, which we have implemented
with the best of our abilities and resources.

However, we acknowledge that our prototype may not meet the

expectations or requirements of a real healthcare center, as it may lack
some features, security, or usability. We hope to improve our project with
more time and feedback, and demonstrate its potential value and impact.
Usage Guide
Click to view usage guide

Task of each member

Tran Quang Hung : GUI , SQL, Topic
Hoang Ba Bao : SQL, GUI, Generate Data
Nguyen Huu Hoang : ERD, SQL, GUI

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