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Exercise 13


he next time you are off to school, dreading the day ahead, stop yourself. Decide, just for one
day, to think in a whole new way. Try these affirmations- they just might change the way you
feel about what it is that you do.

✘ JUST FOR TODAY, I will be as friendly as can be to the people I meet in school, at
home, in my neighborhood. I am going to treat them as if they were responsible for keeping
me in school, for bringing me up, for making my life worthwhile, and be grateful they are

✘ JUST FOR TODAY, I won't assume that my job is to be a chief critic. I will try to see
the good in every situation and will look for something to praise in every person who walks,
talks, and breathes with me.

✘ JUST FOR TODAY, if I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and
self-restraint as if I were the one being corrected.

✘ JUST FOR TODAY, I am not going to insist that everything I do be perfect. I am not
going to try to break any speed records. I will do what is in front of me with competence, not
painful compulsion.

✘ JUST FOR TODAY, I will assume that I have adequate competence for my tasks. I will
not endlessly question whether I really deserve my titles. my laurels, and my comfortable

✘ JUST FOR TODAY, I will be grateful that I live in a society and time in which I do not
have to do backbreaking work in horrible circumstances. I will be thankful that I live in a free
country where no one is forcing me to what I am doing.

✘ JUST FOR TODAY, I will feel happy that I am in school, alive and well, and not in a
combat trench or in a hospital awaiting a major surgery.
✘ JUST FOR TODAY, I will not worry about "what's in it for me." I will think only about
what I can do to help out in every situation.

✘ JUST FOR TODAY, when I leave the school, I will not dwell on how much I did or did
not do well. Instead, I will look forward to the evening, and be thankful for whatever I

 These thoughts are not complex. Their merit is

they can make your days more productive and
happier. Above all, they can save wear and tear on
your most valuable asset-YOUR PEACE OF MIND.

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